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Feature count in area: 45, all in Donegal,
OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 6
Highest Place: Croaghgorm 674m
Starting Places (22) in area Bluestack Mountains: An Leathchruach, Barnsmore Gap, Bensons Hill, Caldragh CP, Clogher South peak, Cruach Mhín an Neanta, Doobin, Eanybeg Water Bridge, Edergole Farm, Gaugin Mountain, Glennacree CP, Hillhead, Lough Finn West, Lough Magrath Beg NE, Lough Muck North, Meenaguse Lough, Sand Lough Forest Picnic Area, Scoil Náisúnta an Choimín, Sheskinlubanagh, Sruell Gap Farm, Sruell River Road, St Columbkilles Well and Altar
Summits & other features in area Bluestack Mountains: Cen: Reelan Hills: Altnapaste 364m, Gaugin Mountain 565m, Lacroagh 403m, Boultypatrick 429m, Croveenananta 476m, Croaghubbrid 416m, Croaghugagh 410m N: Fintown Hills: Aghla Mountain South Top 589m, Aghla Mountain 593m, Scraigs 426m, Croaghleheen 385m NW: Glenties: Cloghercor South 301m, Derkbeg Hill 332m, Drumnalough Hill 282m S: Belshade: Croaghgorm 674m, Croaghgorm South-West Top 597m, Croaghgorm East Top 594m, Ardnageer 642m, Ardnageer SW Top 626m, Banagher Hill 392m, Croaghbane 640.9m, Croaghgorm Far South-West Top 561m, Cronamuck 444m, Croaghbarnes 498.8m, Glascarns Hill 578.3m, Meenanea 435m SE: Barnesmore: Brown's Hill 496.4m, Cloghervaddy 402m, Croaghagranagh 440m, Croaghanirwore 546.1m, Croaghbrack 401m, Croaghconnellagh 523m, Croaghnageer 569.1m, Croaghnageer East Top 543.5m, Croaghnageer North-East Top 521m, Croaghonagh 451m SW: Eany Beg Hills: Binbane 453m, Binbane NE Top 439m, Lavagh Beg 650m, Lavagh More 671m, Binnasruell 505m, Carnaween 521m, Cloghmeen Hill 429m, Silver Hill 600m, Cullaghacro 476m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Altnapaste, 364mHill Allt na Péiste A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Allt na Péiste [OSI], 'ravine of the serpent/monster'), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Altnapaste is the 1033th highest place in Ireland. Altnapaste is the most easterly summit in the Bluestack Mountains area.
Grid Reference H04500 96000,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 6,11 Place visited by: 23members, recently by: gdg, TonyBrog, Claybird007, AlanReid, dregish, dino, IndyMan, Peter Walker, melohara, Lucky1, Wilderness, Aidy, chalky, eamonoc, Fergalh
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.930795, Latitude: 54.811803, Easting: 204500, Northing: 396000,
Prominence: 164m, Isolation: 5.3km ITM: 604448 895989 Bedrock type: Pale quartzite, pebble beds, rare schist, (Gaugin Quartzite Formation) Notes on name: The summit is located on the boundary of the townlands of Altnapaste, Ballybobaneen and Cashel. It is not clear from maps where the ravine is which gave name to the mountain and the townland. There is a ledge and cliff to the east of the summit named Altmore Cliff.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Altnps, 10 char: Altnapaste Linkback:
Gallery for Altnapaste (Allt na Péiste) and surrounds
for Altnapaste (Allt na Péiste):
Eastern edge of the Bluestaks
Summary created by simon3, Harry Goodman
08 Apr, 2022
Picture: View SW from the R253
From the R253 take minor road SW and park at A (H03788 94017). Walk NNW down a stone and gravel track and follow it along (swinging NNE) for some 1.5km. At a small tree plantation B (H040 964) leave the track and, keeping the trees on the left, ascend NE crossing a fence at C (H04178 95602). Continue up NE and note a fence on the right heading up in the same direction. Follow it's line up and at its high point the summit cairn lies a few metres to the left at D (H04550 95983). For relatively little effort the reward for this climb is a superb 360 degree panorama of the Donegal hills and mountains with the long line of the Bluestacks from Barnesmore to Agla Mt particularly prominent.
Trip report 19 July 2012. We parked by the roadside at grid ref E (H038 940) then followed the four-wheel-drive track northwards to the little forest at grid ref F (H040 955). Continued up steep ground to the north-east, not too wet despite recent poor weather. Surface a mixture of heather and grass, some boggy ground with a couple of ditches, easily crossed or avoided. Fence easily and safely crossed at around 280m then up steep heather slopes to the western end of the summit area, large cairn at east end just over 100m away with remains of wooden structure nearby. Excellent views westwards to the rest of the Blue Stacks, eastwards down the Finn Valley and northwards to Slieve Snaght and Errigal's distinctive spike. Only about 180m of ascent by this route and the round trip took about two hours. Linkback:
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Picture: Westerly path to Col Altnapaste
From a westerly direction
by eamonoc
3 Sep 2014
Climbed on 1/9/2014, following previous comments decided to climb Altnapaste from the west. Started from G (H03735 96680), room to park here for one or two cars. Followed well made track uphill for approx .5km then through a gate onto open hillside and up to obvious col on the hill at H (H04241 95835), then headed uphill in a leftward direction following sheep track to a fence at I (H04418 95814), keeping fence on my right I followed it upwards to it`s highest point and summit lay a few mts up to the left of fence. Fantastic views of Blustacks from here, well worth the effort. 50min roundtrip from car. Linkback:
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Small Gem
by dino
1 Jan 2022
I climbed this hill back at the end of November but for some reason I didn't log it. Altnapaste is a familiar hill having cycled near it numerous times and having looked at it from many different directions but this was my first time on top.
When I visited there was no uploaded GPS track but using the waypoints and descriptions from other logs I pretty much followed the path that is now uploaded by another member as Track 4576.
The terrain is nice and varied, a clear lane/track for the start/finish and a steep and challenging heather and grass hillside, just enough to test the legs without destroying the fun. Views from the top were fantastic although I didn't hang around too long at the top due to a bitterly cold wind that even the dog had no patience for.
On the way back down I stopped in the small plantation for a very peaceful and enjoyable lunch break before walking back to the start into a glorious sunset.
Cracking little hill, one of the best walks for a while and more than worth the effort.
➡️ More photos and videos on my blog:
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Picture: Looking SW to Gaugin Mt with Lavagh More and Beg and Silver Hill beyond.
Small hill but worthy of the climb
by Harry Goodman
25 Jul 2013
I climbed this small hill on Wed. 17 July 2013 starting at A (H03788 94017), as suggested by Wildcat. As I walked NNW down the stone and gravel track a local man, heading out to cut turf, stopped and gave me a lift to a gate across the track some 1.2km further along. Once through the gate it was a short walk to where the track turned sharply left at a small tree plantation F (H040 955). Leaving the track I headed up the slope NE keeping the trees on my left . Due to the recent dry weather the ground was soft and springy but would at other times be quite boggy in the initial stage of the climb. On the way I crossed a fence at C (H04178 95602). Continuing NE I picked up another fence heading up in the same direction. At its high point this fence is only a few metres from the prominent summit cairn at D (H04550 95983). Allowing some time at the top to take in the magnificent panorama in all directions this is a walk that can be done comfortably in two hours (even if the walker is not offered a lift along the initial track!!). To the N I saw Slieve Snaght and the ridge along to Dooish with the sharp peak of Errigal and the outline of Muckish further back. Most prominent however was the view W and S to the Bluestacks with the prominent line of tops running from the Barnesmore Gap NNE to Gaugin Mt . I returned by way of ascent, this time without the offer of a lift on the track back up to the car. Linkback:
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Picture: Along the Reelan Valley to Gaugin Mountain
No Challenge, Just Great Views
by Aidy
27 Oct 2015
Went up via the well described route along the farmer's track from the northwest. Not a challenging or high hill, but well worth it for the views, east along the River Finn for miles, north to the Derryveagh Mountains, and west and south to the rest of the Bluestacks. The views west along the Reelan River past Gaugin Mountain were particularly eye-catching. Linkback:
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