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Sperrin Mountains Area , SW Cen: Glenelly South West Subarea
Feature count in area: 64, by county: Derry: 34, Tyrone: 39, of which 9 are in both Derry and Tyrone, OSI/LPS Maps: 12, 13, 6, 7, 8
Highest Place: Sawel 678m

Starting Places (21) in area Sperrin Mountains:
Altinure Road, Banagher Glen Nature Reserve, Barnes Gap Car Park, Crocknakin, Drumnaspar Picnic CP, Glenchiel Road, Glenedra Bridge, Glenelly Road, Parkreagh, Goles Road, Lough Ouske, Moneyneany Village, Moydamlaght Forest, Moydamlaght Road, Mullaghmore, Mullaghbane, Spaltindoagh, Sperrin Hamlet, Sperrin Heritage Centre, Sperrin Heritage Centre W, Sperrin Road, Barnes Top, Sperrin Road, Glashagh Bridge, Sperrin Road, Sperrin

Summits & other features in area Sperrin Mountains:
E: Magherafelt Hills: Slieve Gallion NE Top 493.6m
E: Magherafelt Hills: Slieve Gallion 526.6m
N: Claudy Hills: Crockdooish 321m, Curradrolan Hill 270m, Eglish 277m, Letterlogher 249m, Mullaghmeash Hill 244m, Slieveboy 259m, Straid Hill 303m
NE Cen: Glenelly North East: Barnes Top 456m, Craigagh Hill 460m, Crockbrack 526.1m, Knockanbane Mountain 441m, Meenard Mountain 620m, Meenard Mtn W Top 480m, Mullaghaneany 627m, Mullaghash 480m, Mullaghsallagh 485m, Oughtmore 569m, Spelhoagh 568m
NE: Glenshane North: Benbradagh 465m, Boviel Top 454m, Carn Hill 448m, Carntogher 464m, Moneyoran Hill 414m
NE: Glenshane South: Bohilbreaga 478m, Coolnasillagh Mountain 423m, Corick Mountain 430m, Crockalougha 407m, Mullaghmore 550m, White Mountain 537m
NW Cen: Glenelly North West: Dart Mountain 619m, Dart Mountain North-West Top 525m, Learmount Mountain 489m, Learmount Mountain South Top 492m, Mullaghasturrakeen 581m, Mullaghcarbatagh 517m, Mullaghclogha 635m, Mullaghclogher 572m, Mullaghdoo 568m, Sawel 678m
NW: Maheramason Hills: Clondermot Hill 220m, Gortmonly Hill 218m, Slievekirk 370m
SE Cen: Glenelly South East: Carnanelly 562m, Carnanelly West Top 503.4m, Mullaghbane 467m, Mullaghturk 416m
SE: Cookstown Hills: Cregganconroe 300m, Fir Mountain 362m, Oughtmore 382m
SW Cen: Glenelly South West: Clogherny Top 408m, Craignamaddy 385m, Crocknamoghil 335m, Mullaghbolig 442m, Spaltindoagh 420m
SW: Mullaghcarn: Curraghchosaly Mountain 416m, Mullaghcarn 542m, Mullaghcarn South Top 525m
SW: Newtownstewart Hills: Bessy Bell 420m, Mullaghcroy 242m
W: Strabane: Balix Hill 403m, Knockavoe 296m, Owenreagh Hill 400m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Craignamaddy, 385m Hill Creig na Madaí A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(prob. Ir. Creig na Madaí [PDT], 'crag of the dogs'), Tyrone County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Craignamaddy is the 989th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference H52200 89500, OS 1:50k mapsheet 13
Place visited by: 38 members, recently by: Tricia-Mulligan, dino, Claybird007, wintersmick, Kilcoobin, Hoverla, trostanite, pdtempan, dregish, mallymcd, eamonoc, muschi, MichaelG55, LorraineG60, scottwalker
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.190127, Latitude: 54.750731, Easting: 252200, Northing: 389500, Prominence: 160m,  Isolation: 4.7km
ITM: 652137 889491
Bedrock type: Psammite & semipellite, (Glenelly Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crgnmd, 10 char: Crgnmdy

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Member Comments for Craignamaddy (Creig na Madaí)

   picture about Craignamaddy (Creig na Madaí)
Picture: Approaching Craignamaddy from the East (Pt 366)
Harry Goodman on Craignamaddy
by Harry Goodman 26 Mar 2010
As we wanted to walk the hills on both sides of Barnes Gap (19 March 2010) we parked at A (H55173 89565). From here there is a figure of eight route which allows the walker to climb Craigamaddy on the first loop and then come back to the car for a break (lunch/snack). Initially we headed SSW down the road (signed for the Ulster Way) to the start of a good stony track ( B (H55000 89100)) which contoured around the side of Mullaghbane and which we followed to a stile on the right some 2.6km from the start of the walk. There were views S from this lofty track across the valley to Mullaghcarn and SW to Bessy Belle. Once over the stile we followed a winding rough, muddy, stony track up the hillside to its end and then a short distance out to a fence at Pt 366 (C (H53500 88500)). From here we turned left and followed the broad ridge down and then up to Craignamaddy and its flat top extending for some 700 metres W. Fortunately for us the undistinguished high point of the hill is at the E end a few metres south of the fence avoiding the necessity to trudge out over a further 700 metres of clumpy heather in search of the unmarked summit (D (H52200 89500)). Indeed the top is so flat that one could aimlessly walk around looking for the highest tuft of heather/grass. From here, some 4.9k into the walk, we headed back E along the fence to Pt 366 and then, instead of returning by our outward route opted to continue E along the fence over the lower top of Mullaghbane and then unerringly along the fence to our start point at Barnes Gap. All of the time to the N across the Glenelly Valley were fine views of the High Sperrins Ridge from Mullacarbatagh to Sawel and beyond. Linkback:
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three5four0 on Craignamaddy
by three5four0 22 Dec 2008
(see Mullaghbolig for the start of this walk)

From Barnes Gap the Central Sperrins Way traverses the south flank of Mullaghbane, past a couple of old style, and increasingly rare vernacular farm buildings to a stile on your right at E (H535 885) (no sign). Cross this and follow the track up hill, which fades out before you reach a fence on the crest of the hill, there will be a fence junction to your left with a stile at F (H535 894) . Cross the stile and follow the fence to the summit of Cragnamaddy, which in true Sperrins style was a bit rounded & soft.

After the earlier hills being mist bound, it was good to have views from the last hill of the day, with all the higher hills being topped with snow and a good golden sunset lighting up the hills all around. West of the summit at G (H521 895), a track (not obvious at first) leads down hill (north east) to the Central Sperrins Way, however, new wire fences, topped with barbed wire have been erected right across this track. You may wish to cross the fence north of the summit and descend north, to try and pick up the track and hopefully avoid the wire fencing as well.

Once on the Central Sperrins Way turn left and walk down the improving track with one more stile (on your left) as track becomes tarmac to a road junction at H (H520 903), turn right down a lane to the Landahussy road, turning right here for the last 3km back to the car park. Giving a walk of around 13.3 miles.

Alas, in search of a pint of Guinness to round the day off, we stopped at the pub in Cranagh only to find it closed, perhaps the locals were taking the vows at Toberanna seriously. So we sped off home to enjoy several bottles of Dorothy Goodbody's Wholesome Stout, a tasty end to the day indeed. Linkback:
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   picture about Craignamaddy (Creig na Madaí)
Picture: Close to summit, looing towards higher Sperrins to the north.
A Broad Flattish Top
by Aidy 18 Mar 2016
I took the car up a passable but rough track off the Magherabrack Rd, parking at around I (H53465 88507). As it turned out, after walking slightly west, I found myself on the much better Meenadoo Road, and as I continued west along it, I could have easily taken the car up it instead and parked a little closer to the point where I left the road for the hillside. I cut north, leaving the road around J (H52825 88842), going through some coniferous trees to avoid walking through a farmyard even though the farmhouse itself wasn't being lived in. I continued in a general northwesterly direction to the top, although it was a meandering route due to boggy patches and awkward fences. As I got closer to the top the ground was hard going, with thigh deep tussocky grass and heather to wade through. The top itself is a broad flat area, making it hard to identify a highest point. Fairly decent views around the Sperrins, although the day had turned dark and gloomy with a flat light on my visit. Linkback:
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   picture about Craignamaddy (Creig na Madaí)
Picture: Ag teacht anuas ó Chreig na Madaí / Descending from Craignamaddy
Mórsheisear sa cheo / magnificent seven in the fog
by pdtempan 8 Nov 2020
Bhí mórsheisear againn a dhreap sa cheo inniu ón Bhearnas go dtí mullach Chreig na Madaí. Leanamar Bealach Lár Shliabh Speirín ar feadh cuid mhaith den tsiúlóid, ach chuamar amach thar thalamh garbh (portach agus fraoch) chun barr an chnoic. Ní raibh sé furasta an fíormhullach a fháil agus fuaramar tuairiscí a rinne daoine eile ar an chnoc seo an-chruinn. Níor ghlan an ceo ach go hachomair chun radharc a thabhairt dúinn ar Ghleann Aichle nuair a bhíomar ag leanúint an iomaire suas go dtí an mullach, agus ansin ina dhiaidh sin bhí radharcanna againn i dtreo an Ghoirtín agus muid ag teacht anuas. Bhí breis agus 4 uair an chloig de dhíth orainn le haghaidh an tsiúlóid mar gheall ar an tír-raon deacair agus an gá le bealach a aimsiú go cúramach sa cheo, ach bhí siúlóid an-dheas againn.

We were seven intrepid souls who ventured today in the fog from Barnes Gap to the summit of Craignamaddy. We followed the Central Sperrins Way for much of the walk, but headed out over rough ground (bog and heather) to reach the top. The summit was not easy to distinguish and we found other members description of this peak very accurate. The fog only lifted briefly to give us a view of Glenelly when we were following the ridge up to the summit, and then later we had views towards Gortin as we descended. The walk took over 4 hours due to the difficult terrain and the need to navigate carefully in the fog, but we had a very enjoyable walk. Linkback:
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   picture about Craignamaddy (Creig na Madaí)
Fences Galore
by dino 6 Jul 2022
Walked this following Harry Goodman's description and also in combination with Mullaghbolig.

The terrain was a nice mix of quiet country road, farm lanes and open hillside. From Point C there is a clear track almost all the way to unnamed Pt366 as it follows the now abandoned Central Sperrins Way.

From this it was a simple matter of following the fence line all the way to Craignamaddy summit which is totally unmarked. On the way I crossed a number of fences. The first still had a stile but the rest required a little bit of gymnastics.

The return to Barnes Gap also followed the fence with quite a number of crossings also required. However, this area doesn't seem to have been grazed for quite a while and the fences are quite old and easily crossed.

The final drop down to the road is very steep but easily manageable with care. There is one small cliff that needs to be avoided and a hidden stream overgrown with grass and bog at the very bottom. I found this the hard and wet way going in up to my unmentionables and frightening the life out of me. It took more effort than expected to extricate myself but was easily crossed with a large step once I worked out exactly where and how wide it was.

I parked in the official International Appalachian Trail car park at the bottom road junction. There is a toilet block here and a water tap around back as well as picnic tables and a covered area if the weather is nasty.

I went on to Mullaghbolig but estimate 11km round trip from the car park.

Detailed report and videos on my blog:

Video on my YouTube Channel:
. Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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