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Dartry Mountains Area , SE: Manorhamilton Hills Subarea
Feature count in area: 32, by county: Leitrim: 22, Sligo: 11, of which 1 is in both Sligo and Leitrim, OSI/LPS Maps: 16, 17, 25, 26
Highest Place: Truskmore 647m

Starting Places (22) in area Dartry Mountains:
Aghavoghil Middle, Arroo Trail CP, Ballaghnatrillick, Ballintrillick Forest, Barrs East, Castletown, Crumpaun, Curraghan Road, Dough Mountain NW, Dough Mountain West, Drumcliff River Road, Eagles Rock, Edenbaun, Glencar Waterfall, Gleniff Horseshoe Road, Lough Cloonaquin North, Luke's Bridge, Mountain Wood, Poulveha River, Thur East, Tormore Car Park, Truskmore Transmitter Entrance

Summits & other features in area Dartry Mountains:
N: Truskmore: Gortnagarn 445m, Tievebaun 611m, Truskmore 647m, Truskmore SE Cairn 631m
NE: Arroo Keeloges: Aganny Top 482m, Aghalateeve 432m, Agow Top 423m, Arroo Mountain 523m, Conwal North 421m, Crocknagapple 372m, Keeloges 452m
NW: Benbulbin: Annacoona Top 597m, Benbulbin 526m, Benbulbin South-East Top 505m, Benwiskin 514m, Benwiskin South Top 508m, Kings Mountain 462m
SE: Manorhamilton Hills: Ballaghnabehy Top 413m, Benbo 415m, Dough Mountain 462m, Lackagh Mountain 449m, Larkfield 305m, Naweeloge Top 441m, Thur Mountain 442m
SW: Castlegal Hills: Crockauns 463m, Crockauns West 452m, Hangmans Hill 400m, Keelogyboy Mountain 438m, Keelogyboy Mountain Far East Top 418m, Keelogyboy Mountain NE Top 435m, Keelogyboy Mountain SW Top 417m, Leean Mountain 417m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Naweeloge Top, 441m Hill
Place Rating ..
, Leitrim County in Connacht province, in Carn Lists, Naweeloge Top is the 769th highest place in Ireland. Naweeloge Top is the most easterly summit and also the second most southerly in the Dartry Mountains area.
Grid Reference G99740 33748, OS 1:50k mapsheet 26
Place visited by: 25 members, recently by: Geo, Colin Murphy, trostanite, Loman01, Hyperstorm, magnumpig, TommyMc, dr_banuska, supersullivan, eamonoc, pslat, frankmc04, Garmin, chalky, Fergalh
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.004762, Latitude: 54.252605, Easting: 199740, Northing: 333748, Prominence: 106m,  Isolation: 5.3km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 599689 833751
Bedrock type: Cyclothemic sandstone, siltstone, coal, (Lackagh Sandstone Formation)
Notes on name: This peak is unnamed on the Discovery map. It is near Lough Naweeloge (prob. Loch na bhFaoileog, ‘lake of the seagulls’) and is on an eastern arm of the Ben Scardaun / Lackagh Mountain massif. Any information on its correct name would be welcome.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: NwlgTp, 10 char: NwlgTop

Gallery for Naweeloge Top and surrounds
Summary for Naweeloge Top : Interesting Carn with dramatic cliff face
Summary created by Colin Murphy 24 Nov, 2023
   picture about Naweeloge Top
Picture: Summit trig & cairn
There is parking for 1/2 cars on road opposite a farm track at A (H02172 33464). Walk up track for about 1km, crossing 4 gates, and ignoring the turn on the right after 300m. At B (H01204 33387), cross a barbed wire fence into an area of turf, and veer west towards the line of trees. Follow a fence at the edge of the woods over occasionally marshy ground to C (H00647 33113). Cross a rusty gate and turn north, a steep cliff on your left. Continue along a narrow trail until you see a broad wall perpendicular to the cliff at roughly D (H00549 33418). This marks the point where you can access the upper ground via a very narrow and muddy trail beside a very narrow stream. Once you pass this steep section, the slope eases dramatically, and it is a relatively gentle ascent to the summit over short heather, 500m away to the NW.
Member Comments for Naweeloge Top

The Last Tram
by sandman 17 Jul 2011
Travelling back home having climbed Leean Mountain it was such a beautiful evening I decided to revisit Naweeloge Top. Started at A (H02172 33464) follow main farm track passing through 3 gates arriving at turf cuttings continue till you meet fence, follow fence to base of rock face. At the end of fence turn right along old constructed path (long overgrown), through rusted gate to point E (H00558 33356) below Tramway ruins. Ascend to plateau from here, up top is relatively flat and I headed to F (G99516 34163) which is a well built cairn not shown on OS Map 26 where a stone seat awaits with great views accross to Truskmore and closer neighbours of Dough, Thur, Lackagh, Ballaghnabehy. Having taken in the view I then headed to the main top at G (G99740 33748) which consists of a Trig Pillar and partly collapsed cairn. Time was running out I returned to the ruins of the Tramway via point H (H00171 33218) which is a well built cairn (shown on map) impressed with the views of the Cuilcagh Ridge, The Benbracks, The Playbank and Bencroy. Well worth a visit on a clear day. Linkback:
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   picture about Naweeloge Top
Picture: Naweeloge trig with 1 of 3 cairns and Thur mtn in background
Tramway to the top!
by paddyhillsbagger 22 Jul 2011
Using the excellent directions provided by sandman I too took the "Tramway" to the top. There were fine views all round and I spotted no less than 3 stone cairns, including one by the trig point. It would be possible to walk on to Bellanghbehy Top from here across a rather desolate heather/peat hag summit plateau. Linkback:
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   picture about Naweeloge Top
Picture: First cairn, most visible from the main roads Blacklion/Glenfarne N16
Naweeloge day out
by Hyperstorm 26 Feb 2022
Started this one with already having walked 5kms of the North West cycle trail behind Glenfarne. Choose to go up a different route starting at I (G9770 3600), following the trail South I missed the track marked on the osi sheet 26 so ended up following my way up the hill using a fence as handrail until upon the flat plateau.
Extremely windy and exposed day, map got ripped but didn’t lose it. Headed East and came across the unmarked cairn at F (G99516 34163) first. Headed to trig point. Cloudy day but clear visibility all around. Great views of Lough Macnean upper and lower, and you can even just about see Maeve’s Cairn on Knocknarea to the west peaking out. All the other obvious and already mentioned neighbouring peaks are visible and offer a lovely reward to take your mind off the wet feet from trudging through the peat hag/bog of the plateau (I climbed this after heavy snow fall in Feb 22 so plenty wet and still some snow in the hollows). Nice Loughs on top but I wouldn’t go swimming there unless it was much warmer!
Zig zagged down the east face until I could see the dismantled tramway. And came through the forest and followed the river most of the way before pealing off at J (H0200 3449) where the road crosses another river. (Very overgrown and next time I’ll aim for the road at K (H0119 3321) instead.
Enjoyable walk with rewarding views. Linkback:
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by magnumpig 13 Jan 2019
I followed Sandmans instructions - thanks for those - it's a bit of a time consuming and boring climb, and the views from the top arent great. I wouldnt prioritise it if you have time constraints on the peaks in the area that you want to climb. I wonder if there may be a quicker route from the Glenfarne side of the mountain. I won't be the person to confirm though! Linkback:
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