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Iveragh NW Area , N: Castlequin Subarea
Feature count in area: 18, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 83, 84
Highest Place: Knocknadobar 690m

Starting Places (15) in area Iveragh NW:
Cahernaman, Cahersiveen, Cnoc na dTobar Pilgrims Path, Coonanna Harbour, Cooncrome Harbour, Coosatemple Cove, Coulagh Bridge Road, unuseableCúm an Easpaig, Ducalla, Killurly SW, Kimego Forest E, Puffin Island, Roads Lough, Tetrapod CP, Villa Nuovo

Summits & other features in area Iveragh NW:
Cen: Cahirsiveen: Beenduff 479m, Beentee 376m, Foilclogh 497m
N: Castlequin: Castlequin 361m
N: Killelan: Killelan Mountain 275m
N: Knocknadobar: Kells Mountain 633m, Kells Mountain East Top 612m, Knocknadobar 690m, Knocknadobar North Top 602m
SW: Ballinskelligs: Bolus 410m, Killurly 331m
SW: Portmagee: Formaoil 206m, Knocknaskereighta 395m, Puffin Island 159m
SW: Skelligs: Skellig Rock Little 131m, Skellig Michael 217m
SW: Valentia: Bray Head 239m, Geokaun (Valentia Island) 266m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Castlequin, 361m Hill Clochán Mhac Coinn A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
, Kerry County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Castlequin is the 1041th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference V47000 82100, OS 1:50k mapsheet 83
Place visited by: 22 members, recently by: garrettd, annem, chelman7, maoris, eamonoc, leetelefson, fingalscave, Peter Walker, Cobhclimber, markmjcampion, Fergalh, TommyV, ciarraioch, conormcbandon, Wilderness
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -10.227092, Latitude: 51.97042, Easting: 47000, Northing: 82100, Prominence: 336m,  Isolation: 4km
ITM: 446983 582160
Bedrock type: Purple sandstone & siltstone, (Ballinskelligs Sandstone Formation)
Notes on name: This peak is unnamed on OS maps. It is situated in the townland of Castlequin. Any information on the correct name of this hill would be welcome.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Cstlqn, 10 char: Castlequin

Gallery for Castlequin (Clochán Mhac Coinn) and surrounds
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Member Comments for Castlequin (Clochán Mhac Coinn)

   picture about Castlequin (Clochán Mhac Coinn)
Picture: Looking down on the town of Caherciveen
A mixed bag
by TommyV 12 Jun 2019
Kimego forest is an official Coilte forest recreation area tucked away on the North side of the Iveragh penininsula at A (V45388 82721) but in truth it is much more an area of felled trees and stacked logs. It's possible to do a short 3.5 kilometre loop around this forest however, I used this trail to also access Castlequin Hill. This involved going uphill through an area of felled tress for about 200 metres before accessing the hill proper. Linkback:
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   picture about Castlequin (Clochán Mhac Coinn)
Picture: Sign of intent
The end summit of 4 Hill Day
by three5four0 28 Sep 2011
There is no real ideal spot to park along this minor road, without blocking it or an entrance into a property. So the wife dropped me at the road end at B (V460 808) and returned to Cahersiven. From here I followed the track to a cottage, there was no one around to ask, so i continued following the track around right above the cottage, going through a gate here. Further up the track I came to a very large and fortified gate ( see attached picture ) with a faded sign attached to it. Given its faded nature and that fact no one was around to enquire, I decided to push on for a quick ascent, before anyone noticed my presence.

Continued on up the track, till it ended around the 280 metre contour, from which the last slope is clearly visible a head, with just the usual fences to cross. I would say the views are good, but the mist rolled in, just as I gained the summit. I returned the by the way of my ascent. On reaching the gate I noticed dogs and what appeared to be several people by the cottage, I had passed by to access the track earlier. So, with the notice fresh in my mind, I decided to descended a shorter track back to the road from the gate at C (V462 811). This leads quickly ( & very slippery ! ) back down to the road, with only a very bent gate to negotiate at its end.

It was here I rang Mrs three5four0, to arrange my collection. Only to find out she had parked up by the Farmers Cottage, that I had just avoided, and was happily talking to the farmer and his dog. Who was quite friendly and was interested where we had been walking before and what a terrible summer it had been and it was quite all right for her to park up in his drive way and await my arrival.

Still I wouldn't turn up with a large group of people here, one or two and a polite request to use his access track to the hill appears to be fine. For groups the forestry tracks on the North west side of the hill should provided good access. Linkback:
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   picture about Castlequin (Clochán Mhac Coinn)
dbloke on Castlequin
by dbloke 22 Feb 2009
Not climbed Castlequin yet, but I did get to take a few pictures of it from Knocknadobar. Photo shows Cahersiveen below to the left, Valencia Island behind and The Skelligs in the distance. Linkback:
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   picture about Castlequin (Clochán Mhac Coinn)
Kimego peat works.
by conormcbandon 5 Sep 2018
Castlequin overlooks the Kimego peat works of which only an impressive chimney stack remain. Linkback:
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   picture about Castlequin (Clochán Mhac Coinn)
by conormcbandon 5 Sep 2018
The peat works information board. Linkback:
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British summit data courtesy:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.