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Bluestack Mountains Area , SE: Barnesmore Subarea
Feature count in area: 45, all in Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 11, 6
Highest Place: Croaghgorm 674m

Starting Places (22) in area Bluestack Mountains:
An Leathchruach, Barnsmore Gap, Bensons Hill, Caldragh CP, Clogher South peak, Cruach Mhín an Neanta, Doobin, Eanybeg Water Bridge, Edergole Farm, Gaugin Mountain, Glennacree CP, Hillhead, Lough Finn West, Lough Magrath Beg NE, Lough Muck North, Meenaguse Lough, Sand Lough Forest Picnic Area, Scoil Náisúnta an Choimín, Sheskinlubanagh, Sruell Gap Farm, Sruell River Road, St Columbkilles Well and Altar

Summits & other features in area Bluestack Mountains:
Cen: Reelan Hills: Altnapaste 364m, Gaugin Mountain 565m, Lacroagh 403m, Boultypatrick 429m, Croveenananta 476m, Croaghubbrid 416m, Croaghugagh 410m
N: Fintown Hills: Aghla Mountain South Top 589m, Aghla Mountain 593m, Scraigs 426m, Croaghleheen 385m
NW: Glenties: Cloghercor South 301m, Derkbeg Hill 332m, Drumnalough Hill 282m
S: Belshade: Croaghgorm 674m, Croaghgorm South-West Top 597m, Croaghgorm East Top 594m, Ardnageer 642m, Ardnageer SW Top 626m, Banagher Hill 392m, Croaghbane 640.9m, Croaghgorm Far South-West Top 561m, Cronamuck 444m, Croaghbarnes 498.8m, Glascarns Hill 578.3m, Meenanea 435m
SE: Barnesmore: Brown's Hill 496.4m, Cloghervaddy 402m, Croaghagranagh 440m, Croaghanirwore 546.1m, Croaghbrack 401m, Croaghconnellagh 523m, Croaghnageer 569.1m, Croaghnageer East Top 543.5m, Croaghnageer North-East Top 521m, Croaghonagh 451m
SW: Eany Beg Hills: Binbane 453m, Binbane NE Top 439m, Lavagh Beg 650m, Lavagh More 671m, Binnasruell 505m, Carnaween 521m, Cloghmeen Hill 429m, Silver Hill 600m, Cullaghacro 476m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Croaghonagh, 451m Hill Cruach Eoghanach A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cruach Eoghanach [], 'stack of the Cenél
, Donegal County in Ulster province, in Carn Lists, Cruach Eoghanach is the 733rd highest place in Ireland. Cruach Eoghanach is the most southerly summit and also the second most easterly in the Bluestack Mountains area.
Grid Reference H03800 85400, OS 1:50k mapsheet 11
Place visited by: 49 members, recently by: Colin Murphy, trostanite, abeach, gdg, magnumpig, Wildcat, dregishjake, MichaelG55, LorraineG60, dregish, pmeldrum, BogRunner1, johncromie, Ulsterpooka, Pepe
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.941819, Latitude: 54.716591, Easting: 203800, Northing: 385400, Prominence: 266m,  Isolation: 1.8km
ITM: 603748 885392
Bedrock type: Main granite (adamellite), (Barnesmore Granite, G2 variety)
Notes on name: Erroneously marked on OS maps as Barnesmore, which is the name of the gap below.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crg451, 10 char: Crghngh

Gallery for Croaghonagh (Cruach Eoghanach) and surrounds
Summary for Croaghonagh (Cruach Eoghanach): Broad tracks all the way to top.
Summary created by Colin Murphy 22 Jul, 2024
   picture about Croaghonagh (Cruach Eoghanach)
Picture: Highpoint
A straightforward but longish ascent entirely up broad forest tracks. There is parking for several cars just off the Barnesmore Gap at A (H04758 87717). Proceed up track, encountering multiple gates with signs prohibiting access to the public. After about 1km you will see a security hut. Permission has previously been given here to continue, although it was once refused. Press on up the track to B (H05529 85842) and turn right into the trees. Continue along this track for 2.5km to reach the rocky, but mast-covered summit, whose high point is marked by a pole in the rock on the south side of the structures. A 10km round trip.
Member Comments for Croaghonagh (Cruach Eoghanach)

   picture about Croaghonagh (Cruach Eoghanach)
Picture: Cruach Eoghanach
gerrym on Croaghonagh
by gerrym 19 Apr 2009
Access to Cruach Eoghanagh is from the N15 which cuts through the imposing Barnesmore Gap, dividing the higher Bluestacks from the smaller hills heading south. Started from carpark at C (H042 872) (plenty of spaces and tables for your picnic with majestic views). Dropped to cross a stream and cross some rough ground to a disused and overgrown quarry, climbed out of to the old dismantled railway track. Cross the fence and head upwards over deep tussocky grass which likes to hold onto water - gaiters to the rescue! - as skirt beside and above a small forestry plantation.

A line of poles carrying power to the communications masts is a good guide towards the top. Stretching into the distance they brought to mind biblical epics such as Sparticus - with lines of men crucified. The strong easterly wind whistling through the power lines added to the image, sounding like the moans of tortured souls. Thankfully the ground becomes firmer and less demanding with height as rocks show their hand, having more resonance with the bigger Bluestacks to the north. This easier going was interrupted by a grouse flying up into the air not two feet from me, causing my heart rate to double in seconds.

Croaghonagh (433m) is reached and gives clear views of the summit, a drop picks up the rough track serving the communication masts. A short walk on this track brings the top which is disappointing in terms of the intrusion of man - with the masts and associated rubbish detracting from the views. These are most dramatic to the N, across Barnesmore Gap to the height of Croaghconnellagh and the higher Bluestacks. The views S are over an area of bleak moorland, loughs and hills which has been touched by man by way of forest and wind turbines. I continued S to explore more of this bleak scape but an easy return would be to drop off to the SW and rejoin the dismantled railway track which could be followed back to he carpark.

Coming from N. Ireland all the masts brought to mind military bases on the top of say Camlough Mtn - with soldiers stationed in hostile territory in the back of beyond. What is true is the wetness which is unrelenting, a double helping of wax for those boots doesn't go amiss. Linkback:
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   picture about Croaghonagh (Cruach Eoghanach)
The Hard Way
by dino 28 Apr 2022
For many Croaghonagh is the "easier" side of Barnesmore Gap with a wide track the whole way to the top. I've walked this track alone and with my kids a few times and I've ridden up here on a mountain bike also. This time I did it the hard way.

The first section is nice and easy following the line of the old railway from the parking spot at D (H04536 87427) through the forest and on to the open area above the river and main road. There is ample evidence of the railway that ran here from 1890-1959. Stone retaining walls, culverts and telegraph poles all stand testament to the quality of the work of this era.

Access to the hill is via a short scramble over one of these walls just before and above Biddys' O' Barnes and now the hard work begins. Heading in a generally East you pick your best line across a challenging terrain of boggy spots, deep grass and rocky crags before climbing a steep grassy ramp and getting your first sight of the summit to the Northeast.

The final approach is across a series of dips and climbs through similar terrain to before but with a mix of peat hags and rocky sections added in - pure Bluestacks. As you get closer to the summit the rock starts to dominate and the last stretch is over welcome rocky slabs and between large erratic boulders. On my way I was lucky enough to spot two large mountain hares as they made a dash across the hill to get away from my presence.

The summit is crowned by an ugly collection of communication masts and the highpoint didn't appear to have a specific marking. I didn't have the actual MV summit coordinates in my GPS but the map showed it to be beside the security fence around one of the masts. This seems to be different to the MV summit location but I feel that I was close enough.

After lunch out of the wind behind a huge rock with great views East and West and across to the hulk of Croaghconnellagh, I took the direct route back to the old railway line, following a gully from the access track over the edge and straight down. This is very steep and overgrown and needed a lot of care. Halfway down I headed into the trees to get a clearer path and for additional support on the steep hillside.

Reaching the track with wobbly legs and aching knees I had a very pleasant 1.5km stroll back to the start.

Track of my route :
More details of the walk, photos and a video can be found on my blog:
. Linkback:
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   picture about Croaghonagh (Cruach Eoghanach)
Picture: 5 minutes from the summit
madfrankie on Croaghonagh
by madfrankie 23 Feb 2009
Anyone who's motored northwards from Donegal town to Ballybofey will have passed Cruach Eoghanach, known locally (if erroneously) as Barnesmore Hill. It's modest height belies a certain statuesqueness, particularly viewed from afar.
If approaching from Donegal town, drive through the Barnesmore Gap and keep an eye out for an unmarked gravel track on the RHS of the road (if you reach a side road signposted Castlederg, you've gone too far). Drive up this track for 0.2 miles and park beside a working quarry. The track to the summit starts at the gate to your right.
The ascent is gradual to start, but steepens about half-way up (keep an eye out for a Coillte sign with a blue arrow, pointing the way).
As you gain height, a vast desolate tract of forested country stretching to the Tyrone border comes into view. After nearly 5 Km (about a brisk hour) you reach the summit, with the usual junkyard paraphenalia of telecommunications equipment. Views include a wind farm not far to the south, and northwards, low lying moorland with only Lough Mourne breaking the bleakness. Linkback:
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Access Restrictions
by MichaelG55 21 Jun 2020
Climbed Croaghonagh this evening with my wife and enjoyed superb views from the summit.NB. Be aware that due to new windfarm development that security prevent access to the forestry track. We were turned away at the quarry by security personnel on a Sunday evening! We followed the electric poles from adjacent to the carpark on the N15 to the track near the summit. Tough going through thick heather and long grass, but worth it for the view. Linkback:
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   picture about Croaghonagh (Cruach Eoghanach)
Picture: Shaft of sunlight on Croaghconnellagh across the Gap
Short climb to great views
by Aidy 13 Jul 2014
Tackled Croaghonagh today, parking in the carpark at the northeastern end of Barnes Gap, then doubling back a little to take the track leading to the quarry, before heading up the open hillside following the line of telegraph poles. The going was fairly hard as, although not very steep, the thick, long grass and heather was difficult to walk through. Near the top I met the access road leading to the communications masts on the summit, so I followed that the rest of the way up.

The weather wasn't the best but I could still apprecitate the views across to Croaghconnellagh, east over Lough Mourne, and west over Lough Eske to Donegal Bay, Slieve League and Benbulbin. Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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