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Feature count in area: 28, all in Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 78, 79, EW-KNP, EW-R
Highest Place: Mangerton 838.2m
Starting Places (30) in area Mangerton: Cummeenboy Stream, Derrycunihy Church, Dunkerron Mid, Garries Bridge, Gowlane School Ruin, Hidden Valley Pet Farm, Inchimore West, Kenmare Bridge, Killarney Hiking Parking Lot, Knockanaskill N, Knocknsallagh Bridge, Loo River Junction, Looscaunagh Lough W, Lough Barfinnihy CP, Lough Guitane E, Lough Guitane SE, Lough Guitane W, Lynes Farm, Mangerton Walk N CP, Mangerton Walk Start, Molls Gap, Muckross Lake S, Old Rail Level Crossing, Poulacapple, River Roughty, Rossacroo na Loo Forest, Sahaleen Bridge, Shaking Rock W, Shronaboy Farm MTB, Torc Waterfall CP
Summits & other features in area Mangerton: Cen: Dromderlough: Dromderalough 650m, Dromderalough NE Top 648m, Dromderalough NW Top 625m, Knockbrack 610m, Knockrower 554m, Shaking Rock 402m Cen: Inchimore: Inchimore 256m Cen: Mangerton: Glencappul Top 700m, Mangerton 838.2m, Mangerton North Top 782m, Stoompa 705m, Stoompa East Top 608m NE: Crohane: Bennaunmore 454m, Carrigawaddra 425m, Crohane 650m, Crohane SW Top 477m NW: Torc: Cromaglan Mountain 371m, Torc Mountain 534.8m, Torc Mountain West Top 479.4m SE: Esknabrock: Esknabrock 406m SW: Peakeens: Derrygarriff 492m, Derrygarriff West Top 382m, Foardal 409.8m, Knockanaguish 509m, Peakeen Mountain 554.7m, Peakeen Mountain Far NW Top 525.5m, Peakeen Mountain North-West Top 522.7m, Peakeen Mountain West Top 538.7m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Derrygarriff, 492mHill Doire Gharbh A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Doire Gharbh [OSI], 'rough (oak-)grove'), Péicín, Kerry County in Munster province, in Carn Lists, Derrygarriff is the 596th highest place in Ireland. Derrygarriff is the second most westerly summit in the Mangerton area.
Grid Reference V87357 77448,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 78 Place visited by: 39members, recently by: compassman, DeirdreM, maoris, garrettd, Grumbler, SmirkyQuill, John.geary, chelman7, Fergalh, eamonoc, daitho9, Lauranna, Wilderness, FrankMc1964, Colin Murphy
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.638624, Latitude: 51.93827, Easting: 87357, Northing: 77448,
Prominence: 128m, Isolation: 1.4km ITM: 487331 577509 Bedrock type: Purple sandstone & siltstone, (Ballinskelligs Sandstone Formation) Notes on name: There is a mapping problem regarding the names of several peaks in this area in that the Irish and English names are not matched up. The Irish version of Derrygarriff is given as Péicín, but this name clearly belongs to Peakeen Mountain. The correct Irish version is Doire Gharbh, which has been assigned (erroneously?) on the 1:25,000 map to the lower peak between Moll's Gap and Lough Barfinnihy.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Drygrf, 10 char: Derygarif Linkback:
Gallery for Derrygarriff (Doire Gharbh) and surrounds
for Derrygarriff (Doire Gharbh):
Fine summit, easily reached.
Summary created by simon3, Colin Murphy
01 Jun, 2018
Picture: Long summit with Eirk Lough
There are access issues around Moll's Gap, so suggest starting at car park at L LsCuna W (V882 790) and proceeding up the heathery slopes to Foardal - about 1km to the SE, before walking the 1.5km to the SW to Derrygarriff summit. This will require an ascent of about 200m from col, which is heather, long grass and a boggy in parts.
An alternative is to make Derrygarriff part of a longer walk taking in six tops, starting with Peakeen and ending with Foardal. See entries for these summits for details.
Picture: View across Lough Eirk and Glas Lakes to Foardal, Windy Gap and Peakeen West
Peakeen, Derrygarriff, Foardal
by Conor74
11 Apr 2010
Left car at Gowlane where the old Kenmare Killarney road meets a council road (vGowlane School Ruin (V917 751)). Walked about 2 km north along the old road, to the highest point, and turned west towards Peaken. From there continued to Peakeen West, and across a number of summits just marked by their heights 525 and 526 on the Harveys Superwalker map, before descending to the wouth west tip of Erik Lough - peculiar name, can't help but wonder if this is a misspelling on the maps as Eirk (not Erik) is a towland around here. This is about 2 hours from the car, but perhaps could be made shorter by skirting all the peaks. From there climbed Derrygarriff to the west. Reasonablt straightforward, bit of a scramble for about 20 minutes. The views are lovely. Walked west along the summit, the maps show two distinct peaks of similar height, the ground is quite level along this stretch, maybe a descent and ascent of 20/30 yards. There is a fence which divides the summit, there are no signs but think it might be wise to stay to the south of the fence as know there are signs warning trespassers near the car park at Molls Gap on the other side of the land. One can continue along the fence and come back to a public road at vA (V863 770), or retrace ones steps. I pressed on to Foardal and back down to the old Kenmare Killarney road. Again, if one takes this route you should go back around the south and east of the Lake rather than trying to cross the fenced off farmland. Linkback:
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Picture: The eagle has landed
Free as a bird
by Colin Murphy
4 Dec 2017
We were lucky to see a white tailed eagle gliding gracefully over Eirk Lough before before coming to rest on a rock, which provided the opportunity to capture a pic of the rarely seen bird of prey (at least for a city slicker!) Linkback:
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Eirk Lough
by Conor74
24 May 2010
Since writing the comments on Derrygarriff I have read Paul Tempan's article on Maps for the Hill-Walking in the Reeks, in which he specifically notes the error in the Harvey map when it refers to Erik Lough instead of Eirk Lough. He notes a few errors on this otherwise most useful map. Linkback:
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Picture: Towards Loch Luascánach and Killarney
Killarney Outback
by ciarraioch
4 Sep 2015
Based on aggressive 'No Hillwalking' signs at Moll's Gap, as of 2015 the only access to this rather wonderful little summit remains via a trudge across the three Peakeens from the Old Kenmare Road as well described by Conor74. Wonderful country so no great sacrifice. Linkback:
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Picture: Derrygarriff as seen from Foardal
Breathe in the Derry air...
by Colin Murphy
4 Dec 2017
This summit was the 5th stop on a six summit linear walk starting at Gowlane School Ruin (V917 752) and taking in Peakeen, Peakeen West Top, North West Top, Far North West Top, then Derrygarriff and finishing on Foardal before descending to L LsCuna W (V882 790), where there is a car park. See entries for other summits for precise route. The descent to the north west from Peakeen Far North West Top was actually one of the toughest bits of the walk, requiring careful negotiation around multiple sharp drops, and some boggy conditions in the col. You actually lose over 200m in elevation and then have to climb about the same to reach Derrygarriff summit. It's about 2km between the two tops. However the climb isn't terribly steep and the going ok. It's a fine, well-defined summit with spectacular views, particularly towards Eirk Lough to the east and Looscaunagh Lough to the NE. The walk to this point took about 4.5 hours. Linkback:
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