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Feature count in area: 28, all in Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 78, 79, EW-KNP, EW-R
Highest Place: Mangerton 838.2m
Starting Places (30) in area Mangerton: Cummeenboy Stream, Derrycunihy Church, Dunkerron Mid, Garries Bridge, Gowlane School Ruin, Hidden Valley Pet Farm, Inchimore West, Kenmare Bridge, Killarney Hiking Parking Lot, Knockanaskill N, Knocknsallagh Bridge, Loo River Junction, Looscaunagh Lough W, Lough Barfinnihy CP, Lough Guitane E, Lough Guitane SE, Lough Guitane W, Lynes Farm, Mangerton Walk N CP, Mangerton Walk Start, Molls Gap, Muckross Lake S, Old Rail Level Crossing, Poulacapple, River Roughty, Rossacroo na Loo Forest, Sahaleen Bridge, Shaking Rock W, Shronaboy Farm MTB, Torc Waterfall CP
Summits & other features in area Mangerton: Cen: Dromderlough: Dromderalough 650m, Dromderalough NE Top 648m, Dromderalough NW Top 625m, Knockbrack 610m, Knockrower 554m, Shaking Rock 402m Cen: Inchimore: Inchimore 256m Cen: Mangerton: Glencappul Top 700m, Mangerton 838.2m, Mangerton North Top 782m, Stoompa 705m, Stoompa East Top 608m NE: Crohane: Bennaunmore 454m, Carrigawaddra 425m, Crohane 650m, Crohane SW Top 477m NW: Torc: Cromaglan Mountain 371m, Torc Mountain 534.8m, Torc Mountain West Top 479.4m SE: Esknabrock: Esknabrock 406m SW: Peakeens: Derrygarriff 492m, Derrygarriff West Top 382m, Foardal 409.8m, Knockanaguish 509m, Peakeen Mountain 554.7m, Peakeen Mountain Far NW Top 525.5m, Peakeen Mountain North-West Top 522.7m, Peakeen Mountain West Top 538.7m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Crohane SW Top, 477mHill An Cruachán (Mullach Thiar Theas) A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
For origin of name, see Crohane., Kerry County in Munster province, in Carn Lists, Crohane SW Top is the 641st highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference W04302 82088,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 79 Place visited by: 62members, recently by: compassman, maoris, DeirdreM, Grumbler, annem, SmirkyQuill, eamonoc, eoghancarton, daitho9, jgdarcy, chelman7, peter1, Fergalh, Dbosonnet, Wildrover
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: CrhnSW, 10 char: CrhnSWTp Linkback:
Gallery for Crohane SW Top (An Cruachán (Mullach Thiar Theas)) and surrounds
for Crohane SW Top (An Cruachán (Mullach Thiar Theas)):
Useful though not gracious spur of Crohane.
Summary created by Colin Murphy, simon3
17 Feb, 2014
Picture: Lough Guitane from Crohane SW top
Crohane SW, the SW spur of Crohane, can be reached from the informal but traditional parking at Lough Guitane E (W0367 8454) which is at the end of an extremely potholed road reached from the N22. Go south along the pilgrims path into the extremely scenic vee between Bennaunmore and Crohane SW to the south end of L. Nabroda. Start up the hill from around A (W0391 8151). It should take about 1h30 to reach the top using this route provided you don't spend too long gaping at the unusual scenery.
An alternative route is to go via Crohane. There is a farmhouse at the southern end of the road, (Point Shronaboy Farm MTB (W042 851)) where the hillwalking-friendly farmer will allow you to park. Take the track behind the outbuilding for about 100m and then cross a gate to take you directly up the spur to the NW of Crohane. The ascent takes 1.5 hours. From the summit head directly south for 500m down a steep but firm grassy slope then turn SW and ascent a fairly gentle rise for 750m to take you to the SW top’s highest point, which is marked only by a handful of white rocks. There are great views over Lough Guitane to the NW and Crohane Lake to the south. From Crohane to the SW top takes under thirty minutes.
Climbed in combination with Beenaunmore from Rosacroo forest on the R569 Kilgarvan road. Initially on good forest track past old farmhouse and then onto some very rough wet ground towards Beenaunmore, then down to Crohane Lough and steeply up to Crohane SW top, decided to head down towards forest track seen from above, had to negotiate some very rough ground to reach the track, would have been better to stay to the west of Crohane Lough for descent, weather was pretty awful on the day, very wet ground to contend with. Again some of these Carns proving to be very challenging Linkback:
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Picture: Volcano view.
Summiteers staging post.
by simon3
3 Apr 2012
As well as its useful intermediate location, Crohane SW affords a great view towards Bennaunmore and beyond to Stoompa and the east end of the Mangertons.
The smaller summit in the midground of this picture is Bennaunmore with its north end to the right of the picture. The lake to the right is part of the Killarney lakes. Linkback:
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