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Comeragh Mountains Area , Cen: Comeragh Central Subarea
Feature count in area: 24, all in Waterford, OSI/LPS Maps: 74, 75, 81, 82, EW-C, EW-K
Highest Place: Kilclooney Mountain 792m

Starting Places (25) in area Comeragh Mountains:
Aughatriscar Bridge, Carey's Castle, Carrickaruppora S, Carronadavderg Wood, Colligan Bridge, Colligan Source, Coumduala Lough Path, Croghaun Hill CP, Douglas River Wood, Dromona Wood, Guilcagh Wood, Kilclooney Wood CP, Laghtnafrankee Road, Lough Mohra Rath Beag Loop Walk, Mahon Falls CP, Maum Road, Moanyarha, Moanyarha Bog, Monarud, Mountain View, New Quay CP, Nire Valley CP, Old Bridge Clonmel, Old Slate Mine CP, River Ire R676 L96761

Summits & other features in area Comeragh Mountains:
Cen: Comeragh Central: Carrignagower 767m, Coumfea 741.9m, Coumfea North Top 728.3m, Coumfea West Top 711m, Croughaun Hill 391m, Curraghduff 750.1m, Kilclooney Mountain 792m, Knockaunapeebra 724.4m
Cen: Knockanaffrin: Knockanaffrin 755m, Knockanaffrin South Top 628m, Knocksheegowna 675.7m
E: Portlaw Hills: Donnell's Hill 242.8m, Tower Hill 238m
N: Laghtnafrankee: Kilmacomma Hill 211m, Laghtnafrankee 520m, Laghtnafrankee SW Top 425m, Long Hill 404m
S: Monavullagh Mountains: Bleantasour Mountain 402m, Coumaraglin Mountain 614.6m, Crohaun 484m, Milk Hill 451m, Seefin 725.6m
SW: Drum Hills: Carronadavderg 301m, Dromona Hill 156m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Croughaun Hill, 391m Hill Cruachán Paorach A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cruachán Paorach [PND], 'little stack of the de Poers'), Waterford County in Munster province, in Binnion Lists, Croughaun Hill is the 974th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference S37942 11019, OS 1:50k mapsheet 75
Place visited by: 50 members, recently by: Josephineobrien, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, DeirdreM, Nailer1967, deirdre007, helenw7, Taisce, chelman7, JohnFinn, nickywood, TippHiker, Jay9, Wildrover, hivisibility
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.445182, Latitude: 52.250058, Easting: 237942, Northing: 111019, Prominence: 225m,  Isolation: 6.3km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 637884 611071
Bedrock type: Conglomerate, sandstone & siltstone, (Croughaun Formation)
Notes on name: A rock on the summit is called Carraig a' Bhrannra, 'rock of the cattle-pen' [PND].
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crg391, 10 char: CrghnHil

Gallery for Croughaun Hill (Cruachán Paorach) and surrounds
Summary for Croughaun Hill (Cruachán Paorach): Well worth a visit
Summary created by simon3, jackill 21 Jan, 2023
   picture about Croughaun Hill (Cruachán Paorach)
Picture: From the West on Coumshingaun S Side
Start at the forest entrance Croghaun (S36451 10191) where the is room to park 3-4 cars.
Follow the forest track uphill.
After coming to a gate next to a sheep fold at A (S37063 11231) do not go through the gate but turn to your right and hop the broken gate/wire you see.
There is a rough track which skirts the foresty to your left follow this track to B (S37725 11270) then continue on the track skirting around the summit to the right until you finally meet a grassy ramp(slight crossing of high heather to reach it) on the east of the mountain just after the track starts to descend, follow this to the summit.
To add variety to the walk descend the track to the east of the summit for about 250 meters, do no go any further.
At C (S38147 11140), 336m elevation, cross the fence to your left and follow the bottom edge of a rough clearing to reach a road at D (S38086 11276), 320m elevation .
Following this road will take you back to your start point
Member Comments for Croughaun Hill (Cruachán Paorach)

   picture about Croughaun Hill (Cruachán Paorach)
Picture: A view west to the main Comeragh Range from the summit of Croughaun
Magnificent Views
by JohnFinn 16 Jul 2022
I've often gazed across at Croughaun while making my way up Coumshingaun and wondered if it might be worth checking out some day. That day came in a hot mid-July when a few of us needed something a lot less strenuous than our usual hikes and which would afford us some pleasant cool walking along forest paths. And so it proved. The starting point was the Croughaun Hill Car Park and we followed the forestry road from there.We walked to the end of that road and then cut through the forestry until we emerged into the open and ascended to the summit from the eastern side. We had been expecting a clearly defined path leading off the forestry road but if it exists we couldn't find it. Forestry growth over the last few years may have done for it.

The view west from the summit is magnificent - the Comeraghs in all their glory: Coumshingaun, Crotty's Rock, the Knockanaffrin Ridge.

We made our way back the same way and our very leisurely stroll took us just over a couple of hours. Linkback:
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   picture about Croughaun Hill (Cruachán Paorach)
Picture: View of eastern Comeraghs from Croughan Hill
Good views after a fairly short walk.
by simon3 25 Apr 2010
This fine little hill offers great views of the Comeraghs from the east. Park as jackill suggests at the forestry entrance. Walk to the end of the forest road at around E (S3809 1128) and then through trees for around 160m at around 120 degrees when you will emerge at the side of the forest. Then walk uphill around 300m to arrive at the top.
Fine views await you. The picture is of the Comeraghs centred on Coumshingaun around 6km away. There are also views towards the Knockanaffrin ridge, Slievenamon, some of the smaller hills such as Carricktriss Gorse and even some of the coastline. Linkback:
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   picture about Croughaun Hill (Cruachán Paorach)
Picture: The Comeraghs
Croughan Hill, simple but good
by jackill 26 Apr 2010
The forestry entrance at Croghaun (S36451 10191) marks the start of this 6.5km walk. There are good views as you rise of the looming bulk of the Comeraghs behind you to the west. After coming to a gate next to a sheep fold at A (S37063 11231) do not go through the gate but turn to your right and hop the broken gate/wire you see. There is a rough track which skirts the foresty to your left follow this track to B (S37725 11270) then continue on the track skirting around the summit to the right until you finally meet a grassy ramp on the east of the mountain just after the track starts to descend, follow this to the summit.
The detailed instructions are because the areas off this track seem to be covered with conglomerate rocks concealed by high heather, not the best surface to walk on as I found!.
From the summit you have a great view of the Comeraghs particularly the Coumshingaun corrie which is one of the best examples of a glacial corrie in Ireland. Some geologists have speculated that the area around Croghaun Hill ,which is made up of a different conglomerate sandstone to the Comeragh plateau could in fact be older than the plateau itself. Also of note are two outporings of green/red vesicular lava at Carrigduff and Coolnahorna which are to the north of the fork in the Ire river at Kilclooney bridge. Linkback:
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   picture about Croughaun Hill (Cruachán Paorach)
Picture: Bee hives on Croughan Hill
Bee careful!
by csd 19 Sep 2010
I followed jackill's instructions, but impatient to get up to the summit, I ignored the bit about meeting a grassy ramp and headed straight for the summit after his third point. Unless you're trying to get back into shape for a ski holiday, this probably isn't what you want to do, as you'll spend the next 20 minutes lifting the legs high over heather and ferns.

The mist was down, so no views from the summit for me: just the trig pillar and what appear to be the remains of a set of level crossing gates. Here instead is a picture of a group of bee hives, which are located just off the track near the parking spot noted by jackill. Might be a good idea to keep kids and dogs away from this spot -- you'll know it by the old radiator visible as a bridge across the drainage ditch on the track! Linkback:
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   picture about Croughaun Hill (Cruachán Paorach)
Picture: Specks of snow on the Comeraghs from the summit
Much better views than you'd expect.
by thomas_g 28 Jan 2012
Followed Jackhill's instructions and got to the summit fairly easily, having about an hour before darkness, we decided to try the variety option. Heading down a fairly steep track east from the summit along a forestry fence, we never found the clearing to allow us to cut across to E (S3809 1128).
With darkness looming we bailed out onto the road at F (S3890 1130) and had a long dark damp 6/7km walk back to the car at Croghaun (S36451 10191). Despite all that, I'll be back, the views on a fine day would be second to none. Linkback:
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