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Feature count in area: 65, all in Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 78, 83, 84, 85, EW-KNP, EW-R
Highest Place: Stumpa Dúloigh 784m
Starting Places (66) in area Dunkerron Mountains: Ballaghasheen Coilte, Ballaghasheen Pass Viewpoint, Ballaghbeama Gap, Bohacullia, Bridia Valley End, Cahersavane Road, Cahersavane Schoolhouse, Cloon Lough NE, Cloon Lough SE, Coad Cemetery, Coad Road End, Com an Chiste, Coomaclarig Bridge, Coomnahorna River, Coomyanna Bridge, Dereenavurrig, Derreendarragh Church, Derrynane Quay, Dunkerron Mid, Eagles Lough Access Trailhead, Esknaloughoge Forest Trailhead, Fermoyle Farm, Foot Stick Ford Road, Gap of Dunloe Head of, Glashaknockbrassel Stream, Glasheenoultagh Stream, Gortaclohane Lane End, Gortaclohane Lane NE Branch, Gortagowan Wood, Gowlane School Ruin, Gowlanes Wood, Graces Landing, Inchimore West, Isknagahinney Lough E, Kenmare Bridge, Knockanamadane, Knockanaskill N, Knocknasullig, Knocknsallagh Bridge, Laghtacallow, Lissatinnig Bridge Boreen, Looscaunagh Lough W, Lough Barfinnihy CP, Lough Brin S, Lough Coomeen SE, Lough Dromtine NE, Lough Dromtine SE, Lough Fada N, Lough Iskanamacteery N, Lough Iskanamacteery NW, Lough Reagh N, Maghanlawaun Bridia Valley, Molls Gap, Ochtiabh Road, Poulacapple, River Owroe Source, River Sneem Fermoyle Loop, Rossacoosane Mid, Sahaleen Bridge, Scarriff Island, Shamrock Farmhouse B&B, Sneem, Tooreenboy Lough, Tooreennafersha Mid, Tooreennafersha South, Waterville Promenade
Summits & other features in area Dunkerron Mountains: Knocknagantee Near West Top 628m Cen: An Bheann Mhór: An Bheann Mhór 674.7m, An Bhinn Láir 514m, Coomcallee 648.9m, Beann na Stiocairí 673.1m, Coomnahorna 590m, Glanbeg 485.8m, Slievenashaska 578m, Slievenashaska South Top 565.4m Cen: Knocknagantee: Knockmoyle 682.1m, Finnararagh 667m, Cnoc Breasail 591m, Knocknagantee 674.3m, Knocknagantee West Top 553m, Coomnacronia 636m, Coomura Mountain 666m Cen: Mullaghanattin: An Cnoc Riabhach 534m, Beann 752m, Beann Far SW Top 636.2m, Beann NE Top 692m, Beann South Top 639m, Beann SW Top 657m, Sallagh 570m, Mullaghanattin 773m, Mullaghanattin East Top 594m, Sallagh South-West Top 543m E: Kenmare: Gortamullin 205m, Knockanaskill 356m, Letter South 362m N: Knocknacusha: Knocknacusha 547m NE: Knocknabreeda Ridge: Crossderry 489m, Knocknabreeda 569m, Mothaillín 506m NE: Knocknagapple: Bascadh 595m, Bascadh West Top 569m, Boughil 631m, Cnoc na gCapall 639m, Knocklomena 641m NE: Stumpa Dúloigh: Broaghnabinnia 745m, Knockaunanattin 569m, Knockaunanattin West Top 466.1m, Stumpa Dúloigh 784m, Stumpa Dúloigh SE Top 780m, Stumpa Dúloigh SW Top 663m SW: Caherdaniel: Farraniaragh Mountain 468m, Eagle Hill 155m, Reenearagh 162m, Beenarourke 304m, Knocknasullig 117m, Cahernageeha Mountain 498.7m SW: Coad ( Castle Cove ): Beenrour 418m, Eagles Hill 549m, Mullaghbeg 509m SW: Coomduff: Coomduff 244m SW: Deenish: Deenish Island (2) 144m SW: Esknaloughoge: Esknaloughoge 416m, Esknaloughoge North Top 420m SW: Scarriff: Scarriff Island 252m SW: Sneem: An Bheann Mhór 309.3m, Dereenavurrig Hill 261m, Knockanamadane 270m, Knocknafreaghane 316.5m, Knocknagullion 413m SW: Staigue: Staigue Top 459m, Staigue NE Top 435m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Beann, 752mMountain An Bheann Bhán A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Bheann Bhán [TH], 'white peak'), Kerry County in Munster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred Lists, Beann is the 77th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference V72594 76461,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 78 Place visited by: 208members, recently by: mdehantschutter, orlaithfitz, rosduke, Alanjm, Aidan_Ennis, knightsonhikes, discovering_dann, Sweeney, DarrenY, Nailer1967, farmerjoe1, NualaB, nupat, Kaszmirek78, rhw
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.852566, Latitude: 51.926378, Easting: 72594, Northing: 76461,
Prominence: 166m, Isolation: 0.8km ITM: 472589 576539 Bedrock type: Green sandstone & siltstone, (St. Finans Sandstone Formation) Notes on name: Beann (approximate pronunciation: byown, rhyming with down) is most often climbed in combination with Mullaghanattin as part of a circuit of the Pocket. Despite being unnamed on the Discovery map, it is nearly as high as its neighbour and has several satellites of its own. The ridge extending to the south-west towards Finnararagh is among the most wild and solitary routes in Ireland.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Beann, 10 char: Beann Linkback:
Gallery for Beann (An Bheann Bhán) and surrounds
for Beann (An Bheann Bhán):
Uninspiring ridge top, well-located and with great views.
Summary created by markmjcampion, simon3, Colin Murphy
31 Aug, 2023
Picture: Beann from the SW
Beann is a flat top flanked by steep sides which lies in central Iveragh. It’s rarely climbed on its own being part of the Mulaghanattin horseshoe and the Dunkerron ridge. Extensive views of the Reeks, south Iveragh hills, Glenbeigh hills and Beara.
SE. Beann is often done as part of the Mullaghanattin Horseshoe which starts at Gortcloh (V74740 74702) (see comments for Mullaghanattin for directions.) Approaching from Beann NE, the ascent from the col is about 90m and not excessively steep. The summit is quite unremarkable - a clump of slightly elevated grass topped by rocks. 3hrs+ anti clockwise/2hrs+ clockwise.
E. Park a car where you can near A (V76623 77454) and ascend the grassy and rocky spur W to the summit of Mullaghanattin E Top and hence follow directions listed in Mullaghanattin entry. 2.5 hrs
NW. It is also possible to reach B from Cloon Lake. However, the farmer at N end of Cloon Lake has requested hikers to start at Cloon NE (V70843 78395) and to follow the stream uphill (stream is best seen on the ‘airphoto’ layer on the map above). Please do not ascend from the N end of the lake B (V70921 78795) or the farm track at C (V70855 78582) as both these routes involve a number of fence crossings. 2hrs+
B also lies on the Dunkerron ridge – the spine of Iveragh…it’s a 3 day walk between the vicinity of Waterville and the Ballaghbeama Pass and is a must for the wild campers among you.
Notable tracks include circular track/3485 and the epic track/3488 and track/2207
Beann is on the skyline, left of centre in this picture taken from Lackawee in the Caha Mountains.
To its left are its SW Top, to its right its NE Top and then Mullaghanattin, looking from this angle more like a whaleback than the Matterhorn of Kerry.
Beann is composed of 6 summits which are all visible to the left in this photograph. This photograph was taken from Finnararagh which is west of Beann. Also visible in this photograph is Mullaghanattin, Corran Tuathail, Bruach na Binne & Stumpa Duloigh. Routes to the summits of Beann include (1) Approaching from the East from Ballaghbeama via Mullaghanattin. (2) Approaching from the West via Finnararagh. (3) On the main Sneem to Moll's Gap Road is the townland of Lettermoneel (OS Map No.78). From here take the ridge via Eskine, Knockarig & Faher Mountain. All 3 are long walks Linkback:
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Picture: Beann from the SW
simon3 on Beann
by simon3
19 Sep 2006
Beann is at a meeting point of three ridges. One leads towards Mullaghanattin, another south to one end of the Mullaghanattin circuit and then thirdly south west towards An Corrán (Finnararagh). This is a Janus mountain, looking two ways, because although not quite a high as Mullaghanattin, it has good views of the Reeks and good views of the summits SW Dunkerrons towards Coomcallee above Waterville.
Different guidebooks have different spellings such as Beoun and Beounn. Usually you would reach this summit as part of the Mullaghnattin circuit, but it could also be reached from the Ballaghbeama gap or from the SE corner of Cloon Lough. The actual summit is unremarkable, being a grassy ridge with a fence.
The photo shows Beann SW top to the left and the steep route to Beann from the SW. This is one of those memorable pull ups that you could compare with some of the steep bits of Slieve Bearnagh (Mournes) or the pull up Maumturkmore (Maamturks). Linkback:
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Picture: The ridge of Beann
Geo on Beann
by Geo
23 Feb 2010
After summitting Mullaghnattin and heading SW to point 592, our next objective was Beann. We didn't summit the spot height 692 but kept to its left, all the time climbing so as to finish up on the ridge top N of Beann. Then we followed the fence the short relatively level grade to the Beann top. We actually went to the end of this and passed by the true summit by some 100 - 200 metres as it isn't immediately clear which little crest is the highest. Anyway once here you can continue to follow the fence S to a col before a little push up Beann S Top... Linkback:
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Picture: Beann
eric on Beann
by eric
20 Sep 2006
Beann on the right as seen from the lower slopes of Coomura mountain. The Reeks in the background. The photograph also shows to some extent the "rough, confusing, boggy land" that Simon describes in his description of the walk from Knocknagantee to Coomura Mtn on the Coomura Mtn comment page. Linkback:
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