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Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew Area , W: Castlebaldwin Subarea
Feature count in area: 8, by county: Sligo: 4, Leitrim: 3, Roscommon: 2, of which 1 is in both Leitrim and Roscommon, OSI/LPS Maps: 25, 26, 32, 33
Highest Place: Carrane Hill 458m

Starting Places (8) in area Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew:
Ballinafad, Carricknahorna, Carrownadargny, Keshcorran Caves, Knockateean Colliery, Leitrim Village, Scardan Waterfall, Tullynahaw Wind Farm

Summits & other features in area Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew:
N: Arigna: Carrane Hill 458m, Seltannasaggart 428m, Seltannasaggart SE Slope 412m
SE: Leitrim Village: Sheemore 178m
SW: Boyle: Curlew Mountains 255m
W: Castlebaldwin: Barroe North 226m, Bricklieve Mountains 321m, Keshcorran 359m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Bricklieve Mountains, 321m Hill An Bricshliabh A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Bricshliabh [], 'the speckled mountain'), Sligo County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Bricklieve Mountains is the 1114th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference G75334 11729, OS 1:50k mapsheet 25
Place visited by: 80 members, recently by: benjimann9, markwallace, oakesave, andalucia, conormcbandon, poopoobasto, Marty_47, FilHil, Hyperstorm, Geansai, Tomaquinas, melohara, marcel, peterturner, rollingwave
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.377358, Latitude: 54.054237, Easting: 175334, Northing: 311729, Prominence: 173m,  Isolation: 4.2km
ITM: 575291 811741
Bedrock type: Bioclastic cherty limestone, (Bricklieve Limestone Formation (upper))
Notes on name: The megalithic cemetery of Carrowkeel, consisting of a complex of neolithic passage tombs, is situated on the Bricklieve Mountains. Despite their relatively low height, these hills are remarkably rugged. See Máire MacNeill, 'The Festival of Lughnasa' (pp. 187-88) for details of the festive assembly at Carricknahorna or Skein Hill on the southern edge of the Bricklieve Mountains.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Brc321, 10 char: BrcklvMntn

Gallery for Bricklieve Mountains (An Bricshliabh) and surrounds
Summary for Bricklieve Mountains (An Bricshliabh): Ancient history in abundance
Summary created by wicklore 24 Jul, 2010
   picture about Bricklieve Mountains (An Bricshliabh)
Picture: Looking out from within a tomb
Bricklieve Mountains are home to many passage tombs, and it is possible to climb into several of them via narrow passages. This collection of tombs is known as the Carrowkeel Passage Tombs. These tombs are neolithic and are up to 800 years older than the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. (the tombs are up to 5400 years old) Bricklieve is easily reached from Castlebaldwin on the N4 road. Follow signs from Castlebaldwin for the Carrowkeel passage tombs, or if self-navigating head for A (G740 122) to reach the entry road. There is space for several cars at this popular tourist destination. There are nice views of nearby Lough Arrow, as well as the surrounding farmland. However this hill will better be visited for the attractions on its summit as opposed to the views.
Member Comments for Bricklieve Mountains (An Bricshliabh)

three5four0 on Bricklieve Mountains
by three5four0 16 Apr 2009
From the N4 at Castlebaldwin (a possible former home of Alec?) follow the Carrowkeel Megalithic Cemetery sign posts, sometimes just saying Tombs south west on a minor road (there is also signs for a Historical Trail). At a road junction at B (G740 122) turn left then take the first right up hill on a small track. Next there is a gate, where some people park, go through and close the gate behind you and drive on further. Shortly come to signs, warning that the rest of the track is unsuitable for coaches!, not with standing the interesting sight that a coach turning or meeting another vehicle on this track would make, you can park here. Those who drive a pretend 4 wheel drive jeep or indeed the real McCoy can drive further till C (G752 121), where there is space for 2 cars / rancheros, cross out as applicable. Note!, the track to here has pot holes and only one possible passing place, it is not the road you would want to have to reverse far on, better to park by the signs.

From C (G752 121) walk south east up hill, on a well trod route, to the first Megalithic Tomb, once you crawl into the chamber it is high enough to stand up. The second Tomb is a lot tighter, but you can still crawl in, make sure to bring the torch.

After exploring the Tombs walk the short distance to the summit, which has a further two sites either side of the summit. This is an amazing hill for its size, with Megalithic Tombs, Cairns & Hut sites and great views, one visit will not be enough. Linkback:
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Geo on Bricklieve Mountains
by Geo 27 Sep 2009
Concur with paddyhillsbagger about three5four0's description as being accurate and much better than I could give. Wife and I were bone idle and drove up to very end of the track, although rough its quite passable with care in a car. Views were reasonable but would have been stuuning if the day was better. If you want a place to appreciate burial tombs which is relatively remote but easy to get to, only a few kms from the N4, this is your place. And if you are short of time you can drive right up like me and have it bagged within a half hour of the N4. Very nice place, really is worth a return visit with time to explore and see more. Liked this one a lot! Linkback:
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   picture about Bricklieve Mountains (An Bricshliabh)
Picture: bricklieve mtns
room with a view..
by scannerman 17 Aug 2012
took a sojourn to the bricklieve mtns and Carrowkeel tombs just recently, quite a beautiful and panoramic area, you can see why the ancients choose this site..the views over the surrounding countryside are superb. Linkback:
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   picture about Bricklieve Mountains (An Bricshliabh)
Picture: Megalithic Tomb on a not so nice day
Megalithic Cemetery
by TommyV 31 Oct 2018
Starting at D (G74477 11834) along a road on the Miners Way before a sign at Ck'naHorn (G74709 11230) indicates it's time to branch off for Carrowkeel. After about 2km the road ends near the summit. Head South East and you will soon come across the first passage tomb. A second one lies a little further on and then the largest one is at the summit of the hill. There are many more tombs in the area, but as the weather was poor I didn't stick around to explore. On a fine day I'm sure the views over Lough Arrow would be lovely. Linkback:
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   picture about Bricklieve Mountains (An Bricshliabh)
Picture: where the druids sleep
A magical walk on the miners trail
by sperrinlad 30 May 2016
a magical walk as part of the historic miners trail, i fell in love with the place and spent quite some time inside the ancient tombs on the summit, these tombs are thought to predate the Egyptian pyramids, they remained sealed from their date of construction until the 1930's. Linkback:
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