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Dartry Mountains Area , SW: Castlegal Hills Subarea
Feature count in area: 32, by county: Leitrim: 22, Sligo: 11, of which 1 is in both Sligo and Leitrim, OSI/LPS Maps: 16, 17, 25, 26
Highest Place: Truskmore 647m

Starting Places (22) in area Dartry Mountains:
Aghavoghil Middle, Arroo Trail CP, Ballaghnatrillick, Ballintrillick Forest, Barrs East, Castletown, Crumpaun, Curraghan Road, Dough Mountain NW, Dough Mountain West, Drumcliff River Road, Eagles Rock, Edenbaun, Glencar Waterfall, Gleniff Horseshoe Road, Lough Cloonaquin North, Luke's Bridge, Mountain Wood, Poulveha River, Thur East, Tormore Car Park, Truskmore Transmitter Entrance

Summits & other features in area Dartry Mountains:
N: Truskmore: Gortnagarn 445m, Tievebaun 611m, Truskmore 647m, Truskmore SE Cairn 631m
NE: Arroo Keeloges: Aganny Top 482m, Aghalateeve 432m, Agow Top 423m, Arroo Mountain 523m, Conwal North 421m, Crocknagapple 372m, Keeloges 452m
NW: Benbulbin: Annacoona Top 597m, Benbulbin 526m, Benbulbin South-East Top 505m, Benwiskin 514m, Benwiskin South Top 508m, Kings Mountain 462m
SE: Manorhamilton Hills: Ballaghnabehy Top 413m, Benbo 415m, Dough Mountain 462m, Lackagh Mountain 449m, Larkfield 305m, Naweeloge Top 441m, Thur Mountain 442m
SW: Castlegal Hills: Crockauns 463m, Crockauns West 452m, Hangmans Hill 400m, Keelogyboy Mountain 438m, Keelogyboy Mountain Far East Top 418m, Keelogyboy Mountain NE Top 435m, Keelogyboy Mountain SW Top 417m, Leean Mountain 417m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Hangmans Hill, 400m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Leitrim County in Connacht province, in Carn Lists, Hangmans Hill is the 955th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference G78194 39840, OS 1:50k mapsheet 16
Place visited by: 58 members, recently by: bowler, Colin Murphy, Carolyn105, supersullivan, melohara, noucamp, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, finkey86, magnumpig, FrankMc1964, Wilderness, glenlecky, annieipa, dr_banuska
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.335791, Latitude: 54.306856, Easting: 178194, Northing: 339840, Prominence: 65m,  Isolation: 0.7km
ITM: 578146 839841
Bedrock type: Dark fine-grained cherty limestone, (Dartry Limestone Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: HngmHl, 10 char: HngmnsHil

Gallery for Hangmans Hill and surrounds
Summary for Hangmans Hill : Heart of the Dartry's
Summary created by wicklore 25 Jul, 2010
   picture about Hangmans Hill
Picture: Hangman's Hill viewed from Keelogyboy Mtn Far East Top
One approach to Hangman’s Hill is from the public road at A (G7567 4001). It is possible to drive to Edenbaun (G7668 4012) where the public road ends. There is room for one car here without blocking the farmers track leading on into the valley. it is possible to follow this faint track to B (G7753 4016) and beyond giving great access to the Keelogboys and Hangmans Hill. Although crossing a wide section of bog it is not too wet or heavy going. Head first for the pointed hill on the left hand side of the Hangmans Hill ridge and watch out for Irish Lizards which live on this hill. Hangmans Hill offers great views of the various Keelogyboy hills, as well as Crockauns, Glencar Lake and over Kings Mountain to Truskmore. There is a great sense of wilderness in this area.
Member Comments for Hangmans Hill

   picture about Hangmans Hill
Picture: Top of Hangmans Hill, looking towards Leean - 2nd Feb. 2019
A northern approach
by magnumpig 7 Feb 2019
It's fairly straightforward to access Hangmans Hill, Keelyogyboy Mtn NE Top and Far E Top from the north. On the N16 take the local road opposite the graveyard, and proceed until you come to the entrance to the forestry. This is the best place to park. Proceed south along the local road on foot for about 10 minutes until approx. coordinates C (G79039 39668) (I'm not sure how to add coordinates so hope that works!) . There's a farm track here which provides easier access to the three slopes compared to the trekking across bog which other suggestions entail. You'll be approaching Hangmans Hill from it's eastern flank, and it can be completed in about 1.5 hours in a loop along with the NE Top. The Far East Top, which is the pick of the bunch, is a seperate entity altogether.

The county border between Sligo and Leitrim is marked by a stone wall on the NE Top. Hangmans Hill offers great views onto Sligo Bay, and back towards Leean Mountain.

Hangmans Hill gets its name from a local legend that tells that on the way over the mountains to Manorhamilton after sacking Sligo Town, some of Scottish planter Frederick Hamilton's men became lost in heavy fog. A guide on a white horse offered to lead them safely over the mountain, but intentionally led the men over the cliffs on the north side of the mountain (avoid these!) and to their doom, and the mountain is still fondly thought of to this day. Linkback:
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   picture about Hangmans Hill
Picture: Down from Hangman's Hill (summit on right with end of ridge on left)
Nice hill pity about the name!
by Harry Goodman 27 May 2012
I climbed this hill as part of a greater round of tops on 5 May 2012. (For earlier part of the route see my comments on Keelogyboy NE top.) From the col with Keelogyboy NE Top D (G782 396) we walked a short way E to E (G78318 39556) and crossed over a fence to follow the line of an old ditch up the hillside to cross a subsidiary rounded top of the hill before making for the top proper at F (G78200 39838). This is on a distinctive knoll but,as frequently found in these hills no marker indicates the top. This proved to be a very pleasing spot to sit and enjoy lunch. After our break we followed the ridge along over a couple of rounded knolls and then, as it curved around NW, to its high NW prow at G (G78017 40280) from where we descended steeply down the grassy slope to the valley below. Once down we headed WNW for Crockaun's our next top but could have headed due W, passing the cliff edged Pt 374 on the right (N) to pick up the track at Edenbaun (G767 401) and a short walk back to the car. Linkback:
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   picture about Hangmans Hill
Picture: The view SE from Crockauns
madfrankie on Hangmans Hill
by madfrankie 8 Feb 2010
The small cliff-girted rise to the left of foreground is Crockauns' minor 374m top. Behind that, on left, is Hangman's Hill. Right of centre is Keelogyboy NE Top, with Keelogyboy on right. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.