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Mourne Mountains Area , W: Hilltown Subarea
Feature count in area: 59, all in Down, OSI/LPS Maps: 20, 29, EW-CLY
Highest Place: Slieve Donard 849m

Starting Places (33) in area Mourne Mountains:
Alex Steddom Tree, Aughrim Airstrip, Ben Crom Dam, Bloody Bridge Car Park, Carlingford Greenway, Carrick Little, Crocknafeola Wood, Crotlieve Mountain, Donard Car Park Newcastle, Drummanmore Picnic, Fofanny Reservoir, Forest Office CP, Gamekeepers Lodge CP, Happy Valley Trassey Rd, Hen Mountain CP, Leitrim Lodge CP, Mayo Road Corner, Meelmore Lodge, Newcastle Harbour, Ott CP, Red Bog Road, Rourkes Park, Sandy Brae, Silent Valley Reservoir Head Rd, Slieve Donard Trail Head, Slieve Foye Viewing Point, Slievefoy Forest CP, Spelga Dam E, Spelga Dam N, Spelga Dam S, Trassey Car Park, Two Mile River CP, Yellow Water Park

Summits & other features in area Mourne Mountains:
Cen: Loughshannagh: Ben Crom 526m, Carn Mountain 585.2m, Carn Mountain North Top 553.7m, Doan 592.6m, Ott Mountain 526.8m, Slieve Loughshannagh 617m, Slieve Muck 670.4m, Slievenaglogh 445m
E: Binnian: Slieve Binnian 745.9m, Slieve Binnian East Top 639m, Slieve Binnian North Top 678m, Slieve Binnian North Tor 682.5m, Wee Binnian 460m
E: Donard: Chimney Rock Mountain 656m, Crossone 540m, Millstone Mountain 460m, Rocky Mountain 524m, Slieve Donard 849m
E: Lamagan: Cove Mountain 654.8m, Slieve Beg 595.9m, Slievelamagan 702.2m
N: Bearnagh: Slieve Bearnagh 739m, Slieve Bearnagh North Tor 680m, Slieve Meelbeg 701.9m, Slieve Meelmore 687m
N: Castlewellan: Slievenaboley 324m, Slievenalargy 280m, Slievenaslat 272m
N: Commedagh: Slieve Commedagh 767m, Slieve Corragh 641.9m, Slievenaglogh 584.4m, Slievenaglogh East Top 571m
N: Croob: Cratlieve 429m, Slieve Croob 534m, Slievegarran 391m, Slievenisky 446m
N: Rathfriland: Knockiveagh 235m
S: Kilkeel: Knockchree 306m
S: Rostrevor: Crenville 460m, Finlieve 578m, Slievemartin 485m, Slievemeel 420m, Slievemeen 472m
W: Hilltown: Gruggandoo 382m, Slieveacarnane 296m
W: Slievemoughanmore: Crotlieve Mountain 347m, Eagle Mountain 638m, Rocky Mountain 404m, Shanlieve 626m, Slievemoughanmore 560m, Tievedockaragh 473m, Wee Slievemoughan 428m
W: Spelga: Butter Mountain 503.8m, Cock Mountain 504m, Cock Mountain South-West Top 505m, Hen Mountain 354m, Pigeon Rock Mountain 534m, Pigeon Rock Mountain South Top 530m, Slievenamiskan 444m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Gruggandoo, 382m Hill Gruagán Dubh A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Gruagán Dubh [Lett], 'place of dark sedges'), Down County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Gruggandoo is the 995th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference J20075 25556, OS 1:50k mapsheet 29
Place visited by: 43 members, recently by: Andy1287, Claybird007, pdtempan, dregish, Carolyn105, trostanite, BleckCra, LorraineG60, m0jla, MichaelG55, Wilderness, Ulsterpooka, jimmyread, eamonoc, Fergalh
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -6.162382, Latitude: 54.165108, Easting: 320075, Northing: 325556, Prominence: 177m,  Isolation: 1.9km
ITM: 719997 825574
Bedrock type: Microgabbro, (Microgabbro)
Notes on name: Gruggandoo is the highest point on a mountain known locally as Lindsay's Mountain, after a landowner [Ciarán Dunbar].
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Grgnd, 10 char: Gruggandoo

Gallery for Gruggandoo (Gruagán Dubh) and surrounds
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Member Comments for Gruggandoo (Gruagán Dubh)

   picture about Gruggandoo (Gruagán Dubh)
Picture: Cool eh?
"There, beyond the bounds of [our] weak imagination."
by BleckCra 6 Nov 2017
There are things simply not worth doing. Cove Mountain summit. Galtymore. The Bluestack Mountains in the mist, the Commeraghs in the rain, Slieve Donard in the lightning ....
... but there are things simply not worth doing .... that are.
Gruggandoo is one. Gruggandoo from the Irish, possibly Gruagán Dubh - black rushes.
I came to Gruggandoo by way of a long loop 'round a wild no man's land except it is some man's land because it is worked and maintained.
Start/Finish East Coast Activity Centre which isn't on the Coast and where there was no activity - at all; by Slieve Roe, Ballyvally Mtn, Carnadranna, Mullaghgarve, itself - and rounded off with the raggedy Roosleys and Leckanmore.
What this does, is offer a big and interesting off piste walk - although gentlemen - accoutrements - count them out and count them in - some prickly barbed wire challenges await you.
I have played amongst the big Mournes for over 20 years and there would barely have been a return journey home from the Eastern tops, ex Bryansford and Hilltown where I wouldn't have pondered the mystery of those sun glistered crests of an alien land ahead. Off the map of Mourne experience but confident clean shapes, bold and beckoning.
"Am I wrong to believe in the city of gold that lies in the deep distance?"
Never have been. Never will be.
From here you can frame all the Mourne divas - and from a new and unsettling perspective - but best of all you will be doing something simply not worth doing, that is. Linkback:
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   picture about Gruggandoo (Gruagán Dubh)
Picture: The view east from the summit.
csd on Gruggandoo
by csd 15 Nov 2009
I parked at A (J19367 26078) on the Yellow Road, south of Hilltown, and took the track south towards the general area of Gruggandoo's summit. There may also be approaches from the east, but there was some sort of shoot on so I decided to approach from safer ground in case either I or the dog were mistaken for a pheasant. Gruggandoo's upper reaches are criss-crossed by fences and surrounded by bog. Other than that, it's unremarkeable, but pleasant views of the western Mournes are to be had. Up-and-down is about 2km from the Yellow Road, so won't be too taxing. Linkback:
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   picture about Gruggandoo (Gruagán Dubh)
Picture: Friendly faces on Gruggandoo
wicklore on Gruggandoo
by wicklore 30 Mar 2010
Starting at the place suggested by csd I enjoyed a ramble up to Gruggandoo. This route brings you along a track before passing through various gates and coming out onto an extensive meadow below the highest area of Gruggandoo. There is extensive sheep farming along this route, and the sheep made an active effort follow me on my way. They could easily have slipped through one of the gates behind me if I wasn’t ready for them! There is a pond near the summit and there are good views across to Tievedockeragh, Rocky Mountain, Eagle and Shanlieve. Other than that this is an unremarkable summit. However the relative quietness of these small hills can be an attraction in itself, and it’s certainly worth a ramble up for the views if you’re passing by. Just don’t let the sheep out! Linkback:
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(Various variations used.)
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.