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South Connemara Area , N: Derroura Subarea
Feature count in area: 14, all in Galway, OSI/LPS Maps: 44, 45, EW-CON
Highest Place: Shannavara 358m

Starting Places (40) in area South Connemara:
Angler's Return, Bealagrooaun, Brandy Harbour, Callanatrush Lough, Cashel Church, Cloonsie Quay, Cnoc Mordáin, Derroura Woods, Dogs Bay Beach, Drehidanookera Bridge, Drimmavohaun, Eragh Island South, Fuschia Lane, Glen Trasna Lough, Glencoaghan River Bridge, Gort Mór, Inaghbeg Path, Inchamakinna, Inishlay, Inishnee Bridge, Knockranny Road, Leitir Creamha Rua Lough, Lettercallow School Road, Lettershinna Hill, Loch Con Aortha N, Loch Con Aortha S, Lough Shindilla S, Maumwee Lough, Naughton's Property, Oorid Lough, Pound Road, Ross Quay, Roundstone, Screeb Waterfall, Seecon Wood, Tawnabeg Lough North, Tawnrawer Cartron, The Big Ring, Toombeola Bridge, Water Tank

Summits & other features in area South Connemara:
Cen: Kilkieran: Cnoc Mordáin 354m
E: Moycullen: Newtown Hill 198m
N: Cashel: Cashel Hill 311m, Lettershinna Hill 192m
N: Derroura: Cappanalaurabaun 273m, Keeraunnageeragh 305m
N: Oughterard: Cloghermore 280m, Knocknasilloge 346m, Knocknalee 291m, Leam Hill 253m
N: Shannavara: Knockadav 224m, Shannavara 358m
S: Lettermore: Lettermore 117m
W: Roundstone: Errisbeg 300m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Keeraunnageeragh, 305m Hill Caorán na gCaorach A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Caorán na gCaorach [], 'moor of the sheep'), Galway County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Keeraunnageeragh is the 1151th highest place in Ireland. Keeraunnageeragh is the second most northerly summit in the South Connemara area.
Grid Reference M05042 47462, OS 1:50k mapsheet 45
Place visited by: 26 members, recently by: Wes, TommyMc, Haulie, paulbrown, JamesClancy, afoster2001, markmjcampion, TommyV, bryanmccabe, Fergalh, eamonoc, dorchadha, chalky, tphase, fieldoptic
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.430664, Latitude: 53.468835, Easting: 105042, Northing: 247462, Prominence: 277m,  Isolation: 2.7km
ITM: 505012 747485
Bedrock type: Psammitic pelitic & semi-pelitic schists, (Streamstown Schist Formation)
Notes on name: A cairn at the summit is named Carn Seefin on the old ½ inch map (from Carn Suí Finn, 'cairn of Fionn's seat'). This is probably the hill named Knock Siffingen, located between Galway Bay and L. Corrib, on Speed's map of Connaught (1610). Has been called Derroura.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Krngrg, 10 char: Krngrgh

Gallery for Keeraunnageeragh (Caorán na gCaorach) and surrounds
Summary for Keeraunnageeragh (Caorán na gCaorach): Coillte comes out tops!
Summary created by JohnA, paddyhillsbagger 27 Sep, 2022
   picture about Keeraunnageeragh (Caorán na gCaorach)
Picture: Keeraunnageeragh summit cairn in the mist.
Access forest at Derura (M05739 48822) where there is a Coillte forest track which winds its way up the hillside. You can download a Coillte map of Derroura forest tracks on which is better than the OS map for this walk. Take a left at the top T-junction of tracks and head East to a rough forest cutting at A (M05664 47931). This short climb takes you up to the mountain bike trail from where you head roughly SSW across a boggy, heathery and rough terrain around the trees to the large summit cairn. You can shelter from any winds and/or rain at the top of the cairn in it's small hollow which I availed of to eat my sandwiches before heading down via the same route.
Member Comments for Keeraunnageeragh (Caorán na gCaorach)

   picture about Keeraunnageeragh (Caorán na gCaorach)
Picture: Clouds bullying Lackavrea and Knocknagussy from the cairn on Keeraunnageeragh
Coillte, Cairn and Copper
by fieldoptic 27 Sep 2022
The Coillte road from Derura (M05739 48822) makes this a very accessible hill. I departed from it at A (M05664 47931), and headed up to the mountain bike path, across that and made directly for the cairn. I found the going on the hill proper a little awkward with deep beds of grass making it a bit of a slog. The Cairn is impressively large, with a depression on the NE side and on top. The historic maps name it as Carn Seefin, so I take it there's a Fionn MacCumhaill connection. I had a damp day but it made for dramatic scenery on Lackavrea and Knocknagussy.

Coming down, shortly after junction on the Coillte road at B (M05143 48212) I made an unorthodox route down, following the small river. This section of the hill has an interesting geology with curious green tinted sandwiched stone in the river bed. I thought maybe it was marble but the green tint seems to be algae so I take it they are varying sandwiched schists. The river makes a bit of a ravine for itself and has a natural stone bridge it dives under and several small waterfalls. The largest of these at C (M056 482) has a hidden opening tucked into its left as you face it, a small mine opening that is not marked on the OSI map. The drop that the river falls down continues SE east along the contour of the hill and there are several disused old copper/pyrite mines along it. Seemingly there are quite a few boreholes and test mines on the hillside.. There was once a tramway that brought the ore to Lough Corrib shore near where the river meets the lake, from where it was brought by steamer to Galway harbour for export in the 19th C. The mines were run by the Hodgson family who lived at Currevagh house. Linkback:
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A quick summit slog
by moggy40 25 May 2011
Approached this from the Lake Shore on the Northern Side of the peak. The tracks showen on OS map 45 does not show the trails on this side correctly so would suggest using the map provided for the Derroura bike trail from Follow the tracks until you feel it appropriate to head on the mountain itself. From there the only way up crossing the bike trail on the way up. Going is tough with deep grass & heather. The top itself has a hugh cairn on the summit and the views heading west towards the Maamturks & Bens are great with the turks laid out in front of you. Well worth the effort in getting to the summit
An alternative approach could be from the N59 parking at the Derroura bike trail carpark. and following the bike trail. Linkback:
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   picture about Keeraunnageeragh (Caorán na gCaorach)
Picture: Looking west from Keeraunnageeragh...the deceptively handy fire break is mid picture.
Don't bother combining this hill with its neighbour.
by markmjcampion 8 Sep 2020
I did this summit as part of a 3 hour loop with Cappanalaurabaun. Unless there's a connecting route I'm unaware of I definitely wouldn't recommend it as You have to descend through some high tussocky grass while negotiating a lot of hidden groundwater, streams and fallen trees. There is an obvious fire break in the forest when you look west from Keeraunnageeragh and that's what tempted me onwards. It was by no means the worst traverse I've ever done but it was messy and definitely not for anyone with short legs! Linkback:
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   picture about Keeraunnageeragh (Caorán na gCaorach)
Picture: Lough Corrib from Keeraunnageeragh
A Dr Jekyll, Mr Hyde walk
by TommyV 27 Sep 2022
This walk starts out as a pleasant stroll through Derroura Wood from a forest entrance at Derura (M05739 48822). Follow the forrest track for about 1.5 kilometres then take the trail that veers off to the left at B (M05143 48212). After awhile you will encounter three mounds of gravel at A (M05664 47931), this is the indicator to take the short steep climb on the right that brings you up to the Derroura mountain bike trail. Here, the walk turns from Dr Jekyll to Mr Hyde. Cross the bike trail and hit up the waist deep tussocky grass for a gruelling 500 meter push to the large cairn at the summit. Be very careful as it's impossible to see where your feet are going. The inspiring views of Lough Corrib on the way back are hard to enjoy as you will be too busy picking your steps to safety. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.