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Mount Gable 417.8m,
3234, 6km 4681, 6km
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Classic Mountain Days by Jones, Gareth Ll.

Douce Mountain: Track leads most of the way to fine Carn.

Short circuit of Maulin for Baggers or in bad weather

Knockaphuca: Up-date

Easy double Carn in under 2 hours

Knockoura: Simple walk up tarmac road.

Ben More: An Impressive Brocken Spectre from the Munro Summit

Fine hill with trail most of the way

Derroograne: Good views reward a slog.

Not Keeper Hill again?

Derroograne: Follow the forest.

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Partry & Joyce Area   SE: Cornamona Subarea
Place count in area: 27, OSI/LPS Maps: 37, 38, CBE, EW-CON, MSW 
Highest place:
Maumtrasna, 682m
Maximum height for area: 682 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 607 metres,

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
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Mount Gable Hill Binn Shleibhe A name in Irish, also Benlevy an extra name in English (Ir. Binn Shleibhe [OSI], 'peak of the mountain/moorland'). It is
often known as Mount Gable locally.
Galway County in Connacht Province, in Carn List, Schists, grits, metavolcanics, mylonitic Bedrock

Height: 417.8m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 38 Grid Reference: M05017 54904
Place visited by 89 members. Recently by: oakesave, annem, maryblewitt, Dee68, jkforde, elizauna, abcd, osullivanm, simon3, pdtempan, Tomaslj, Haulie, Ghreallaigh, TommyMc, GoldCircle
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -9.433285, Latitude: 53.53568 , Easting: 105018, Northing: 254905 Prominence: 352m,  Isolation: 4.5km,   Has trig pillar
ITM: 504988 754926,   GPS IDs, 6 char: MntGbl, 10 char: MntGbl
Bedrock type: Schists, grits, metavolcanics, mylonitic, (Ben Levy Grit Formation)

Benlevy dominates the narrow neck of land between Lough Mask and Lough Corrib, on which Clonbur and Cong are situated. Walks: for a route to the summit from the SE, see Whilde & Simms, New Irish Walk Guide - West and North, 58-59.   Binn Shleibhe is the 864th highest place in Ireland. Binn Shleibhe is the second most southerly summit and also the second most easterly in the Partry & Joyce area.

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Easily accessed hill with broad plateau having great views.
Short Summary created by simon3  28 May 2022
An obvious place to start is from Ballard, reached on a single track road at M072539 starA where there is parking for around 5 cars.. Proceed over the ladder style and follow the track uphill, grassy then boggy and some sections quite steep. The top is a long flattish ridge heading approximately East West with various cairns on minor knolls. The summit towards the western end is on a knoll with a trig pillar.
There are outstanding views in all directions such as towards the Maamturks to the west, Maumtrasna to the norrth and the two major lakes of the area: Lough Corrib to the south and Lough Mask, both of which have numerous islands. A particularly interesting view is of Lough Coolin which you can overlook from the NE of the ridge.
Total time up an down around 1h30 Linkback: Picture about mountain Mount Gable (<i>Binn Shleibhe</i>) in area Partry & Joyce, Ireland
Sunset on the peak area - November 30th, 2019
by magnumpig  30 Nov 2019
Picture taken in direction of Maam Cross and Lackavrea. As others have noted, spectacular views for little effort. The old bog road to the summit from the car park is very cute too. Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average Picture about mountain Mount Gable (<i>Binn Shleibhe</i>) in area Partry & Joyce, Ireland
Picture: Benlevy in full splendour.
Benlevy (Mount Gable) on 24.02.2012
by FilHil  5 Apr 2012
As mentioned by Bruno follow a single track road leading to Ballard. New-ish blue-on-white signs will direct you to a small parking area (M 072 539 starA) good for about 4 cars. Proceed over the ladder style and follow the track uphill, grassy then boggy and some sections quite steep. Old turf fields are in evidence near the top, reason that the track exists at all.

I wanted to share the picture of Benlevy, taken from the track up neighbouring Teeranea hill leading to Bohaun. Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average Picture about mountain Mount Gable (<i>Binn Shleibhe</i>) in area Partry & Joyce, Ireland
Picture: Lough Coolin
bruno on Mount Gable, 2009
by bruno  31 Aug 2009
Mount Gable (Ben Levy on OSI Map)

Did this walk a few weeks ago with NWM Hillwalkers. From Clonbur follow the R345 road signposted for Corr na Mona. Just after community centre take the right turn and continue uphill towards Mount Gable. When you reach a minor road junction turn left for Ballard until you reach a ladder stile beside a gate on the right.

Follow the zig-zag track uphill until you reach the crest of Mount Gable bringing both Lough Corrib and Lough Mask into view. Swing left and walk along the crest passing a cairn. Keep on past cairn until you reach the concrete trig point at 416m (1,370ft) on the true summit.

Leave the trig point and head for nearby cairn overlooking Lough Coolin. Aim for the shore of Lough Coolin, but stay on the grassy slopes avoiding rocky outcrops on the way down. A track on the lower slopes leads to the shore of Lough Coolin. Head for deserted village on lake shore.

Follow rugged path around the shore of Lough Coolin. A good track continues downstream, drifting away from the river beside a conifer planation. Beyond a gate, a narrow tarmac road runs downhill, passing a few houses. The road is very quiet and is actually grass-grown in places. When you reach a junction at the bottom, turn right and continue as far as stile form where you started. Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average Picture about mountain Mount Gable (<i>Binn Shleibhe</i>) in area Partry & Joyce, Ireland
Picture: A shower approaches over Lough Corrib as seen from Benlevy
bruno on Mount Gable, 2009
by bruno  31 Aug 2009
Tremendous views of Lough Mask and Lough Corrib- this is an ideal walk for beginners to hillwalking as it gives excellent panoramic views of lakes and surrounding Maamturk, Maamtrasna and Connemara mountains without too much effort. Linkback:
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Picture: Benlevy start area facilities.
A walker friendly hill.
by paddyhillsbagger  8 Jan 2013
Congratulations to Galway Co Co or whosoever provided the small carpark. Mount Gable walking signs and style which greet you upon arrival at M072 539 starA, as mentioned by bruno and Filhill. Lovely to find a welcome to the hills! Only downside is that it's a long trek across the boggy summit plateau to the trig point so keen baggers may wish to find a shorter route from the West. Linkback:
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(End of comment section for Mount Gable (Binn Shleibhe).)

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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc