There is a lay by large enough to accommodate a couple of cars, and allow vehicles enough room to pass, on the minor road west of Derreens at
B (G185 023). Walk up this minor road to
C (G180 022), where the Foxford Way leaves the road, follow it a short distance along a lane towards a farm, then sharp right through gate (sign posted). Continue along the Foxford Way to around
D (G179 027), leave the trail and gain the ridge (east), through lush undergrowth with the smell of bog myrtle hanging in the air.
Once on the ridge proper the ground improves, and it leads you in an arc to the summit of Farbreiga. The views over Lough Con and Lough Cuillin are superb, as they are back towards Croagmoyle, Nephin etc. We descended a short distance north and then directly east, towards the Foxford Way.
I think of this two routes the ridge is the better option, as there appears to be far more hidden briars and holes on the ground to the east of the summit. Again, there was a very strong smell of Bog Myrtle in the air here, just the thing to keep the midges at bay! Once back on the Foxford Way, we retraced our route to our car
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