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Croagh Patrick Area , S: Owenmore Subarea
Feature count in area: 12, all in Mayo, OSI/LPS Maps: 30, 31, 37, 38, CBE, CBW, MSW
Highest Place: Croagh Patrick 764m

Starting Places (22) in area Croagh Patrick:
Balloor, Ben Goram Road, Bracklagh, Carrowmore Hill South, Carrowrevagh Lough, Cregganbaun, Drummin NS, Keelkill North, Kilgeever Wood, Killeennimat Burial Ground, Kinknock, Laghta Eighter, Laghta Eighter Hill NE, Mayo MRT Post, Murrisk Fishermans Monument, National Famine Memorial, Old Head, Paddy's Place, Prospect Lough Road, Sruhaunpollanoughty, St Patricks Church, Western Way Skelp

Summits & other features in area Croagh Patrick:
N: North Ridge: Ben Goram 559m, Boheh Hill 219m, Croagh Patrick 764m, Crott Mountain 499.7m, Lugnademon 509.9m, Teevenacroaghy 485.9m
S: Owenmore: Carrowrevagh 210m, Knockakishaun 390m, Oughty Hill 333m
W: Louisburgh Hills: Balloor Hill 147m, Carrowmore Hill 171m, Kinknock Hill 173m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockakishaun, 390m Hill Cnoc an Chiseáin A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(prob. Ir. Cnoc an Chiseáin [PDT], 'hill of the little basket'), Cruckahishaun, Cruach a Chiseáin, Mayo County in Connacht province, in Binnion Lists, Knockakishaun is the 978th highest place in Ireland. Knockakishaun is the most southerly summit in the Croagh Patrick area.
Grid Reference L86900 75800, OS 1:50k mapsheet 37
Place visited by: 13 members, recently by: eamonoc, Wilderness, markmjcampion, jrpcalvert, markwallace, Garmin, chalky, Fergalh, conormcbandon, FilHil, maxim, taobear, Jamessheerin
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.714001, Latitude: 53.719744, Easting: 86900, Northing: 275800, Prominence: 205m,  Isolation: 2.5km
ITM: 486874 775816
Bedrock type: Biotite granodiorite to syenogranite, (Corvock Granite)
Notes on name: This peak, situated in the townland of Tangincartoor, is unnamed on OS maps. It is named Knockakishaan on William Bald's map of Co. Mayo (1830). Previously Tangincartoor in MV. The spur to the NW (spot height 311m) is named Knocknabru_ky (with a letter apparently missing between U and K). This may represent Knocknabrusky.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knckks, 10 char: Knckkshn

Gallery for Knockakishaun (Cnoc an Chiseáin) and surrounds
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Member Comments for Knockakishaun (Cnoc an Chiseáin)

   picture about Knockakishaun (Cnoc an Chiseáin)
Picture: Looking at Knockakishaun & Croagh Patrick from spt ht 388.
Alpine foothills in N. Mayo!
by Jamessheerin 14 Jun 2012
Parked at A (L851 751) (good space for 2 cars) and first climbed to B (L851 740) (the unnamed peak 388m, SW of Knockakishaun) to make the day longer! Some rough ground up and down on this one. So, on to Knockakishaun (390m). After crossing the Bunowen river at C (L863 743) we headed N. atop the steep ridge and on to the spot hight 390 on generally very good ground. Some great glacial errata along the way before the 300m contour. Well worth the effort, the snow topped Sheefrys, Mweelrea and C. Patrick in close proximity giving an alpine foothills feeling! Linkback:
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   picture about Knockakishaun (Cnoc an Chiseáin)
Picture: Knockakishaun's small summit cairn, with cloud-capped Croagh Patrick beyond.
Bunowen River can present problems
by markwallace 19 Aug 2018
Parked at a layby further up the valley from the crossing point mentioned in James Sheerin's comment to do a circuit of Laghta Eighter and Knockakishaun. Access to Laghta Eighter was easy from higher up the valley, no enclosures, fences, etc. Coming back to the road between Laghta Eighter and Knockakishaun, I spoke to a passing farmer from the valley who said I was welcome to head up Knockakishaun from here, through the enclosed fields, but that crossing the Bunowen river might be easier higher up. I walked upriver a bit, but after the fairly rainy weather recently, the river was up and there seemed to be no comfortable crossing place anywhere.

So I drove back down the valley back past D (L852 751) where the road crosses the river and parked at a layby opposite a house a bit further down at around E (L848 755). From here a short traverse across bog quickly gives way to a fairly straightforward walk up the boulder-strewn slopes of Knockakishaun to its modest summit cairn.

This route was a 4.4km round trip with 308 metres of ascent. Linkback:
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Great picture
by Donard850 30 Jun 2012
Really like the photograph [ in Jamessheerin's post ]. The rocks and walking pole in the foreground give a real sense of depth. Linkback:
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