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South Donegal & West Tyrone Area , E: Omagh West Subarea
Feature count in area: 9, by county: Donegal: 6, Tyrone: 3, OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 12, 17, 18
Highest Place: Croaghnameal 438m

Starting Places (4) in area South Donegal & West Tyrone:
Bolaght Road, Dooish NE, Drumquin Substation, Sloughan Glen

Summits & other features in area South Donegal & West Tyrone:
Cen: Pettigo: Crockkinnagoe 361m, Meenseefin 280m
E: Omagh West: Bolaght Mountain 345m, Dooish 340m, Pollnalaght 293m
N: Drumonny: Croaghmeen 401m, Croaghnameal 438m
S: Belleek: Breesy Hill 258m
W: Laghey: Oughtarnid 271m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Dooish, 340m Hill An Dubhais A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Dubhais [DUPN], 'black ridge/peak'), Tyrone County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Dooish is the 1078th highest place in Ireland. Dooish is the second most southerly summit and also the second most easterly in the South Donegal & West Tyrone area.
Grid Reference H31500 69800, OS 1:50k mapsheet 18
Place visited by: 34 members, recently by: Sperrinwalker, eflanaga, Claybird007, wintersmick, trostanite, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, dregish, m0jla, BogRunner1, Fergalh, eamonoc, eejaymm, Ulsterpooka, jackill
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.513695, Latitude: 54.575494, Easting: 231500, Northing: 369800, Prominence: 165m,  Isolation: 5.7km
ITM: 631442 869795
Bedrock type: Psammite & semipellite, (Mullaghcarn Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Doo340, 10 char: Dooish 340

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Member Comments for Dooish (An Dubhais)

   picture about Dooish (An Dubhais)
Picture: Looking E past a Folly on Dooish erected to mark the New Millenium
A hill with one or two little surprises!
by Harry Goodman 4 Jul 2010
I climbed this small hill on 21 June 2010, parking with permission at a house with a large open front yard off the B84, some 5km S of Drumquin at DooNE (H32839 70608). To climb the hill the owner advised me to go through a farm gate just past a barn immediately S of my parking place. I walked up through the field to a gate A (H32708 70342) and followed a rough stoney track W uphill. This soon gave way to tussocky clumps of grass and rushes and then a raised ditch which I was able to climb on to and walk most of the way to the top to a point, near the crest, where it became less distinct and overgrown with rushes. From here I made my way across one or two fences to an ancient cairned site B (H31768 69839), which is marked on OSNI Sheet 18, but is "crowned" with a recently built stone folly at least 3m tall which I later learned had been erected by a local man to mark the New Millenium using stones from the cairn !! Nearby I also came across a Dolmen with a large capstone. The top of the hill then lay a further 250m W along the fence at a junction C (H31558 69835). From the top the views were extensive N to the Derryveigh Mts, W to the Bluestacks and SW to Cuilcagh. I returned by way of ascent. Linkback:
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From Pollnalaght to Dooish Part 2
by three5four0 9 May 2010
At the road junction at D (H32712 67416) turn right and follow a road, then lane way up hill. At E (H31753 68289), make sure you cross the bridge and follow the track on the left hand side of the stream. Go through a gate and at F (H31041 68957), leave the track and walk up hill, between an old farm dwelling on your right and some sheds on your left, to the small ring contour summit of Dooish. Again the views are extensive, with a well built small folly a short distance away.

From the summit , cross the fence, and descend north to the forest edge (through deep heather) and follow it down hill till around G (H31717 70530), turn east, crossing a fence and meet a track at H (H31749 70620), follow this track down hill to the minor road (there is a house being built at the end of the track) , turning right a long the minor road to the junction with the B84, following the B84 to Drumquin and a bus back to Omagh. Linkback:
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   picture about Dooish (An Dubhais)
Picture: Northeast to Bessy Bell and the Sperrins
Easy Stroll
by Aidy 8 Oct 2013
Climbed Dooish on Sunday afternoon from the B84 from Drumquin. By chance, it appears that I almost exactly followed the route described by Harry Goodman. Quick, easy assent on good ground for most of the way with extensive views from the summit even on a dull day. Even after lingering to look at the views and admire the folly on the way up, I was finished early enough to go on to Bolaght Mountain. Saw a hare on the lower, rush-covered slopes. Linkback:
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