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East Clare Area , S: 12 O'Clock Hills Subarea
Feature count in area: 9, by county: Clare: 8, Galway: 1, OSI/LPS Maps: 52, 58
Highest Place: Moylussa 531.6m

Starting Places (6) in area East Clare:
Ballycuggeran Forest, Belvoir Trailhead, Clarisford Park, Glenagalliagh, Glenwanish, Two Mile Gate CP

Summits & other features in area East Clare:
Cen: Slieve Bernagh: Ballykildea Mountain 412m, Cragnamurragh 526m, Glennagalliagh Mountain 446m, Moylussa 531.6m
N: Slieve Aughty: Cappaghabaun Mountain East 378m, Cashlaundrumlahan 358m, Maghera 400m
S: 12 O'Clock Hills: Knockanuarha 309m
S: Sixmilebridge: Woodcock Hill 310m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockanuarha, 309m Hill Cnoc an Uarha A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
, Clare County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Knockanuarha is the 1147th highest place in Ireland. Knockanuarha is the second most southerly summit in the East Clare area.
Grid Reference R53540 69824, OS 1:50k mapsheet 58
Place visited by: 66 members, recently by: Helgabee, Alatar78, Limerick5inarow, Tuigamala, Barrington1978, chelman7, annem, oakesave, Dee68, Moirabourke, BarnabyNutt, TommyMc, bryanmccabe, benjimann9, niallellis
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.689252, Latitude: 52.777828, Easting: 153540, Northing: 169824, Prominence: 170m,  Isolation: 6.5km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 553496 669867
Bedrock type: Black graptolitic shale & chert, (Ballymalone Formation)
Notes on name: Has been called Knockaphunta.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc309, 10 char: Kncknrh

Gallery for Knockanuarha (Cnoc an Uarha) and surrounds
Summary for Knockanuarha (Cnoc an Uarha): Low wooded hill with great views.
Summary created by simon3, jackill 26 May, 2024
   picture about Knockanuarha (Cnoc an Uarha)
Picture: Its on the right
There are a series of three looped walks starting from the Belvoir Trailhead Belvoir (R51655 70299) There is a local name for the area the "12 O'Clock Hills".

Alternatively, park at A (R52372 69303) and then walk east on tracks for 1.1km to a track junction. Head NE, leaving the road following a boggy old wall, aiming for B (R53607 69881),walk SW on an indistinct path to the trig pillar.

You may be tempted when coming from the R471 to go north to the stretch of road near the the summit by driving via C (R5481 6824) - this road isn't passable from the south.
Member Comments for Knockanuarha (Cnoc an Uarha)

   picture about Knockanuarha (Cnoc an Uarha)
Picture: View to the west of Knockanuarha
simon3 on Knockanuarha
by simon3 23 Oct 2009
From the R471 Sixmilebridge to Cloonlara road it is possible to drive north from a place marked as Oatfield (D (R5426 6727)). The road worsens as you ascend, becoming potholed though as of 2009 still passable in an ordinary car. Park at A (R52372 69303) and then walk east on tracks around 1100m to a point where a number of tracks meet. Marvel or at least mutter darkly at the number of remains of car burnings here - I counted 6 without trying; apart from Clermont Carn, I've never seen anything like it. There are at least two ram wrecked forest gates of the heavy steel variety. Head NE, leaving the road following a boggy old wall, aiming for B (R53607 69881) from where it is possible to walk SW on a better-than-nothing path to the trig pillar.

Incidentally you may have been tempted when coming from the R471 to go north to the stretch of road near the the summit by driving via C (R5481 6824) - this road isn't passablefrom the south.

What delights await you on the summit? Well there's views east to the Slieve Bernaghs around 10k away. To the west there is this view of the river Fergus. Linkback:
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A short trek on Knockanuartha
by acorn 9 Mar 2013
Took advantage of a slight stretch in the evenings to pay a visit to Knockanuartha.
Take the R471 from Sixmilebridge towards Cloonlara as far as the junction marked “Oatfield” on OS map. GR E (R54224 67324). A little church on the minor road to the right will confirm that you are at the right place. Parking for a few cars here if you prefer to continue on foot. Taking the left hand turn, heading north, I drove for about 2km until tired of dodging potholes, I parked at a forestry track at GR F (R53349 68664). From here I continued on foot for 800m to a junction at GR G (R52860 69143), a Caoillte bye laws sign marks the spot. Turn right here, 380m to a radio mast at GR H (R53224 69192) and a further 280m to junction of several tracks at GR I (R53422 69498). Take the track on the right, heading east for 500m to a bend at GR J (R53684 69792) where you will see a mucky track climbing the steep bank in front of you. This will lead you to the trig point 200m further on. Hope this makes sense, it’s not as tricky as it sounds !

Glad to report, no burned out cars to be seen. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockanuarha (Cnoc an Uarha)
Picture: Knockanuarha Summit Trig
Bonfire Mountain
by sandman 6 Jun 2013
Having the good fortune to finish work early on a fantastic hot day, decded to visit some summits in the Shannon area. Knockanuarha Hill or Bonfire Mountain would be a better name in view of all the burned out fires.
I approached from the Belvoir side road, not too bad of a road, and contiinued to forest entrance on left at K (R52365 69298), you can park here or drive further in to first junction at L (R52652 69370). Keep left at this junction, which is blocked to vehicular access and right at next T junction, keeping left at crossroads M (R53454 69462) which will allow you direct access to the summit. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockanuarha (Cnoc an Uarha)
Picture: View towards Moylussa
Worth a visit
by eamonoc 26 Jul 2014
Climbed Friday 25th July. Thanks acorn for great directions, was able to drive to G (R52860 69143). From here it was a pleasant 15mins walk to Summit trig point. Was above the blanket of heavy fog that covered much of the country hereabouts today. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockanuarha (Cnoc an Uarha)
Picture: Bridge over the river Crag
What time is it?
by TommyV 1 Jul 2019
Known locally as the 12 o'clock hills the locals have made a great job in creating two walking trails, the red trail and the longer blue trail. These can be accessed from two trail heads, at Snaty and Belvoir. I parked at the Bevoir trailhead at N (R51551 70222) and followed the blue waymarker arrows which will take you on a nice 8.5km loop through forest and out onto the open mountain where a trail that leads all the way to the trig on Knockanurha. The markers will lead you down the mountain again passing in through some forest and back to the trailhead. Great job by the locals in the area for putting in such a fine effort. Keep up the good work! Linkback:
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(Various variations used.)
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.