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Donegal East Area , NW: Letterkenny Hills Subarea
Feature count in area: 12, all in Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 12, 6, 7
Highest Place: Culliagh SE Top 369m

Starting Places (9) in area Donegal East:
Ardnabreena, Ballystrang School Ruin, Corlacky Burn, Edenacarnan East, Edenacarnan South, Garrangalta Rocks, Knockbrin, Labbadoo Wood, Sruthaunagallagh Stream

Summits & other features in area Donegal East:
N: Raphoe: Binnion Hill 190m, Dooish Mountain 266m, High Bank 171m, Mongorry Hill 284m
NW: Letterkenny Hills: Ballystrang 292m, Cark Mountain 364m, Culliagh SE Top 369m, Gregory Hill 336m, Knockbrin 259m
S: Castlefinn Hills: Croaghan Hill 217m, Fearns Hill 231m, Meenavally 219m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Gregory Hill, 336m Hill Cnoc Mhic Gréagóir A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(poss. Ir. ‡Cnoc Mhic Gréagóir [PDT], 'hill of the Gregory
, Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Gregory Hill is the third highest hill in the Donegal East area and the 1087th highest in Ireland. Gregory Hill is the second most northerly summit in the Donegal East area.
Grid Reference C11618 12412, OS 1:50k mapsheet 6
Place visited by: 22 members, recently by: dregish, conormcbandon, Carolyn105, Wilderness, AntrimRambler, jackill, eamonoc, Fergalh, magicstep, Aidy, sandman, chalky, mark-rdc, Brambler, Garmin
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.819431, Latitude: 54.959111, Easting: 211618, Northing: 412412, Prominence: 241m,  Isolation: 5.5km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 611565 912398
Bedrock type: Banded semi-pelitic & psammitic schist, (Termon Formation)
Notes on name: Overlooks Letterkenny. So named from a family in whose possession it was about 60 years since. [OSNB]
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: GrgrHl, 10 char: GrgryHil

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Member Comments for Gregory Hill (Cnoc Mhic Gréagóir)

   picture about Gregory Hill (Cnoc Mhic Gréagóir)
Picture: Powerful winds of Donegal farmed.
Low hill to the west of Letterkenny.
by simon3 8 May 2023
This hill is around 7km west of Letterkenny. Unless someone knows a better way up, I think it is strictly for list tickers. Ticks, ah yes we'll come to that.

There may be other ways up via the forest to the east of the top, however we started from a point on the road at A (C11555 12969). One way is to go 135m west to a very rough track going southish. However the track is so bad it may be easier simply to pick a path across the rough ground straight for the summit which is only around 540 metres from the road. The ground is extremely unpleasant with high heather, squishy and undrained underfoot and very tiring.

Which brings me to ticks. Despite wearing long trousers and long sleeves two of us got ticks. This is never pleasant, however there is the additional risk of Lymes disease, made more likely by the presence of animals such as a herd of goats near the top. Wear long clothes and check yourself carefully after doing this summit. You've been warned. (If you do think you've been infected, get treatment within 72 hours to avoid the nasty incurable side-effects.)

The summit has one of those ground level trig markers that the OSI sometimes used. The view is pretty good in a number of directions. There is a vista of wind turbines to the south of which those shown in the posterised picture are only a small selection, reminding us that Donegal currently has the second largest number of windfarms in the Republic. Linkback:
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Tickless on Gregory Hill
by three5four0 18 Apr 2010
We followed the track, mentioned by simon3, which had several sections where you had to leave it unless you wished to be up to your knees in foul smelling mud and animal secretions! After a short distance the track preformed a switchback and improved in quality, well slightly, and brought you within sight of the fence running over the summit area. We followed this a short distance uphill, crossed it and walked over to the highest point, only noticing the ground level trig marker when we got there. We also made it home tick-less!

One good way of checking yourself for ticks, is to have a shower instead of that nice relaxing bath after your day out in the hills. When washing yourself or indeed your partner with shower gel, a tick will feel like a bit of hard skin or a small bramble thorn which will move back and forward as you move your hand over it, feel something like this you need to investigate further! Also, you can now purchase tick removal tweezers, which are a far superior way of removing them. Linkback:
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   picture about Gregory Hill (Cnoc Mhic Gréagóir)
Picture: View N to Donegal Highlands from Gregory Hill
Gregory Hill
by Harry Goodman 8 May 2023
Climbed Gregory Hill on Tues 8th April by parking off road at A (C11555 12969) and walking west along the road, as suggested by simon3, to a gate and old rough track at B (C11449 12893) going SW up the hillside. While I found the track muddy and very boggy in places, I had no difficulty in by-passing these patches and otherwise found the going quite good. Where the path petered out, rather than take the open hillside directly to the top I continued straight ahead along the faint lines of a track (possibly made by a quad) up to a fence. From here I I turned left and followed the fence up to its high point where I crossed over and walked some 50-60 metres out to the summit marked by a ground level OS trig marker and a few stones, all atop a large peat hag. On my way down I decided to try simon3's "off piste" route and made directly for the track I had come up. I must agree with him that this is very unpleasant rough ground indeed with high heather (even in April) and squishy and undrained underfoot. In short, I soon abandoned it and made my way across to the track as a matter of some urgency. This short walk can be completed, up and down, in less than forty minutes but take my advice and follow the track and fence both up and down. The 360 degree panorama of the Donegal Hills and beyond make it all worthwhile. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.