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Cooley Mountains Area , N: Cooley North Subarea
Feature count in area: 12, all in Louth, OSI/LPS Maps: 29, 36, EW-CLY
Highest Place: Slieve Foye 587m

Starting Places (24) in area Cooley Mountains:
Annaloughan Loop Walk CP, Beck's Lane, Cadger's Bridge, Carlingford Car Park, Carlingford Greenway, Clermont Junction, Clermont Pass Bridge, Corna Mucklagh House, Deserted Village, Feede South, Flagstaff Viewing Point, Foxes Rock SW, Glenmore Tain Way, Grange Cross, Long Woman's Grave, Lower Faughil Road, Slieve Foye Viewing Point, Slievefoy Forest CP, Slievenagloch N, Spellickanee Mid, St Oliver's Park, The Ben Rock, The Lumpers, Two Mile River CP

Summits & other features in area Cooley Mountains:
N: Cooley North: Anglesey Mountain 421m, Carnavaddy 475m, Clermont 444m, Clermont Carn 510m, Clermont Carn NE Top 448m
S: Cooley South: Barnavave 350m, Slieve Foye 587m, Slieve Foye North-West Top 548.1m, Slievenaglogh 310m, The Eagles Rock 530m, The Foxes Rock 404m, The Ravens Rock 457m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Clermont Carn NE Top, 448m Hill Carnán Mhaighréid Náir (mullach thoir thuaidh) A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
For origin of name, see Clermont Carn, Louth County in Leinster province, in no lists, Clermont Carn NE Top is the 741st highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference J10262 16585, OS 1:50k mapsheet 36
Place visited by: 138 members, recently by: Gavsmi33, TommyMc, Carolineswalsh, Jai-mckinney, Oscar-mckinney, MickM45, newpark-cc, jgfitz, archmeister, Andy1287, atlantic73, Kirsty, Carolyn105, PPruzina, trostanite
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -6.315638, Latitude: 54.086682, Easting: 310262, Northing: 316585, Prominence: 23m,  Isolation: 0.7km
ITM: 710198 816598
Bedrock type: Microgranite with granophyric texture, (Granophyre)
Notes on name: Previously Black Mountain NE Top in MV.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Clr448, 10 char: ClrmntCrnN

Gallery for Clermont Carn NE Top (Carnán Mhaighréid Náir (mullach thoir thuaidh)) and surrounds
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Member Comments for Clermont Carn NE Top (Carnán Mhaighréid Náir (mullach thoir thuaidh))

   picture about Clermont Carn NE Top (Carnán Mhaighréid Náir (mullach thoir thuaidh))
Picture: Burnout
paulocon on Clermont Carn NE Top
by paulocon 14 Aug 2009
I have to say that the other comments on mountainviews simply don't do BMNET justice, it's even more of a non-entity than previously indicated! It's difficult to ascertain where the exact summit lies - I settled for a mound with a small tree perched on top of it which lay a short walk off the track mentioned by wicklore. The matress and junk mentioned by Wicklore still decorated the side track while the sight of a burnt-out BMW provided a striking contrast to the sublime view in the background of the sun rising over Carlingford Lough. For those heading onto Clermont or Anglesey, do not make straight for these hills across the heather even though it may look like the shortest route. Instead, reverse your steps back to the track and follow that - the ground is much easier and the track leads nearly all the way to the fence which guides you to the summit of Anglesey. Linkback:
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   picture about Clermont Carn NE Top (Carnán Mhaighréid Náir (mullach thoir thuaidh))
Picture: Burning of gorse
What you should not find
by dmcdevitt 25 Feb 2014
The summer of 2011, was a ideal period of bagging peaks due to the large number of gorse fires. These fires not only help make walking a little easier but it can reveal some unusual finds like this one. This was uncovered when walking in the fog to Clermont Carn NE top. Just to let you know that they have been safely removed by the authorities now. There are probably more items like this in this area. Linkback:
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   picture about Clermont Carn NE Top (Carnán Mhaighréid Náir (mullach thoir thuaidh))
Picture: Unexciting Black Mountain NE Top
wicklore on Clermont Carn NE Top
by wicklore 2 May 2009
It is hard to find the words to describe Black Mountain NE Top – there is so little to describe! While the surrounding hills all have had something written about them, this hill has been left out. In the interest of plugging this literary gap I will endeavour to gather all my information on Black Mountain NE Top and see if it amounts to a worthy post.

A minor road crosses the saddle between Black Mountain NE Top and Black Mountain at Clermt Jn (J102 163). Another minor road leads from the saddle up to Black Mountain. Just opposite this junction a rough track heads NE around Black Mountain NE Top. I drove up this track anxious to find a place to hide the car – this area seems to attract similar antisocial activities as the Military Road above Dublin. Just up the track I pulled into a side track at A (J105 165) and parked next to some abandoned mattresses and other junk. At least the car was safely hidden from the main road below. It was only a trudge of a couple of hundred metres and a rise of about 15 metres to the featureless summit area at B (J102 165). It didn’t feel like a summit and it didn’t look like one – just a minor bump really. Not much of an achievement at all. To ease my conscience I included Black Mountain NE Top in a mini circuit taking in Clermont and Anglesey. So that’s all I have to offer. Not the most interesting post ever written. However at least it fills the void, and pulls back the curtain to reveal the mystery of this hill, or lack of! The length of time it takes to type ‘Black Mountain NE Top’ is more than this hill is worth! Including it in a long linear walk from Anglesey to Carnavaddy and beyond such as eflanga did is probably the most exciting option for this hill. Linkback:
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   picture about Clermont Carn NE Top (Carnán Mhaighréid Náir (mullach thoir thuaidh))
Picture: Clermont Cairn masts on the way down from Clermont en route to uninspiring BMNET
dr_banuska on Clermont Carn NE Top
by dr_banuska 11 Jul 2009
BMNET was the 3rd summit in my 5 peak hike from Anglesey to Carnavaddy. From the peak of my previous summit, Clermont, BMNET appears as a featureless mound (with one small tree) a little off to the left of the obvious route to Clermont Cairn, once again requring a brief detour. The descent requires walking to the left of a forested area before heading uphill over more tough going terrain. I would echo eflanaga's warning about the hidden drains on this ascent as I managed to fall on my face at one stage, cursing this crappy, non-summit! It was difficult to identify the exact peak but I didn't care too much and quickly made a beeline for the much welcome minor road that services the transmitter (also part of the Táin Way). I would again emphasise that this 'summit' has very little to recommend it: I would have bypassed it altogether if it didn't count as a perfectly good bag on this site! Saying that, at the time I actually thought I had found something lovable in BMNET, and was ready to go home and type up a flattering comment about the impressive view, before I realized I had in fact confused it with the neighbouring peak of Clermont! Linkback:
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pdtempan on Clermont Carn NE Top
by pdtempan 3 Jun 2009
(Continued from Slieve Foye - strange, but true) Once back at the Long Woman's Grave I reclaimed my bike which was hidden in a fairly vandal-proof place. Freewheeled down to Bavan, but branched off on the road that climbs to the transmitter on the summit of Clermont Carn. I managed little more than 100m of steep uphill before getting off to push. Despite a fairly decent lunch, I was now running low on energy and had a craving for chocolate. About 1km further on, after a hairpin bend, the gradient eased off and I was able to pedal again. I arrived exhausted but satisfied at the col between Clermont Carn and the NE top. Surely I had broken the back of it now, and it would only be a stroll to bag NE Top, Anglesey Mountain and Clermont? Hiding the bike in a hollow, I set off on my second walk of the day. NE Top was a doddle, done before i'd even stopped to think about it, but the other two did not give in so easily... Linkback:
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