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Blackstairs MountainsArea, N: Blackstairs North
Feature count in area: 13, by county: Wexford: 10, Carlow: 6, of which 3 are in both Carlow and Wexford,
OSI/LPS Maps: 68, EW-B, EW-B, EW-B2
Highest Place: Mount Leinster 794.4m
Starting Places (20) in area Blackstairs Mountains: Ballybawn Lane, Ballybeg Forest Road, Ballygibbon Lane, Ballyglisheen, Ballyvocran Cross, Bog Road L30072, Coonoge Cross Layby, Crooked Bridge, Glynn, Kilbrannish Forest Recreation CP, Mandoran Lane, R746 Half Way House, Raheenkyle, Rathanna Bridge, Sculloge Gap CP, Shannons Lane Sculloge, The Nine Stones CP, Urrin River Mid Rise, Urrin River Zig Zag, Urrin Road
Summits & other features in area Blackstairs Mountains: N: Blackstairs North: Black Rock Mountain 599.6m, Croaghaun 455.5m, Greenoge 425m, Knockmore 228m, Knockroe 538.8m, Mount Leinster 794.4m, Mount Leinster East Top 656.5m, Slievebawn 524.8m S: Blackstairs South: Blackstairs Mountain 732.1m, Carrigalachan 462m, Carrigroe 498m, White Mountain 510m, Slievebaun 441.8m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Greenoge, 425mHill An Grianóg A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
, Guróg, Gurode, Wexford County in Leinster province, in Carn Lists, Greenoge is the 831st highest place in Ireland. Greenoge is the most easterly summit and also the second most northerly in the Blackstairs Mountains area.
Grid Reference S86288 57088,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 68 Place visited by: 54members, recently by: andodenis, Nailer1967, mickhanney, MartaD, abcd, Colin Murphy, pinchy, Roen, Jay9, mountainmike, loftyobrien, finkey86, saule, ewen, Barry28213
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Grng, 10 char: Greenoge Linkback:
Gallery for Greenoge (An Grianóg) and surrounds
for Greenoge (An Grianóg):
Easy walk: views to Blackstairs and North.
Summary created by simon3
08 Jun, 2010
Picture: Panorama south towards the Blackstairs and cloud covered Mt Leinster
A great attraction of Greenoge is the huge view of the north end of the Blackstairs. There are also views to the north and to nearby summits nearer the coast such as Slieveboy and Carrigroe Hill. The obvious way to start is from the SW at Kilbrannish Forest Recreation Area car park at around KlBranish (S842 568). Follow the South Leinster Way until you reach an edge of the forest A (S85636 57573) leading up towards the wind turbines.
Another waypoint to reach the top is from around B (S86501 57313) on forest tracks. Another place to start is from the NE at C (S87218 58650).
There is no distinct top in amongst the heather. The summit area has four wind turbines with associated access roads.
It is easy to continue to Croaghaun via forest roads as marked on the sheet 68.
We approached Greenoge from the northeast, where there's room to park one car at the start of the Coillte track at C (S87218 58650). The plan was to follow the South Leinster Way, take the track left up the slope onto the ridge that extends NE from the summit. However, we turned left too early: ignore the turnoff at D (S87326 58132) unless you like bashing through spruce and gorse. The correct turn shown on sheet 68 is a few hundred metres further on, after the trees end. The rest of the tracks are shown accurately on 68, so finding the summit area is easy. The summit itself appears to be on private property: a wind farm occupies the area immediately around the summit. Unfortunately the clouds had descended, obscuring any view. Linkback:
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Picture: The view from Greenoge: Mount Leinster on left, Slievebawn on right.
madfrankie on Greenoge
by madfrankie
30 Mar 2010
From Croaghaun we continued east on pleasant forest tracks for some 3km.
Rather than take the track that contours round Greenoge to the NE, we followed the forest's edge (which abuts high farmland) towards the wind turbines looming on the skyline. Greenoge is a flattish top, completely dominated by the 5 or 6 wind turbines at its summit.
Despite the intrusive presence of all this stuff, there are fine views to be had, notably the impressive bulk of Mount Leinster, a short distance south.
We returned to the forest track, but then took another forest road (waymarked The South Leinster Way) SW down to the tarred road. Another kilometer and we were back at the car park at the Corrbut Gap. Linkback:
Greenoge's position at the end of the Blackstairs means there are uninterrupted views of the rolling countryside to the north and east. This was spoiled somewhat by low cloud, but glimpses were possible. This shot shows the view northeast along the ridge that I used to access the summit Linkback:
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Picture: Heading up the raised ditch to Greenoge Top
Short and simple route to the top.
by Harry Goodman
29 Jun 2015
On 3 May 2013 we parked at KlBranish (S84311 56818) at start of the Kilbrannish Looped Walk and followed the waymarked trail (purple arrows) up a short stone and gravel path to meet the main track which we then followed anti-clockwise ENE (right). The direction posts were for the Kilbrannish Loop (purple) and the S Leinster Way. After about 1.5km the looped walk turned left (W) at E (S855 575) but we continued on NE for about 200 metres to where the forest edge coming down from Greenoge met our path A (S85636 57573). Crossing the fence on our right and keeping the line of the forest to our left we walked up along a raised ditch, on a gentle slope, past some wind turbines. The top F (S86292 57087) was about 900 metres along. Due to the mist we had limited views across to the long E ridge of Mt. Leinster, our objective for the next day. While we could have returned to the start by our outward route, we decided when we came back down to the track and along to where the Kilbrannish looped walk turned up W, that we would complete the loop and take in another MV listed top Croaghaun en route. (For details see my comments on Croaghaun). This gave us a walk of just under 8km completed in a couple of hours and added 2km to an out and back walk to Greenoge. It also served as a nice introduction to a week-end's walking in the Blackstairs. Linkback:
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