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South Donegal & West Tyrone Area , Cen: Pettigo Subarea
Feature count in area: 9, by county: Donegal: 6, Tyrone: 3, OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 12, 17, 18
Highest Place: Croaghnameal 438m

Starting Places (4) in area South Donegal & West Tyrone:
Bolaght Road, Dooish NE, Drumquin Substation, Sloughan Glen

Summits & other features in area South Donegal & West Tyrone:
Cen: Pettigo: Crockkinnagoe 361m, Meenseefin 280m
E: Omagh West: Bolaght Mountain 345m, Dooish 340m, Pollnalaght 293m
N: Drumonny: Croaghmeen 401m, Croaghnameal 438m
S: Belleek: Breesy Hill 258m
W: Laghey: Oughtarnid 271m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Crockkinnagoe, 361m Hill Cnoc Chionn an Ghabha A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(prob. Ir. Cnoc Chionn an Ghabha [PDT], 'hill of Cionn Gabha or head
of the smith')
Crockinnagoe an extra name in English, Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Crockkinnagoe is the third highest hill in the South Donegal & West Tyrone area and the 1040th highest in Ireland.
Grid Reference H12500 72400, OS 1:50k mapsheet 12
Place visited by: 23 members, recently by: bowler, conormcbandon, eamonoc, Claybird007, dregish, madfrankie, Wildcat, AntrimRambler, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, BogRunner1, chalky, Garmin, Fergalh, Aidy
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.807378, Latitude: 54.599674, Easting: 212500, Northing: 372400, Prominence: 221m,  Isolation: 8.2km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 612446 872395
Bedrock type: Psammite & semipellite, (Croaghgarrow Formation)
Notes on name: The name Cionn an Ghabha also occurs in Inishowen, Co. Donegal. Incorrectly spelt Crockinnagoe on the Ireland North map and OS Road Atlas.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crc361, 10 char: Crckng

Gallery for Crockkinnagoe (Cnoc Chionn an Ghabha) and surrounds
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Member Comments for Crockkinnagoe (Cnoc Chionn an Ghabha)

   picture about Crockkinnagoe (Cnoc Chionn an Ghabha)
Picture: Lough Derg From The Summit
Unexpected Pleasure
by Aidy 18 Apr 2014
I had an unexpected chance to get out today, but I admit to being a little disappointed that due to a late start, I couldn't go for a walk taking in several big mountains in the Bluestacks. Instead I had to settle for little Crockkinnagoe, and my expectations were not that high. However, in beautiful sunshine, this hill was an absolute gem.

I took the R233 from Pettigo, until about 2km out, and 4km from Lough Derg, I took a road on the right, signed L80452, but unnamed. When I reached another sign saying Lettercran 9km, I took a side road on the left, which soon had grass growing in the middle. I stayed on this until just before it came to a dead end, I parked in a large lay by on the right. There was an access track here, blocked by a gate, leading up through the forest. I was soon confronted with a choice of 3 tracks, one of which, on the right took me to a dead end next to a broadband mast. My second guess, the one on the left, passing through a yellow gate, took me to a wide gap in the forest, which continued right up the hill. The track continued on through another yellow gate, and the forest resumed, but I left the track between the two gates, and ascended the open hillside coming out above the forested area completely. I could now see a minor summit with a small cairn, and the mast marking the true summit. I was approaching these from the south, unlike the other routes.

The hill has quite a large, broad top, with many bumps and hollows, and it is worth taking a good wander round, as I found it very pleasing to the eye, and the views changed from each point. The minor summit with the cairn is definitely worth taking in, and on the walk from there to the main summit, there were great views over a little lough near the top. The main attraction is undoubtedly the view over Lough Derg and Station Island, sparkling in the sun today. Beyond that, the Bluestacks, the Dartry Mountains, Lough Erne and Cuilcagh all stood out.

It felt like being in a little wilderness all of its own up there, and with the heathery ascent, and the complex, rocky top, it had a similar feel to some of the Bluestacks I've been on. Deserves to be seen by more than the nine members currently logged as having climbed it. Linkback:
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BogRunner on Crockkinnagoe
by BogRunner 12 Aug 2009
From Pettigo take the R233 to Lough Derg but almost immediately turn right, sign-posted 'Lettercran'. Stay on this road for around 4km then take the left hand fork in the road. Follow this road for around 3-4km and park in one of the forestry entrances where possible. Now on foot, head back down the way you came and you will come across a road with grass growing in the middle, on the right hand side. Take this and head uphill for about 1km, passing a house on your left and several abandoned farmsteads. Pass through a gate and an old quarry. You should now see the river running out of Seafin Lough near the peak of Crockkinnagoe. Turn around here for views back across west Tyrone and Lough Erne.
From here you need to strike out to the left (roughly south-west) towards the trig point, now clearly visible. The going is very wet and soft and walking poles would be helpful here. I ran across this top in fell running shoes, fine for grip but feet were soaking wet.
It is all worth it though, as when you get to the top the views are breath-taking, especially on a summer evening. To the south you see most of Lower Lough Erne and the surrounding area, to the west you have immediately in front of you Lough Derg and beyond that Donegal Bay, Slieve League and down to Ben Bulben. To the north you can make out Muckish and perhaps Errigal if you are luckier than me with the cloud cover. To the north east Bessy Bell is clearly visible as are the some of the more distant Sperrins. Down-hill is a breeze. Linkback:
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New access track on Crockkinnagoe
by three5four0 16 May 2010
Followed BogRunners route on the ascent of Crockkinnagoe to its trig point and now telecommunications mast. There is now a service track for the mast which descends to the old farm buildings at A (H12190 73307) (gate), where you continue along its access track to join the main track at B (H12698 73662), turning right and rejoining your outward route soon after. This gives a round trip of approx 7.75 km Linkback:
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