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Glenbeigh Horseshoe Area , Cen: Glenbeigh Horseshoe Subarea
Feature count in area: 20, all in Kerry, OSI/LPS Maps: 70, 78, 83, EW-R
Highest Place: Coomacarrea 772m

Starting Places (24) in area Glenbeigh Horseshoe:
Ballaghasheen Coilte, Ballaghasheen Pass Viewpoint, Cahernaman, Caunoge Boreen, Cloon Lough NE, Cloon Lough SE, Coolnahornan Bridge, Coomaclarig Bridge, Coomaglaslaw Outflow, Coomasaharn Lake, Coosatemple Cove, Coulagh Bridge Road, Drung Hill Layby, Gleensk Forest, Gleensk Viaduct, Glenbeigh Village, Lissatinnig Bridge Boreen, Lough Brista Wood, Lough Cappanlea OEC, Lough Caragh SW, River Behy Road, River Ferta Source, River Owroe Source, Roads Lough

Summits & other features in area Glenbeigh Horseshoe:
Cen: Glenbeigh Horseshoe: Been Hill 651m, Beenmore 660m, Beenreagh 495m, Coomacarrea 772m, Drung Hill 640m, Keamconneragh 593m, Macklaun 607m, Meenteog 715m, Mullaghnarakill 665m, Teeromoyle Mountain 760m
N: Glenbeigh: Callahaniska 219m, Coolroe 414m, Curra Hill 275m, Seefin 493m
S: Caunoge: Caunoge 502m
S: Knocknagapple: Colly 679m, Knocknagapple 466m, Knocknagapple NW Top 458m, Meenteog South-East Top 565m
W: Mount Foley: Mount Foley 355m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Teeromoyle Mountain, 760m Mountain Sliabh Thír Ó mBaoill A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(poss. Ir. ‡Sliabh Thír Ó mBaoill [PDT], 'mountain of Tír Ó
, Kerry County in Munster province, in Vandeleur-Lynam, Arderin Beg, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Teeromoyle Mountain is the second highest mountain in the Glenbeigh Horseshoe area and the 70th highest in Ireland.
Grid Reference V60384 83288, OS 1:50k mapsheet 78/83
Place visited by: 215 members, recently by: hugh_oc, abeach, orlaithfitz, Ansarlodge, DeirdreM, DarrenY, Aidan_Ennis, maryblewitt, discovering_dann, RonanS, Nailer1967, glencree, farmerjoe1, jimmel567, Kaszmirek78
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -10.032827, Latitude: 51.984604, Easting: 60384, Northing: 83288, Prominence: 25m,  Isolation: 1.1km
ITM: 460373 583346
Bedrock type: Purple mudstone & siltstone, (Valentia Slate Formation)
Notes on name: This name is derived from a townland to the west of the Glenbeigh Horseshoe. Teeromoyle Mountain rises up from this townland, which is consistently spelt 'Teeromoyle' (Tír Ó mBaoill).
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: TrmyMn, 10 char: TrmylMntn

Gallery for Teeromoyle Mountain (Sliabh Thír Ó mBaoill) and surrounds
Summary for Teeromoyle Mountain (Sliabh Thír Ó mBaoill): A summit in the middle of a classic Horseshoe walk
Summary created by liz50 21 Mar, 2017
This summit is usually accessed whilst walking the Glenbeigh Horseshoe. A shortened version taking in the 4 central 600m summits in the centre of the horseshoe Teeromoyle, Coomacarrea, Mullaghnarakill and Been Hill can be started from Cula Brg (V56861 83063) but parking is very limited.
Alternatively a NE approach from A (V63684 85210) could be considered.This route involves crossing the narrow Keamconneragh ridge which would be hazardous in high winds. It may not be suitable for inexperienced walkers.
There is a small cairn on the almost flat summit with dramatic views over the cliffs to Coomasaharn Lake and the Keamconneragh (or Teeromoyle) Tooth
Member Comments for Teeromoyle Mountain (Sliabh Thír Ó mBaoill)

   picture about Teeromoyle Mountain (Sliabh Thír Ó mBaoill)
simon3 on Teeromoyle Mountain
by simon3 12 Dec 2004
Teermoyle is towards the middle of the famous Glenbeigh Horseshoe, shown in the is terrain visualisation which is looking broadly south-west. Data from NASA, and dated around 2000-2002. Linkback:
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   picture about Teeromoyle Mountain (Sliabh Thír Ó mBaoill)
Picture: Magillacuddy's Reeks providing a wonderful backdrop on the approach to Teermoyle
johnvbrennan on Teeromoyle Mountain
by johnvbrennan 31 Jan 2006
The steep cliffs around lake Coomasaharn are the most impressive I have seen to date. You certainly want your bearings about you when it's foggy up here. As the day was clear we didn't have any problems with navigation. From Teermoyle you are surrounded by mountains on all sides. Carrauntuohill and The Reeks are directly east, Brandon range to the north, Finnararagh and Mullaganattin to the south-east. It's a feast for the senses. Linkback:
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   picture about Teeromoyle Mountain (Sliabh Thír Ó mBaoill)
simon3 on Teeromoyle Mountain
by simon3 3 Feb 2007
Teermoyle is right in the middle of the famous Glenbeigh Horseshow. It is set back from the cliff-face to its east by around 275m. It's summit does have a small cairn, however the location of this is not obvious without a GPS since the summit area is nearly flat. The day that I was on it was fairly misty, however it should be possible to see south from it to Caunoge. Certainly the views over the cliff are dramatic and include the Teeromoyle Tooth.

The picture was taken from about 6k NE of the summit on the main road, N70. Linkback:
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   picture about Teeromoyle Mountain (Sliabh Thír Ó mBaoill)
simon3 on Teeromoyle Mountain
by simon3 3 Feb 2007
Taken from a tad over 500m NE of the summit, this shows Teeromoyle Tooth (formerly Coomacarrea Tooth) which connects to the main route of the Glenbeigh Horseshoe near Teermoyle via a narrow, one person ridge. However the ridge leading NE from the Tooth, shown on the right of the picture and called Coomreagh, is broad and flat. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.