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Mourne Mountains Area , W: Slievemoughanmore Subarea
Feature count in area: 59, all in Down, OSI/LPS Maps: 20, 29, EW-CLY
Highest Place: Slieve Donard 849m

Starting Places (33) in area Mourne Mountains:
Alex Steddom Tree, Aughrim Airstrip, Ben Crom Dam, Bloody Bridge Car Park, Carlingford Greenway, Carrick Little, Crocknafeola Wood, Crotlieve Mountain, Donard Car Park Newcastle, Drummanmore Picnic, Fofanny Reservoir, Forest Office CP, Gamekeepers Lodge CP, Happy Valley Trassey Rd, Hen Mountain CP, Leitrim Lodge CP, Mayo Road Corner, Meelmore Lodge, Newcastle Harbour, Ott CP, Red Bog Road, Rourkes Park, Sandy Brae, Silent Valley Reservoir Head Rd, Slieve Donard Trail Head, Slieve Foye Viewing Point, Slievefoy Forest CP, Spelga Dam E, Spelga Dam N, Spelga Dam S, Trassey Car Park, Two Mile River CP, Yellow Water Park

Summits & other features in area Mourne Mountains:
Cen: Loughshannagh: Ben Crom 526m, Carn Mountain 585.2m, Carn Mountain North Top 553.7m, Doan 592.6m, Ott Mountain 526.8m, Slieve Loughshannagh 617m, Slieve Muck 670.4m, Slievenaglogh 445m
E: Binnian: Slieve Binnian 745.9m, Slieve Binnian East Top 639m, Slieve Binnian North Top 678m, Slieve Binnian North Tor 682.5m, Wee Binnian 460m
E: Donard: Chimney Rock Mountain 656m, Crossone 540m, Millstone Mountain 460m, Rocky Mountain 524m, Slieve Donard 849m
E: Lamagan: Cove Mountain 654.8m, Slieve Beg 595.9m, Slievelamagan 702.2m
N: Bearnagh: Slieve Bearnagh 739m, Slieve Bearnagh North Tor 680m, Slieve Meelbeg 701.9m, Slieve Meelmore 687m
N: Castlewellan: Slievenaboley 324m, Slievenalargy 280m, Slievenaslat 272m
N: Commedagh: Slieve Commedagh 767m, Slieve Corragh 641.9m, Slievenaglogh 584.4m, Slievenaglogh East Top 571m
N: Croob: Cratlieve 429m, Slieve Croob 534m, Slievegarran 391m, Slievenisky 446m
N: Rathfriland: Knockiveagh 235m
S: Kilkeel: Knockchree 306m
S: Rostrevor: Crenville 460m, Finlieve 578m, Slievemartin 485m, Slievemeel 420m, Slievemeen 472m
W: Hilltown: Gruggandoo 382m, Slieveacarnane 296m
W: Slievemoughanmore: Crotlieve Mountain 347m, Eagle Mountain 638m, Rocky Mountain 404m, Shanlieve 626m, Slievemoughanmore 560m, Tievedockaragh 473m, Wee Slievemoughan 428m
W: Spelga: Butter Mountain 503.8m, Cock Mountain 504m, Cock Mountain South-West Top 505m, Hen Mountain 354m, Pigeon Rock Mountain 534m, Pigeon Rock Mountain South Top 530m, Slievenamiskan 444m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Wee Slievemoughan, 428m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Down County in Ulster province, in Carn Lists, Wee Slievemoughan is the 814th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference J24458 24787, OS 1:50k mapsheet 29
Place visited by: 117 members, recently by: jjbireland700s, Alanjm, samm77, trostanite, Carolineswalsh, garybuz, Oscar-mckinney, abeach, feargalf, abcd, annem, cmcv10, JoannaS, pcman, Andy1287
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -6.095625, Latitude: 54.157035, Easting: 324458, Northing: 324787, Prominence: 33m,  Isolation: 0.9km
ITM: 724380 824791
Bedrock type: Granite granophyre, (Mourne Mountains granite)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: WSlvmg, 10 char: WSlvmghn

Gallery for Wee Slievemoughan and surrounds
Summary for Wee Slievemoughan : Follow the track for easy access
Summary created by wicklore 25 Jul, 2010
   picture about Wee Slievemoughan
Picture: Wee Slievemoughan on right, with Slievemoughanmore and Eagle Mountain
One approach is to start at the Sandbank Road car park at HenCP (J234 278). Across the road there is a track to the left of a house that gives access right into the valley between Wee Slievemoughan and Pigeon Rock Mountain. Following the track brings you to the foot of Wee Slievemoughan. There are amazing views of Slievemoughanmore, Eagle Mountain and the valley all around. The Rowan Tree River is crossed on this route but usually this is easy, and the track will bring you to a crossing place. Dogs are not allowed in this area – either on or off a lead.
Member Comments for Wee Slievemoughan

   picture about Wee Slievemoughan
Picture: Slievemoughanmore, Wee Slievemoughan and Eagle Mtn
wicklore on Wee Slievemoughan
by wicklore 2 Mar 2010
I set out from the Sand Bank Road car park at HenCP (J234 278). As Simon3 points out elsewhere, this car park is directly opposite a house which may provide some disincentive to potential thieves. If possible, approach the car park along the minor road from Rostrevor as you can then enjoy the tree lined road with its leafy canopy, and views of the slopes of Slievemartin, Slievemeel & Tievedockeragh en route.

To the left of the house opposite the carpark there is a lane which joins up with the Ulster & Mourne Ways after about 1km. I then turned right and followed the track through a gate with a sign warning that dogs – whether on or off the lead – are not allowed by the Batts Estate Trustees. Once through the gate the track leads up and into the heart of the valley that is surrounded by Hen, Cock, Pigeon Rock, Slievemoughanmore, Wee Slievemoughan and Rocky Mtn. Besides the exciting new views of these hills, the track offers excellent access and route opportunities.

Following the track I passed by Hen Mountain and its dramatic summit tors. I continued up the track to about the 300 metre altitude mark where I left the track and headed onto the heathery slopes of Cock Mtn. Boggy ground gave way to snow covered slopes and expanding views. Cock Mtn has twin peaks separated by about 200 metres with a 20 metre drop to the col. From the summit I was struck by the views in all directions – from the nearby frozen Spelga Dam to the snow covered mountains of Carn, Slieve Muck and Eagle Mtns to name but a few. Human caterpillars could be seen making their way down the slopes of Pigeon Rock – long lines of walkers replicating that curious ebb and flow movement of the little creature. A black crow perched on a nearby rock made me think of MV’s own Bleck Cra who often springs to mind when I walk his favoured hills.

From Cock Mtn I headed SSW back into the valley. Before reaching Wee Slievemoughan I passed by several areas of old turf cutting operations. There were a lot of tree roots sticking out of the base of the old cutting banks which could be ancient bog oak. I turned left on rejoining the valley track and followed it until it ended at a sheet of metal. From here I headed straight up the slopes of Wee Slievemoughan. Large sheets of rock mark the summit, with a single stone placed at the highest point. The backdrop of snow-covered Slievemoughanmore and Eagle Mountain, and the views all around the valley made this a worthy climb. I was struck by how empty the valley below was, despite the good track, the good weather and the hordes I had seen on the track earlier.

After taking my fill of views and memories I descended NE to rejoin the track after crossing the lovely named Rowan Tree River. Returning to the car ended both the 4 hour walk and the quiet of these hills. I would recommend this area for walking. Whatever route you choose, you can’t go wrong basing it around this easily accessible valley. Linkback:
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three5four0 on Wee Slievemoughan
by three5four0 20 Jul 2008
Contoured out from the wall after Pigeon rock mountain, then round the side of Slievemoughanmore, reaching the summit of Wee Slievemoughan, which turned out to be a small outcrop. Surprisingly good views all round. The going on the descent and then the ascent to Windy Gap was very wet & heavy after all the recent rain. Passed by a very large group of ramblers coming the other way. Linkback:
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   picture about Wee Slievemoughan
Picture: Wee Slievemoughan viewed from Gruggandoo
csd on Wee Slievemoughan
by csd 15 Nov 2009
Access note: Wee Slievemoughan is part of the Batt's estate, which does not allow dogs on their lands. All accesses from the west off Sandbank Road have notices banning dogs (due to sheep farming). Linkback:
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   picture about Wee Slievemoughan
Picture: View towards Hen Mt from the west slope
The ups and downs
by Colin Murphy 8 Oct 2018
Approaching from Rocky Mountain summit requires a bit of up-and-down trekking, as it is necessary to first ascend Tornamrock and then drop down again to a the col to the south before ascending Wee Slievemoughan, which is quite a steep but doable climb. Great views from the summit towards Hen Mountain about three km to the north. Linkback:
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Easing back in again
by dmcdevitt 4 Oct 2011
Decide to try out the spelga circuit using a new app sport tracker, This might be useful for others how want to compare routes Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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