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Doughill Mountain: Approach from the west

Two unlinked tracks from the west

Scattery Island: A very pleasant day out

Poor service from OSNI

Mweelrea: Mweelrea west access, descent

The Blue Eye, Albania.

Inishbiggle: A Great Day Exploring

Small but spectacular

Bagging Benfree

Outage on MV now over.

Inishlacken: Heaven on Earth

Coomnacronia Finnararagh Coomura Mountain Knockmoyle Knocknagantee

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Iveragh NW Area   SW: Ballinskelligs Subarea
Place count in area: 18, OSI/LPS Maps: 83, 84 
Highest place:
Knocknadobar, 690m
Maximum height for area: 690 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 565 metres,

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Bolus Hill Cnoc Bhólais A name in Irish Ir. Cnoc Bhólais [], poss. 'hill of the round lump’ [PDT] Kerry County in Munster Province, in Carn List, Purple sandstone & siltstone Bedrock

Height: 410m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 83 Grid Reference: V39918 63563
Place visited by 37 members. Recently by: chelman7, Emiliamain, maoris, Colin Murphy, thomas_g, annem, eamonoc, JohnAshton, liz50, Deise-Man, learykid, Bernieor, madfrankie, Fergalh, TommyV
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -10.321459, Latitude: 51.801969 , Easting: 39918, Northing: 63563 Prominence: 385m,  Isolation: 3.8km,   Has trig pillar
ITM: 439903 563627,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Bolus, 10 char: Bolus
Bedrock type: Purple sandstone & siltstone, (Ballinskelligs Sandstone Formation)

This peak is on a headland which runs out between St. Finan's Bay and Ballinskelligs Bay. It is possible that the name originally applied to Bolus Head, which is recorded as Canboles in 1595 on Mercator's map of Ireland. Canboles probably represents Ir. Ceann Bhólais. The element bolus is probably the English word denoting a round mass, ultimately from medieval Latin. Such a learned name is plausible given that Bolus Head was a landmark for seafarers with an importance beyond its immediate locality.   Cnoc Bhólais is the 901st highest place in Ireland.

COMMENTS for Bolus (Cnoc Bhólais) 1 of 1  
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Art full Attractions .. by group   (Show all for Bolus (Cnoc Bhólais)) Picture about mountain Bolus (<i>Cnoc Bhólais</i>) in area Iveragh NW, Ireland
Picture: Looking west from Bolus.
A view in a million!
by markmjcampion  1 May 2015
Park at the new car park [OS Sheet 83, V388650 starA] at the start of the new Bolus Loop route. The loop itself is worth doing and is what I had in mind until…well more on that later. Anyway, head south for about 1.5 km until you come to a Y junction…you'll have magical views of Puffin Island and the Skellig rocks as you amble along.
The signage for the loop is set up for an anti-clockwise direction so the arrows are pointing to the right at this junction. However, if you want to get up Bolus quickly, take the left road and follow its zig zags until you reach teh obvious saddle. Head left, following the fence and jumping it when it intersects with another one. From here it's a very short skip and a hop to the summit from where there are magnificent views looking east into Ballinaskelligs Bay and the islands off derrynane and west to the Skelligs and puffin islands.
If you're doing the loop retrace your steps to the col and cross a style to continue to the old barracks at the top of the next minor hill. There is also a WW2 lookout nearby - at the time this was manned around the clock by a party of 6 according to the local farmer I spent a few pleasant minutes with. His quip "If a farmer from Carlow or Kilkenny came down here, he'd starve" is one that I'll not forget in a hurry.
I had ascended in the late evening and was planning on sleeping in the shelter. As my stew was cooking on my stove, I figured I'd save time and set up my bed only to discover that I'd left my sleeping mat in the car! It was a breezy, cool evening and a sleeping bag on the concrete floor would not have been conducive to sleep (even if I had a bottle of whiskey with me) so, after eating, I headed despondently back to the car. It took less than an hour to get there but by then it was dark and, despite being back in the presence of my sleeping mat, I drove back home to Killarney instead. Tthe moment had passed!
For info on the loop walk see Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average
Fine views .. by TommyV   (Show all for Bolus (Cnoc Bhólais))
Short but rewarding summit walk .. by three5four0   (Show all for Bolus (Cnoc Bhólais))
Scenic Walk at Tip of Iveragh .. by ciarraioch   (Show all for Bolus (Cnoc Bhólais))
Windy Climb .. by Wilderness   (Show all for Bolus (Cnoc Bhólais))
(End of comment section for Bolus (Cnoc Bhólais).)

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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc