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Boggeragh Mountains Area , Cen: Seefin Subarea
Feature count in area: 11, all in Cork, OSI/LPS Maps: 79, 80
Highest Place: Musheramore 642.7m

Starting Places (8) in area Boggeragh Mountains:
Butter Road, Duhallow Way, Derry Wood, Glannaharee East Woods S, Laharan Woods N, Millstreet Country Park, Mount Hillary Wood N, Mount Hillary Wood W, St John's Well

Summits & other features in area Boggeragh Mountains:
Cen: Seefin: Knockcraugh 434m, Seefin 491m, Seefin East Top 491m
N: Banteer: Mount Hillary 391m, Tooreen 322m
NE: Bweeng: Bweeng Little 414m, Bweengduff 416m
S: Macroom Hills: Burren 380m, Knockagreenan 263m
W: Musheramore: Musherabeg 498.8m, Musheramore 642.7m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Seefin East Top, 491m Hill Suí Finn (mullach thoir) A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
For origin of name, see Seefin., Cork County in Munster province, in Carn Lists, Seefin East Top is the 599th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference W37526 86397, OS 1:50k mapsheet 79
Place visited by: 30 members, recently by: garrettd, DeirdreM, Colin Murphy, TippHiker, mlmoroneybb, maryblewitt, John.geary, wicklore, Wilderness, Wildrover, chelman7, madfrankie, ilenia, Juanita, CaminoPat
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.910876, Latitude: 52.026416, Easting: 137526, Northing: 86397, Prominence: 61m,  Isolation: 1.6km
ITM: 537491 586438
Bedrock type: Purple mudstone and sandstone, (Ballytrasna Formation)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: SfnEst, 10 char: SfnEstTp

Gallery for Seefin East Top (Suí Finn (mullach thoir)) and surrounds
Summary for Seefin East Top (Suí Finn (mullach thoir)): An easy bog trot.
Summary created by Colin Murphy, jackill 17 Mar, 2023
   picture about Seefin East Top (Suí Finn (mullach thoir))
Picture: This clearing marks summit.
This is an easy walk starting from the large carpark at Butt/Duhalo (W34900 86100) and following the track (which is show as part of the Dulhallow way on the Discovery map) past bog works and the access road to Seefins mast covered summit (491m) for approx. 1.5 kms until it starts to turn downhill.

When it does go straight across the bog to A (W36928 86307) and you will see a Duhallow way marker post. Enter the forest on a narrow , boggy pathway to emerge at a forestry turning point at B (W37142 86332) .

Cross the clearing and head directly up a overgrown but passable ride to the summit coordinates.

An alternative approach, and one that gives access to the East top, is to park at C (W37314 87049) where there is room for multiple cars. Head south up forest track to D (W37604 86695) and turn right onto another thrack that curves around the hill. Follow this for about 800m to E (W37147 86378). Watch for a forest ride on left about 50m before the track ends - you will need to clamber over a high, grassy bank. Head east up the rough forest ride, requiring a couple of deviations around fallen trees, eventually arriving at highpoint - a rough clearing with one side having been felled.
Member Comments for Seefin East Top (Suí Finn (mullach thoir))

   picture about Seefin East Top (Suí Finn (mullach thoir))
Picture: Looking down towards Mushera from the summit
jackill on Seefin East Top
by jackill 21 Nov 2008
Aha Mr.Tempan, it is but a trick of the light, the top is certainly disguised by trees but it is not covered by them. Enter the forest in your photo at A (W36928 86307) next to the Duhallow way marker and walk through the forest to the clearing at B (W37142 86332) and here go straight ahead aiming directly for the summit co-ords given here on Mountainviews. While I cannot say it is pleasent, it is short and uncomplicated. Return by the same way. Hurry though as the forest is encroaching on this access point all the time! Linkback:
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   picture about Seefin East Top (Suí Finn (mullach thoir))
Picture: View might not be spectacular, but another top yippee!
Rotten Stick and mound intact!
by eamonoc 29 May 2015
Climbed on Thurs 28/5/2015. Having read previous comments was fearing a horrible push through dense forestry
to access the actual summit of this hill. I had a look a google earth for this area and clearly visible was a forest ride
which passed close to the top. So after visiting Seefin I headed east towards Seefin East top. Followed a well made track to
F (W36669 86292), headed towards forest that covers Seefin E top. Followed forest edge to the right, keeping it on my left going uphill to
G (W37606 86057), there is a very obviuos wide forest ride going steeply uphill to the left followed it to H (W37553 86372)
form here went into trees to my immediate left, a push through of approx 10mts and I found old rotten stick with stone
mound surrounded by trees. Linkback:
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Surprise cairn at summit...but try finding it!
by Conor74 1 Jan 2013
Approached from the west having completed Seefin. Walked from there almost due east to the forest and up an old track. About half way up the trail ended at a new forest road that ran across the route, couldn't pick up the trail on the other side. So battled onwards and upwards, through densely packed trees covered in moss, peering for higher and higher patches of ground, till I coudn't find any more.

And eureka!

By a pure fluke spotted an old moss covered cairn with a rotting post sticking out in a tiny clearing that would be almost invisible from a few metres away. From the considerable rock around it, it might have been a large enough cairn before the forest enclosed it, roots pushed into it, and it fell apart. It clearly hadn't been touched by human hand for a long time. Continued east and pushed through a few more metres of thickly packed trees before emerging in the fire break/trail which I think is that identified by Jackill. From there it was south to the edge of the forest and west back to the approach road by Seefin.

Incidentally, for those who like such things, both Seefin and its sibling East Top have the same height, 491 metres. Even the Paps don't have that symmetry. Linkback:
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   picture about Seefin East Top (Suí Finn (mullach thoir))
Picture: Passable?
Am I ever going to get rid of the pine needles
by thomas_g 6 Apr 2012
I followed the route described by Jackill (thanks for that you'd never find it otherwise). The Duhallow way section is passable, but the ride from the forest clearing to the summit needs to be revised to barely passable. It was an absolutely horrid experience and I'm glad I don't ever have to do it again. I found pine needles in my socks, pockets, backpack and even my underwear. What's more, the trees have closed in around the summit too, so there is little in the way of a view to reward you.
I think I have to coin a phrase from Jackill "ask yourself why first". Linkback:
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   picture about Seefin East Top (Suí Finn (mullach thoir))
Picture: Is there a way through here?
pdtempan on Seefin East Top
by pdtempan 20 Nov 2008
Although I am the first to comment on this peak, I must confess that I have not visited the top. We looked at it from a distance of about 500m and decided there were better ways to spend an afternoon. (No, we did not head off to the pub! - we went on to Glannafreaghaun and "The City"/Cathair Cróbh Dearg at the N foot of the Paps). Two MV members claim to have done Seefin E Top. As it is covered with dense conifers, I would be curious to know what route they took and whether they can recommend it. Linkback:
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