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Mangerton Area , SE: Esknabrock Subarea
Feature count in area: 28, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 78, 79, EW-KNP, EW-R
Highest Place: Mangerton 838.2m

Starting Places (30) in area Mangerton:
Cummeenboy Stream, Derrycunihy Church, Dunkerron Mid, Garries Bridge, Gowlane School Ruin, Hidden Valley Pet Farm, Inchimore West, Kenmare Bridge, Killarney Hiking Parking Lot, Knockanaskill N, Knocknsallagh Bridge, Loo River Junction, Looscaunagh Lough W, Lough Barfinnihy CP, Lough Guitane E, Lough Guitane SE, Lough Guitane W, Lynes Farm, Mangerton Walk N CP, Mangerton Walk Start, Molls Gap, Muckross Lake S, Old Rail Level Crossing, Poulacapple, River Roughty, Rossacroo na Loo Forest, Sahaleen Bridge, Shaking Rock W, Shronaboy Farm MTB, Torc Waterfall CP

Summits & other features in area Mangerton:
Cen: Dromderlough: Dromderalough 650m, Dromderalough NE Top 648m, Dromderalough NW Top 625m, Knockbrack 610m, Knockrower 554m, Shaking Rock 402m
Cen: Inchimore: Inchimore 256m
Cen: Mangerton: Glencappul Top 700m, Mangerton 838.2m, Mangerton North Top 782m, Stoompa 705m, Stoompa East Top 608m
NE: Crohane: Bennaunmore 454m, Carrigawaddra 425m, Crohane 650m, Crohane SW Top 477m
NW: Torc: Cromaglan Mountain 371m, Torc Mountain 534.8m, Torc Mountain West Top 479.4m
SE: Esknabrock: Esknabrock 406m
SW: Peakeens: Derrygarriff 492m, Derrygarriff West Top 382m, Foardal 409.8m, Knockanaguish 509m, Peakeen Mountain 554.7m, Peakeen Mountain Far NW Top 525.5m, Peakeen Mountain North-West Top 522.7m, Peakeen Mountain West Top 538.7m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Esknabrock, 406m Hill Eisc na mBroc A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
, Kerry County in Munster province, in Carn Lists, Esknabrock is the 917th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference W02688 77152, OS 1:50k mapsheet 79
Place visited by: 20 members, recently by: Colin Murphy, Grumbler, hivisibility, learykid, daitho9, chelman7, markmjcampion, Fergalh, ciarraioch, eamonoc, frankmc04, ShayGlynn, ahendroff, chalky, el_guapo
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.415685, Latitude: 51.938529, Easting: 102688, Northing: 77152, Prominence: 251m,  Isolation: 4.9km
ITM: 502660 577216
Bedrock type: Pebbly sandstone & conglomerate, (Doo Lough Pebbly Sandstone Member)
Notes on name: Previously Cappanlivane in MV.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Esknbr, 10 char: Esknabrock

Gallery for Esknabrock (Eisc na mBroc) and surrounds
Summary for Esknabrock (Eisc na mBroc): Have you got an hour?
Summary created by Colin Murphy, thomas_g 12 Jun, 2023
   picture about Esknabrock (Eisc na mBroc)
Picture: Several boulders vie for the title 'highpoint'.
Park at HidVal PetFm (W01491 77290), walk up the track, head for the summit, admire turbines and Crohane.
Member Comments for Esknabrock (Eisc na mBroc)

Short and fairly sweet
by thomas_g 1 Jun 2023
Park at HidVal PetFm (W01491 77290) (space for 1 car) after passing the pet farm. Go through the gate up the track until the gate at the end. Now head straight for the ridge, the going is nice, firmish grass under foot (a nice change), which means about an hour there and back.
Nice views of the flattish Mangerton to the north, Knockbrack to the west and my favourite Coomagearlahy nestled amongst the turbines to the east. Linkback:
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   picture about Esknabrock (Eisc na mBroc)
Picture: Esknabrok from the north.
Wonderfully rugged and isolated 3.5 hour circuit
by markmjcampion 29 Dec 2020
Park at the Millenium Forest car park at RsCroo Fst (W04507 78877) (on the western side of the road). Walk back to the car park entrance and keep an eye out for a narrow forest trail just to the south of the main one. Follow this trail over 15 mins until it eventually meets the original track at approx. A (W03426 78984). Go left here and keep left at the next intersection which you will shortly encounter. Keep on this track until you meet a fire break on the left about 200m after a ruined shed. The break is at approx. B (W02671 78738). Go south through the firebreak and head for the obvious high ground. You'll pass 4 or 5 fences en route and travel across a few broad and relatively dry ledges as well as the ubiquitous false summit. I got to the top in under 2 hours. From here there are really great views mainly to the north, south and west.
I descended in a easterly direction, veering south east after 500m. The going was easy and I was down at C (W04291 75914) in no time, scratching my head as to how to descend to the main road. I decided on heading down very steeply in a NE direction to the beckoning flat farmland below. It wasn't the greatest decision I ever made as the descent was very steep, wet and rough and there was a stream going parallel to the road which proved tricky to cross. If I was to stand at that point again I would head in a more southerly direction to give a safer descent, albeit with a longer road walk back to the car. Much better if you had a second car or a bike to avoid walking back on this busy, narrow road.
The circuit took 3.5 hours and was most enjoyable - if rugged, isolated boggy terrain is your thing I recommend it strongly. Linkback:
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Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.