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Tievummera Highpoint: Undistinguished highpoint of spectacular Sheefry scarp.

Eagle Hill Up and Down

Hillbagging with fear of exposure

Tievummera Trig: Bump with trig pillar on long scarp with steep slope to the nor

Rerouted track from Longhill, Co Wicklow

Cummeenboy: Quick hike near Top of the Coom

Seskin Loop Walk

Bullaunmore: Accessible with rewarding views

Gibbet Hill Loop Walk

Fananierin: Highly recommended ridge walk

Ardgroom Loop Walk and return via the Beara Way

Croaghanmoira: Head in the mist

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Blackstairs Mountains Area   S: Blackstairs South Subarea
Place count in area: 13, OSI/LPS Maps: 68, EW-B, EW-B, EW-B2 
Highest place:
Mount Leinster, 794.4m
Maximum height for area: 794.4 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 706.4 metres,

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Slievebaun Hill Sliabh Bán A name in Irish (prob. Ir. Sliabh Bán [PDT], 'white or grassy mountain') Wexford County in Leinster Province, in Carn List, Dark grey semi-pelitic, psammitic schist Bedrock

Height: 441.8m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 68 Grid Reference: S81464 42982
Place visited by 41 members. Recently by: simoburn, Nailer1967, annem, Jonesykid, helenw7, abcd, simon3, JoHeaney, Lauranna, loftyobrien, Wildrover, Jay9, Pepe, finkey86, markmjcampion
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -6.80029, Latitude: 52.532528 , Easting: 281465, Northing: 142983 Prominence: 33.21m,  Isolation: 1.9km
ITM: 681396 643029,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Slvbn, 10 char: Slievebaun
Bedrock type: Dark grey semi-pelitic, psammitic schist, (Ballybeg Member)

This is a shoulder of Blackstairs Mountain lying completely in Co. Wexford. Note that there is another hill of this name NW of Mount Leinster, though it is spelt Slievebawn in English.   Slievebaun is the 767th highest place in Ireland.

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Follow this place's comments Picture about mountain Slievebaun (<i>Sliabh Bán</i>) in area Blackstairs Mountains, Ireland
Picture: Approaching Slievebaun from the W.
Nondescript little hill.
Short Summary created by simon3, Harry Goodman  17 Nov 2022
For someone simply wanting to tick this top off by a quick up and down route there are many tracks onto the hill from the E off a minor road going SW from Whitney's Bridge near Kiltealy. One place to start is S808 427 starA.
From the west start at Knockymullgurry S793449 starB and take a track going W and then S up to the Cooliagh Gap between Blackstairs Mt. and Carrigalachan. A track can then be taken down due E, to cross a stream at a ford, before continuing up to the unmarked grassy top of the hill. However it is most likely that walkers will approach this hill from the W as an add on to a walk over Blackstais Mt. by descending from Caher Roe's Den and then down across the grassy expanse of the Bantry Commons or from the Cooliagh Gap following a walk along the Southern Blackstairs Ridge over Bran Scultair, Carrigroe and Carrigalachan. Views W are restricted by the nearby bulk of Blackstairs Mt and the wooded Southern Blackstairs Ridge.
The top is covered with a short mixture of furze and heather and has no tracks or other signs of life. There are views of Blackstairs Mountain and to the east. It is really only a sumitteers top. Linkback: Picture about mountain Slievebaun (<i>Sliabh Bán</i>) in area Blackstairs Mountains, Ireland
Picture: Slievebaun and Bran Scultair, from Blackstairs Mountain.
csd on Slievebaun, 2008
by csd  29 Jun 2008
Slievebaun is a good 300m drop down from Blackstairs, as can be seen from this perspective taken from the eastern slopes of Blackstairs itself. Slievebaun is to the left, Bran Scultair to the right in the distance. Linkback:
Your Score: Very useful <<  >>Average Picture about mountain Slievebaun (<i>Sliabh Bán</i>) in area Blackstairs Mountains, Ireland
Picture: View SW from Slievebaun. From L-R. Bran Scultair, Carrigroe, Carriglachan.
wicklore on Slievebaun, 2009
by wicklore  25 Jul 2009
I had originally intended to loop around to Slievebaun at the end of a Bran Scultair – Carriglachan walk. However the weather deteriorated too much by the time I reached Carriglachan (heavy hailstones in July, mixed with fierce thunder!) so I gave up on that idea. By the time I was heading home the sun was splitting the stones so I diverted off to find a quick way up Slievebaun.

I parked at S808 427 starA at a set of locked double gates on the left. The road ends just ahead at a farm. A local on the road said the gates wouldn’t be used on the day, and I was ok to park there for an hour. Anyone else parking here should definitely ask at the farm for permission. Near this parking spot are two separate gates giving access into the fields below Slievebaun. I chose the right hand gate as there was livestock in the other field. I headed up through two fields and out onto the heathery summit area. As csd says, there is no distinct high point to this flat top. csd has nicely captured the view to Blackstairs Mountain from Slievebaun, so my photo shows the view SW to Bran Scultair, Carrigroe and Carriglachan. The eagle eyed will spot Brandon Hill lurking faintly in the background beyond.

The summit area is unmarked by tracks or any sort of human activity, and pink flowered heather is in abundance. It also offers expansive views to the N and E, although haze prevented me from seeing the sea. Because of its slightly isolated position, Slievebaun may never attract many walkers. Linkback:
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Picture: Descending from the top across the Bantry Commons.
Tag it on to a more challenging walk.
by Harry Goodman  17 Nov 2022
If this hill had not been listed in MV's I would not have sought it out and only did so as an extension of a walk over Blackstairs Mt from the Scullogue Gap to Knockymullgurry. From Caher Roe's Den rather than drop down SSW directly to the Cooliagh Gap we headed down ESE and out across the trackless long grassy expanse of the Bantry Commons before climbing up to the shallow saddle below Slievebaun. From here there was a short gentle climb up SSW to the unmarked grassy summit . On the day we were there the hillside was a hive of activity for a number of Quads but with little evidence of any damage being done to the ground. After a short break we headed down W to cross a stream in a deep little culvert before heading uo to the saddle below Blackstairs Mt. and Carrigalachan at S796432 starC. From here we walked about 100 metres W down the good track to where an old wall/ditch went off at a right angle. Leaving the track we followed the line of the wall down N for some 2.5 km to our finishing point at Knockymullgurry at S7924345051 starD. Although the map shows a track all the way down this can be intermittent and in places very rough. Where the wall swings NW S795449 starE we then had to negotiate a trackless way through some small fields and much boggy ground to reach the road and our cars at Knockymullgurry. Good luck ! Linkback:
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Picture: Caher Roes den from Slievebaun
White way to do it
by eamonoc  11 Apr 2014
Thursday 10/4/2014. Followed wicklores directions but did not park at double gates as they were open and some farm activity was taking place. I started at S 80902 42309 starF, parked car directly opposite the rough entrance to two new bungalows, enough room to park for one car so as not to block road. Just past the bungalows there is a well made farm track giving access to the open Mt above without having to jump any fences it leads up to a high field with a gate at the far left corner, with heathery slopes just beyond. There must have been a gorse fire here in the last few years as the remains of dried burnt gorse bushes abound. It was just a case of following in an upward direction to the highest point on Slievebaun. I passed lots of white stones on the way up, several of them were quite large, is this how Slievebaun got its name? Linkback:
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Picture: Slievebaun with Blackstairs Mountain in the background.
csd on Slievebaun, 2008
by csd  29 Jun 2008
Slievebaun isn't really on the way to or from anywhere useful, so I chose to take in the summit on the way back from Blackstairs Mountain itself. I started at S80200 41607 starG, where you can park a couple of cars without blocking the track, and headed up to the col between Carriglachan and Caher Roe's Den. I headed for the summit of Blackstairs, taking in Slievebaun on the way back. The low rounded dome of Slievebaun suffers from its proximity to the much more dramatic Blackstairs - Bran Scultair ridge: it's just not very exciting in comparison! At least there are some nice views along the ridge and out to the coast. There's nothing of note to mark the summit; the photo shows my bag at what is probably the highest point. Linkback:
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Main mapping:
Open Street Map
(Main supplier OpenTopoMap)
Height layer: © MapTiler
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British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc