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Dartry Mountains Area , NE: Arroo Keeloges Subarea
Feature count in area: 32, by county: Leitrim: 22, Sligo: 11, of which 1 is in both Sligo and Leitrim, OSI/LPS Maps: 16, 17, 25, 26
Highest Place: Truskmore 647m

Starting Places (22) in area Dartry Mountains:
Aghavoghil Middle, Arroo Trail CP, Ballaghnatrillick, Ballintrillick Forest, Barrs East, Castletown, Crumpaun, Curraghan Road, Dough Mountain NW, Dough Mountain West, Drumcliff River Road, Eagles Rock, Edenbaun, Glencar Waterfall, Gleniff Horseshoe Road, Lough Cloonaquin North, Luke's Bridge, Mountain Wood, Poulveha River, Thur East, Tormore Car Park, Truskmore Transmitter Entrance

Summits & other features in area Dartry Mountains:
N: Truskmore: Gortnagarn 445m, Tievebaun 611m, Truskmore 647m, Truskmore SE Cairn 631m
NE: Arroo Keeloges: Aganny Top 482m, Aghalateeve 432m, Agow Top 423m, Arroo Mountain 523m, Conwal North 421m, Crocknagapple 372m, Keeloges 452m
NW: Benbulbin: Annacoona Top 597m, Benbulbin 526m, Benbulbin South-East Top 505m, Benwiskin 514m, Benwiskin South Top 508m, Kings Mountain 462m
SE: Manorhamilton Hills: Ballaghnabehy Top 413m, Benbo 415m, Dough Mountain 462m, Lackagh Mountain 449m, Larkfield 305m, Naweeloge Top 441m, Thur Mountain 442m
SW: Castlegal Hills: Crockauns 463m, Crockauns West 452m, Hangmans Hill 400m, Keelogyboy Mountain 438m, Keelogyboy Mountain Far East Top 418m, Keelogyboy Mountain NE Top 435m, Keelogyboy Mountain SW Top 417m, Leean Mountain 417m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Aghalateeve, 432m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Leitrim County in Connacht province, in no lists, Aghalateeve is the 796th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference G82216 48943, OS 1:50k mapsheet 16
Place visited by: 29 members, recently by: conormcbandon, Wilderness, magnumpig, Lucky1, bryanmccabe, Wildrover, johnnyphil, markmjcampion, melohara, PeakPaul, Geo, Hilldweller, mountainmike, eamonoc, Fergalh
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.274519, Latitude: 54.388796, Easting: 182216, Northing: 348943, Prominence: 27m,  Isolation: 1.5km
ITM: 582169 848943
Bedrock type: Dark fine-grained cherty limestone, (Dartry Limestone Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Aghltv, 10 char: Aghalateve

Gallery for Aghalateeve and surrounds
Summary for Aghalateeve : Not a hill that will live long in the memory.
Summary created by Harry Goodman 16 Nov, 2011
   picture about Aghalateeve
Picture: Looking E to Aganny Top from Aghalateeve
A visit to this top will most likely be made by walkers doing a circuit of other hills in the area. However, because it shares the same starting point with that for Keeloges it is also possible, on the way to Aghalateeve, to make a short detour and bag Keeloges, a much more rewarding top. Park at a Church on the Kinlough to Manorhamilton road (R280) at A (G803 503) and walk south along the road 400m to a gate and track on the left.. Cross over and follow the track E uphill towards the cliff face of Keeloges. Make for a gully with evidence of subsidence and, to the right of it, a green zig zag track which goes up the steep hillside to the broad summit ridge near the SW end of Lough Keeloges B (G813 498). (If a detour to Keeloges is to be taken it is a short and easy climb up N to the top). For Aghalateeve go around the S tip of the Lough and climb up E to Pt 442 C (G814 497) before descending SE across flat marshy ground, with a number or small fenced in boggy areas, and then up to Pt 432 marking the high point D (G822 490). This lies along a N to S high edge on the flat, non-descript, peat hagged moorland and is marked by a few stones placed there by mv members. Return by way of ascent.
Member Comments for Aghalateeve

   picture about Aghalateeve
Picture: Madfrankie's Cairn on Aghalateeve with Arroo Mt beyond
In search of Madfrankie's Cairn
by Harry Goodman 31 May 2010
Climbed this hill from the E on Sat 22 May 2010 as part of a round which also included Arroo Mt, Aganny Top and Keeloges. (For prevoius part of route see my comments on Aganny Top.) On leaving Aganny Top we headed down W through thick heather to cross a stream at E (G83300 48900) some 1.1 k down the slope before climbing up to Agalateeve's flat and rather uninteresting peat hagged top. This long walk down and climb up through heather was tedious and by far the only blot on an otherwise perfect round. However the MV co-ordinates for the top F (G82200 49000) brought us unerringly to the long N to S flat top ridge of the hill and to "Madfrankie's Cairn" G (G82214 48944) where we ceremoniously added a couple of new stones. Coming as we did from the E and covering much of Agalateeve's flat top both to and along its N to S high edge we would not dispute his choice of spot to mark the top. This said, in my view, the only reason one would wish to climb this hill would be to to add it to a mv list or more likely as part of a circuit over other more interesting tops. With our cairn building complete we headed NW to our fourth and final hill of the round Keeloges. Linkback:
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   picture about Aghalateeve
Picture: The pinnacles of Aghalateeve
madfrankie on Aghalateeve
by madfrankie 3 Jul 2009
Aghlateeve lies a dull and monotone 1.4km SE of Keeloges. More a rise in the moorland than a 'mountain', it's flat and peat-hagged summit offers few possibilities for a highest point. However this didn't stop me from assembling a small heap of stones on a likely spot. Feel free to contribute a rock in the unlikely event of you ever visiting this place. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.