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Slieve Mish Area , Cen: Baurtregaum Subarea
Feature count in area: 16, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 71, EW-DC, EW-DE
Highest Place: Baurtregaum 849.7m

Starting Places (16) in area Slieve Mish:
Caherconree Scenic Route, Derrymore West Trail, Doonore South, Emlagh Cross, Emlagh Wood, Feighatidura Cove, Fybagh School, Glanaskagheen Wood, Greenlawn Cross, Laharn Viewpoint, Lougher, Maum Cross, Maumnahaltora Cross, R561 Lissaroe, Tonavane Cross, Tonavane Walk Kerry Camino

Summits & other features in area Slieve Mish:
Cen: Baurtregaum: Baurtregaum 849.7m, Baurtregaum Far NE Top 601.2m, Baurtregaum NE Top 818.5m, Baurtregaum NW Top 723m, Caherconree 835m, Castle Hill 599m, Gearhane 792m
E: Barnanageehy: Barnanageehy 561m
W: Aughils: Beenduff 515m, Caherbla 585.2m, Emlagh 483m, Knockbrack 459m, Knockmore 565m, Lack Mountain 465m, Moanlaur 566m
W: Camp: Corrin 332m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Baurtregaum NW Top, 723m Mountain Barr Trí gCom (mullach thiar thuaidh) A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
For origin of name, see Baurtregaum., Kerry County in Munster province, in Vandeleur-Lynam, Arderin Beg, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Baurtregaum NW Top is the 96th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference Q74724 08358, OS 1:50k mapsheet 71
Place visited by: 164 members, recently by: Alatar78, jackos, patman1974, RosieMc, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, Hjonna, abcd, farmerjoe1, nupat, NualaB, rhw, CusackMargaret, johncusack, a3642278
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.833549, Latitude: 52.213249, Easting: 74724, Northing: 108358, Prominence: 18m,  Isolation: 0.7km
ITM: 474702 608416
Bedrock type: Aeolian sandstone, (Kilmurry Sandstone Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: BrtrNW, 10 char: BrtrgmNWTp

Gallery for Baurtregaum NW Top (Barr Trí gCom (mullach thiar thuaidh)) and surrounds
Summary for Baurtregaum NW Top (Barr Trí gCom (mullach thiar thuaidh)): Impressive outlier of main summit
Summary created by Colin Murphy 04 Jun, 2013
   picture about Baurtregaum NW Top (Barr Trí gCom (mullach thiar thuaidh))
Picture: As seen from the south
Park at DerMor Tr (Q743 107) (Point A), where the narrow road turns to the left, beside a nearby a house, and where there is just room for a couple of cars. Head up the track at the side of the house and you will reach a stile which leads onto the open mountain. Follow a faint path to the right of the gorge of the Derrymore River. You will need to cross the river at some point, probably around A (Q744 093). There are a number of impressive waterfalls to your left as you proceed in a SSE direction for roughly 1km up the steeply rising slope, but which is quite climbable. The well-defined summit is rocky with a number of large, flat boulders scattered about.
Member Comments for Baurtregaum NW Top (Barr Trí gCom (mullach thiar thuaidh))

   picture about Baurtregaum NW Top (Barr Trí gCom (mullach thiar thuaidh))
Picture: The perching stone of Bautregaum NW
simon3 on Baurtregaum NW Top
by simon3 16 Nov 2005
Often it's the outlying tops of any given mountain area that have the most interesting views. (Think Knockastakeen in the Galtees or Bla Bheinn in the Cuillins on Skye). This top is 750m NW of the main summit, giving a commanding position overlooking the Derrymore Glen and views of the Gearhane to Caherconree ridge.

And then there are these odd perching stones on the summit. The coastline behind is around Fenit and the island above and slightly to the left of the left stone rejoices in the name "Fenit Within". Linkback:
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   picture about Baurtregaum NW Top (Barr Trí gCom (mullach thiar thuaidh))
Picture: Baurtregaum NW - a rounded conical ridge
simon3 on Baurtregaum NW Top
by simon3 14 Nov 2005
This picture of BNW was taken while ascending Gearhane from the North. From this angle BNW looks remarkably conical -- It's like a huge pleated skirt. (You need some imagination to see this. ok lots) Linkback:
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   picture about Baurtregaum NW Top (Barr Trí gCom (mullach thiar thuaidh))
Picture: Baurtregaum NW Top from the Dingle Way
Not a Bad Looker
by omurchu 12 Feb 2015
Instead of slogging up Gerhane, an nice alternative route to Caherconree, Bautregaum and its adjacent tops is to head into Derrymore Glen (following the Derrymore river) and scramble up the back wall of the coum behind the lakes. Linkback:
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   picture about Baurtregaum NW Top (Barr Trí gCom (mullach thiar thuaidh))
Picture: B NW from Scragg to the north east
A beautiful glen - worth visiting in its own right
by Bunsen7 20 Aug 2021
As I started out, mist was descending from the south over the col between Bautregaum and Caherconree down into Derrymore Glen. Baurtregaum NW was coming in and out of view.

I followed the rocky track into Derrymore Glen (along the west side of the river) from the Dingle Way to the North. Kept going south until almost reaching the largest lake towards the head of the glen where it is easy to step across the multiple shallow, narrow streams and head north-eastwards to reach this subsidiary top.

Crossing the streams further north would be more difficult as they have cut ravines and there is a deep cutting stream flowing out of the col between this top and the Scragg spur to the north east.

Upon reaching BNW, having completed my sole objective on this evening outing and with thick mist above the 700 metre mark I had the choice of retracing my steps back to the beautiful glen or finding a route back down to the north.

Reaching for Adrian Hendroff's book on Dingle I noted his suggestion of heading north east to point 657, marked as Scragg on the OS (a nice viewpoint in its own right), then north/north west down the steep slope of Scragg. With hindsight, I really don't think this is a good way down. As Hendroff notes (though I would rather caution), the lower reaches of the northern slope of Scragg, (as is the case seemingly pretty much with the lower northern reaches of all the Slieve Mish), are heavily cloaked in very deep heather, grass, and worse still, bracken. It is quite difficult to safely make your way down as the high bracken in particular conceals a multitude of ankle snaring hollows, rocks and crevices. At the very least, this should not be attempted without sticks. I was very happy to have exited this "wouldn't wish on my worst enemy" purgatory and safely find my way back to the Dingle Way.

That said, the glen itself is a marvellous place to visit, so if I had my time again, I might have tried to get back down the steep slope towards the larger lake and enjoy the views of the cascading streams down the walls of the glen in the swirling mist. Linkback:
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