Took advantage of a slight stretch in the evenings to pay a visit to Knockanuartha.
Take the R471 from Sixmilebridge towards Cloonlara as far as the junction marked “Oatfield” on OS map. GR
E (R54224 67324). A little church on the minor road to the right will confirm that you are at the right place. Parking for a few cars here if you prefer to continue on foot. Taking the left hand turn, heading north, I drove for about 2km until tired of dodging potholes, I parked at a forestry track at GR
F (R53349 68664). From here I continued on foot for 800m to a junction at GR
G (R52860 69143), a Caoillte bye laws sign marks the spot. Turn right here, 380m to a radio mast at GR
H (R53224 69192) and a further 280m to junction of several tracks at GR
I (R53422 69498). Take the track on the right, heading east for 500m to a bend at GR
J (R53684 69792) where you will see a mucky track climbing the steep bank in front of you. This will lead you to the trig point 200m further on. Hope this makes sense, it’s not as tricky as it sounds !
Glad to report, no burned out cars to be seen.
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