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Feature count in area: 16, all in Mayo,
OSI/LPS Maps: 22, 30, CBW, EW-ACC, EW-ACC
Highest Place: Croaghaun 688m
Starting Places (16) in area Achill & Corraun: Achillbeg Island, Achillbeg Mid West Beach, Barneygappul Strand, Belfarsad Bridge, Breanaskill, Bunanioo Church, Cartron River, Clare Island, Doogort Beach, Fiodián na Circe, Keem Bay, Lough Acorrymore, Lough Gall, Minaun Mast, Rossnafinna Island, Tobercolman Cross Cemetery
Summits & other features in area Achill & Corraun: Cen: Minaun: Minaun (Achill Island) 466m N: Slievemore: Krinnuck (Achill Island) 214m, Slievemore (Achill Island) 671m NW: Croaghaun: Benmore (Achill Island) 332m, Cornaclea Hill (Achill Island) 269m, Croaghaun (Achill Island) 688m, Croaghaun SW Top (Achill Island) 664m S: Knockmore Achill: Achillbeg Island N Top (Achillbeg Island) 109.7m, Achillbeg Island S Top (Achillbeg Island) 108.5m, Knockmore (Achill Island) 337m, Tievereivagh (Achill Island) 286m SE: Corraun: Knocklettragh 452m, Corraun Hill 524m, Corraun Hill Highpoint 541m SW: Clare Island: Knockmore (Clare Island) 462m, Knocknaveen (Clare Island) 223m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Knockmore, 337mHill An Cnoc Mór A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Cnoc Mór [PDT], 'the big hill'), Cruckmore, Cruach Mór, Mayo County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Knockmore is the 1082th highest place in Ireland. Reachable "On Foot " Y Grid Reference L69023 99360,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 30 Place visited by: 31members, recently by: poopoobasto, elizauna, Wes, annem, markmjcampion, TipsyDempy, finkey86, FrankMc1964, Fergalh, David-Guenot, trekker, frankmc04, jlk, Oileanach, Garmin, Island visited by 585 members.
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
, I visited this island: NO
Longitude: -9.99466, Latitude: 53.927106, Easting: 69023, Northing: 299360,
Prominence: 259m, Isolation: 3.9km ITM: 469001 799371 Bedrock type: Psammitic & semi-pelitic schists, (Sraheens Lough Formation) Notes on name: For a walk to the summit of Knockmore, see Siúlóidí Acla, walk J.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc338, 10 char: Knockmo337 Linkback:
Gallery for Knockmore (An Cnoc Mór) and surrounds
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Add a Place Comment for Knockmore, An Cnoc Mór (915) in Area: Achill & Corraun, S: Knockmore Achill, County: Mayo, S: Knockmore Achill
As Knockmore was the last remaining hill that I had not, as yet, climbed on Achill I decided to do so on Mon. 20 June 2011. As I had read wicklore's post of his climb starting from the south I thought I would take a look at a climb from the north thus giving readers an opportunity for an end to end walk, if transport allowed. We started from A (F69650 00800) on the road which goes along the NW flank of the hill and where there was adequate space to pull in off road. The start of the climb was SE up acrosss fairly rough ground to gain the ridge at B (F69850 00500) before we turned SSW up a long slope of some 200 metres to reach the the flatish top of the hill but with the high point still some 600 metres along. As wicklore has pointed out there is a small pile of stones centered in a broad flat area with higher peat hags on either side to the E and W. Clearly this does not mark the top. In my estimation the "high point" rests along the E rim of the peat hags. Someone (wicklore?) has placed a few stones along this edge that could well be the high point but no doubt others will adjudge some other tuft of grass as higher! One thing is sure, a short walk around the rim of the hags will undoubtedly cover the high point. of the hill. The view down S and SE across the subsidiary tops of the hill gave us a fine perspective of nearby Tievereivagh, climbed earlier in the day, and out across Clew Bay to Clare Island, with it's highpoint (also called Knockmore). Beyond we could see sun light Croagh Patrick and majestic Mweelrea the highest mountain in Connaght. Nearer at hand W were Menawn, Achill Head, and the tops of Croaghaun and Slievemore. To the east were nearby Corran Hill and Knockletragh and beyond the distant Nephin Beg Range. Apart from the initial climb up to the ridge the ground underfoot was good. Returning by our upward route we were up and down within one and a half hours. With two cars available a comination of this route with that described by wicklore would, in my view make an excellent end to end walk and add variety to an up and down route. Linkback:
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Picture: Unspoiled heathery Knockmore
wicklore on Knockmore
by wicklore
23 Mar 2009
It is easy to be drawn to the higher and more exciting mountains of Achill Island, but there are plenty of lesser hills that are guaranteed to be quieter and fulfilling in their own way (excluding Minaun). Knockmore was both extremely quiet and indeed fulfilling as I approached it along the long broad spur to the south. I started at a small water treatment building at C (L688 971). It was easy to pick my way over the short heather northwards eventually reaching a pile of stones on a large rock at D (L692 980). This is near the 281m spot height marked on Map 30, and is a good place to stop and take in the expansive views developing in all directions. Some height is lost as you continue north into the col before the final climb up to the summit area. However this walk of about 1km is delighful and there are many curious shaped peat hags-some like mushrooms! There is no evidence of human activity, including absolutely no quad tracks! At the summit area of Knockmore someone has made a little cairn with a long stone sticking out of it skywards. However this is almost surrounded by higher peat hags about 30 feet away in nearly every direction, so clearly the highest point is on one of these hags. I chose E (L690 993) as the highest point but really there are a number of equal candidate spots. For me the main attribute of Knockmore is its quite pristine landscape and remote feeling. I have a feeling that it is rarely visited, and I didnt even see any of the blow-away papers, wrappers or bottles that one sees on most other hills. I returned by a similar route but took the time to look for wildlife (one large mountain hare 'haring' it across the bog, and plenty of frogspawn!) In total this walk was about two hours return which makes it more of a committment than some of the other smaller hills. But well worth it if you have the time to spare, and more of a reward than climbing Minaun to the north east. Linkback:
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