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Feature count in area: 38, all in Donegal,
OSI/LPS Maps: 1, 11, 2, 6
Highest Place: Errigal 751m
Starting Places (29) in area Derryveagh Mountains: Aleahan Lough, Altderry Bridge, An Chúirt Hotel, Astelleen Burn Waterfall, Derryreel Lough, Dunlewy Lough E, Dunlewy Lough Viewing Point, Errigal Hostel, Errigal Parking, Glenveagh Bridge, Glenveagh National Park SW, Glenveigh Castle, Keel Lough N, Losset North, Lough Acrobane Farmhouse, Lough Ascardan, Lough Barra Slipway CP, Lough Barra W, Meenagoppoge Burn Bridge, Mín Uí Bhaoil, Muckish Gap Shrine, Muckish North Access Road, Nabrackbaddy Lough, Procklis Lough, River Barra Bridge NE, River Barra Bridge SW, Sand Lough NE, Sruhancrolee Bridge, Stranamarragh Bridge
Summits & other features in area Derryveagh Mountains: Cen: Dooish: Dooish 651.5m, Dooish SW Top 528m, Dooish SE Top 553.9m, Saggartnadooish 506.4m, Saggartnadooish East Top 478.9m Cen: Errigal: Errigal 751m, Mackoght 555m Cen: Glenveagh Upper: Crockfadda 485m, Crockfadda East Top 454m, Crockballaghgeeha 480m, Crockmulroney 430m, Staghall Mountain 486m, Croaghnasaggart 480m, Maumlack 480m Cen: Lough Keel (Meencorwick): Crockglass 489m, Addernymore 416m, Grogan More 457m, Crocknafarragh 517m, Crocknafarragh SE Top 470m Cen: Slieve Snaght: Crockfadda 529m, Crockfadda NE Top 502m, Crocknasharragh 495m, Drumnalifferny Far NE Top 535m, Bingorms 578m, Drumnalifferny Mountain 596m, Drumnalifferny Mountain NE Top 585m, Slieve Snaght 678m N: Aghla: Aghla Beg 563.9m, Aghla Beg South Top 602.3m, Aghla More 581.2m, Ardloughnabrackbaddy 472.5m, Crocknalaragagh 470.6m N: Muckish: Muckish 667.1m, Croaghaderry 222m, Crockawama 238m, Derryreel 232m S: Doochary: Croaghleconnell 266m S: Dungloe: Crovehy 315m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Staghall Mountain, 486mHill Cró an Locháin A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cró an Locháin [OSI], 'sheep-pen or hollow of the little lake'), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Carn Lists, Cró an Locháin is the 609th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference B97042 18067,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 6 Place visited by: 30members, recently by: trostanite, AlanReid, eamonoc, cduddy, finkey86, Fergalh, Colin Murphy, madfrankie, Ulsterpooka, kmoore, melohara, mcrtchly, kernowclimber, Wilderness, maddien12
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: StghMn, 10 char: StghlMntn Linkback:
Gallery for Staghall Mountain (Cró an Locháin) and surrounds
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Add a Place Comment for Staghall Mountain, Cró an Locháin (495) in Area: Derryveagh Mountains, Cen: Glenveagh Upper, County: Donegal, Cen: Glenveagh Upper
Member Comments for
Staghall Mountain (Cró an Locháin)
I approached Staghall Mt. (Cro an Lochain) from Crockmulroney summit as part of a round of four hills on 4 June 2012. (For earlier part of route see my comments on Crockmulroney.) I went down N over steep and rocky ground to A (B96754 17442), where I crossed the Alteann Burn before starting the climb up Staghall Mt. The climb was initially up steep ground through large rocks and then more gradually over an expansive flat topped, peat hagged and rock slabbed plateau. The high point marked by a substantial cairn B (B97030 18074). In spite of the flat top to this hill views were excellent, with Errigal and Slieve Snaght prominent to the W and Lough Salt Mt., the Urris Hills and Binnion similarly seen to the E. Both this hill and the next one which I visited, Croaghnasaggart, encompassing as they do large tracts of flatish upland give an impression of wilderness and isolation which is often lacking on many more prominent Irish mountains. From the top I then headed NNE down past the W side of L Naweeloge in search of Croaghnasaggart. Linkback:
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eflanaga on Staghall Mountain
by eflanaga
6 Nov 2007
From Crockmulroney's summit (See for first leg of walk) I descended into Alteann Burn. Terrain on descent was mixture of small peat hags interspersed with large rocks/slabs and long mountain grass. Crossing a stream I climbed steadily to the summit of Staghall (Cró an Locháin). GPS reading here was IC (B97042 18067) – 487m. Linkback:
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