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Feature count in area: 24, by county: Kerry: 12, Cork: 14, of which 2 are in both Cork and Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 79
Highest Place: The Paps East 694m
Starting Places (28) in area Derrynasaggart: Carrigallisy, Clonee, Dromiscane Castle, Fuhiry Wood, Garrane Bridge, Garries Bridge, Glannafreaghaun Lough N, Glannafreaghaun Lough S1, Glannafreaghaun Lough S2, Gortavehy Lough, Grousemount Wind Farm, Inchamore Woods N, Inchamore Woods W, Kippagh Lough, Knocknabro Wood, Knockullane, Liam Hegarty Monument, Loo River Junction, Lough Murtagh, Millstreet, Mullaghanish Transmitter Gate, Old Rail Level Crossing, Paps Walk S, River Roughty, Rossacroo na Loo Forest, Sillahertane Stream, The Mills Inn, Top of Coom
Summits & other features in area Derrynasaggart: Cen: Knocknabro: Knocknabro East Top 530m, Knocknabro NE Top 535m, Knocknabro West Top 592m, Knocknagowan 574m N: Caherbarnagh: Caherbarnagh 681m, Caherbarnagh East Top 549m, Caherbarnagh NW Top 668m, Claragh Mountain 452m, Curracahill 478m SE: Mullaghanish: Ballyvouskill 401m, Knockacommeen 426m, Knockullane 462m, Knockullane East Top 408m, Mullaghanish 649m, Mullaghanish North-East Top 586.4m, Mullaghanish Far North-East Top 558.5m SW: Coomagearlahy: Knockbwee 461m, Cummeenboy 442m, Coomagearlahy 506m, Coomagearlahy West Top 462m, Dereenaculling 303m W: The Paps: Coolcurtoga 425m, The Paps East 694m, The Paps West 690m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Knockbwee, 461mHill An Cnoc Buí A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Ir. Cnoc Buí [], 'yellow/golden hill’, Cork County in Munster province, in Carn Lists, An Cnoc Buí is the 692nd highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference W12473 79001,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 79 Place visited by: 21members, recently by: Glanman2, Colin Murphy, chelman7, Deise-Man, ciarraioch, Wildrover, Fergalh, daitho9, Daingean, osullivanm, simon3, Aongus, Juanita, CaminoPat, eamonoc
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.273931, Latitude: 51.956739, Easting: 112473, Northing: 79001,
Prominence: 106m, Isolation: 3.4km ITM: 512442 579061 Bedrock type: Green-grey sandstone & purple siltstone, (Gun Point Formation) Notes on name: Knockbwee is the first peak to the south-west of the summit of the County Bounds Road (N22). It is on the boundary of the Cúil Aodha Gaeltacht.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knckbw, 10 char: Knockbwee Linkback:
Gallery for Knockbwee (An Cnoc Buí) and surrounds
for Knockbwee (An Cnoc Buí):
Relatively easy bag from the south
Summary created by Colin Murphy
30 Mar, 2022
Picture: Early morning mists on Knockbwee
From the south, there is parking for one or two cars at W124 77. Follow the wide track up and past some forestry for about 700m, until you come to farmland. If there is a farmer about ask permission to proceed up the grassy, gently rising slope. A couple of faint tracks assist in the ascent. The ground becomes a bit rougher - marshy, heather - around A (W124 786), but is still easily navigable. The summit is marked by a substantial cairn, although you will have to clamber over a barbed wire fence to reach it. There are fine views of the Paps to the north.
From the south, parking available for only one car at InMore WdN (W124 775). Proceed uphill from junction with local road in a NNW direction along a rough stone covered road until you come to a six bar field gate on the right at B (W12277 78058). Climb gate and continue to walk uphill across open grass/peaty farmland to summit point. Stone cairn marks the summit adjacent to a post and wire fence running along the County Cork/Kerry border. From the summit enjoy magnificent views across the Derrynasagart Mountain (Cnoic Dhaire na Sagart) range. Climb and return time to car takes approx. 1.5 hrs. Linkback:
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Picture: Misty river
In the mists of time
by Colin Murphy
30 Mar 2022
The night before had been frosty, the sun rising to blue skies that quickly burned off the icy coating, and making an early start, I was blessed by the sight of the landscape shrouded in ghostly mists. The pic shows the rising sun over a misty river close to Knockbwee. Linkback:
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