Cullenagh Mountain April 2019
From forest entrance at
A (S48462 90374) walk along the track, first tending North East then curving round to tend South East.
After 1 km from the start you reach a junction in the tracks at
B (S49331 90428).
At this junction head South, gently uphill, along a good track for 460 metres to where there is another junction.
Take the left fork and continue straight uphill SSE (approx. 160 degrees) for around 525 metres (the fork to the right leads to the Communications Towers)
The track now begins to tend East, then North then curves around South again becoming grassy and a little mucky as you ascend.
You eventually come to a small clearing near the summit at
C (S49907 89629).
You then have to dive into the trees, on a bearing of approx. 200 degrees, for 80/90 metres to reach the trig pillar at
D (S49855 89565).
The line of the tree planting has, thankfully, made these last 80 / 90 metres reasonably easy to negotiate.
You may have to crouch but you should not have to resort to crawling on your hands and knees.
The trig pillar area is located in a small clearing and the light from this clearing, reaching faintly into the forest, will help you locate it.
The ground around the trig pillar has a healthy growth of briars and nettles but is still a welcome sight.
You can return to the start by the same route or, alternatively, on returning the last 80 / 90 metres to the clearing, head South down the grassy muddy track to reach a good gravelled track at
E (S49859 89314).
By then turning left (East) and descending on this good track tending NNE, past a quarry on your left, and heading NW after crossing an earth barrier across the track at a junction at
F (S50060 89920), about 550 metres from the quarry,
and following this track as it curls round to the west then crossing a bridge over a stream at
G (S49355 90406), eventually arrive back at the junction mentioned above (B) just 1km from the start.
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