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Comeragh MountainsArea, Cen: Comeragh Central
Feature count in area: 24, all in Waterford,
OSI/LPS Maps: 74, 75, 81, 82, EW-C, EW-K
Highest Place: Kilclooney Mountain 792m
Starting Places (25) in area Comeragh Mountains: Aughatriscar Bridge, Carey's Castle, Carrickaruppora S, Carronadavderg Wood, Colligan Bridge, Colligan Source, Coumduala Lough Path, Croghaun Hill CP, Douglas River Wood, Dromona Wood, Guilcagh Wood, Kilclooney Wood CP, Laghtnafrankee Road, Lough Mohra Rath Beag Loop Walk, Mahon Falls CP, Maum Road, Moanyarha, Moanyarha Bog, Monarud, Mountain View, New Quay CP, Nire Valley CP, Old Bridge Clonmel, Old Slate Mine CP, River Ire R676 L96761
Summits & other features in area Comeragh Mountains: Cen: Comeragh Central: Carrignagower 767m, Coumfea 741.9m, Coumfea North Top 728.3m, Coumfea West Top 711m, Croughaun Hill 391m, Curraghduff 750.1m, Kilclooney Mountain 792m, Knockaunapeebra 724.4m Cen: Knockanaffrin: Knockanaffrin 755m, Knockanaffrin South Top 628m, Knocksheegowna 675.7m E: Portlaw Hills: Donnell's Hill 242.8m, Tower Hill 238m N: Laghtnafrankee: Kilmacomma Hill 211m, Laghtnafrankee 520m, Laghtnafrankee SW Top 425m, Long Hill 404m S: Monavullagh Mountains: Bleantasour Mountain 402m, Coumaraglin Mountain 614.6m, Crohaun 484m, Milk Hill 451m, Seefin 725.6m SW: Drum Hills: Carronadavderg 301m, Dromona Hill 156m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Kilclooney Mountain, 792mMountain Fáschom A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Ir. Fáschom, 'empty hollow’ Fauscoum an extra name in English, Waterford County in Munster province, in Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred, Range Highpoint Lists, Kilclooney Mountain is the highest mountain in the Comeragh Mountains area and the 50th highest in Ireland. Kilclooney Mountain is the highest point in county Waterford.
Grid Reference S31690 10508,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 75 Place visited by: 567members, recently by: jmdsk, MeabhTiernan, StJohn, Josephineobrien, johnwaterford, hugh_oc, jimmytherabbit, rosduke, patman1974, Cunn2000, MichaelG55, LorraineG60, Aidan_Ennis, discovering_dann, RonanS
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.536709, Latitude: 52.245842, Easting: 231690, Northing: 110508,
Prominence: 626m, Isolation: 1km ITM: 631637 610558 Bedrock type: Green thick-bedded conglomerate, (Treanearla Formation) Notes on name: Despite being the highest of the Comeraghs, this is a rather unremarkable summit above the spectacular valley of Coumshingaun. The circuit of Coumshingaun comprises the ascent and descent of two dramatic ridges. The cliffs at the back of the valley offer some of the finest rock-climbs in Ireland. The name Fáschom properly refers to the next coom immediately south of Coumshingaun. The name may refer either to its wild nature or to the fact that, unlike many of the cooms which cut into the Comeragh plateau, it has no lake. The name Kilclooney Mountain, recorded by East-West Mapping, derives from the extensive townland of Kilclooney in which the peak is situated. Knockaunapeebra / Cnocán an Phíopaire is the name of a lower peak to the SW.
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: KlclMn, 10 char: KlclnyMntn Linkback:
Gallery for Kilclooney Mountain (Fáschom) and surrounds
for Kilclooney Mountain (Fáschom):
The highest point on the Comeraghs' plateau lies above a spectacular corrie.
Summary created by markmjcampion, jackill
11 Dec, 2022
Picture: Kilclooney from Crotty's Lough
Adjacent to Coumshingaun in the western Comeraghs, Kilclooney is a flat, boggy top perched above much more interesting ground to the N and E. Some of the nearby coombs are quite spectacular but none more so than Coumshingaun. There's a lot of v steep ground so care should be taken. Extensive views from the summit area incl. Slievenamon, the Galtees, Knockmealdowns and much of Wexford and Waterford.
E. Roomy car park at Kilclooney Wood KilclooneyWd (S34106 10222). Head thru the woods, aiming to start the steep descent of the W spur at A (S34051 10752). Zoom in on the map to see the route to here. Head uphill on v rocky ground following tracks as you go. You will reach a point just under the plateau with a steep and tricky looking climb. This is the only way up or down on this side of the lake and afterwards it's easy to the plateau where you head across bog to the summit cairn. Return by looping around the top of the coum. Allow 2hrs to the top.
S. Park at Mahon (S31394 08025) and head on a trail up Coomfea's long, steep SE spur. At B (S30821 08417) take the trail that veers NNW around the top of Coummahon, first to the top of Knockaunpeebra and then across a boggy col and up to Kilclooney. Allow 2 hrs. Return the same way.
From here, you can also take the Mahon Falls walk and cross the river at C (S30946 09109) before heading steeply up to K'peebra and on to K. Allow 1.5hrs but note that the river may not be fordable after heavy rain.
Notable tracks incl. track/3570, track/4041 and track/3657.
The Coumshingaun Loop is one of my favourite walks, one that I've done at least once a year for more years than I care to remember.
I was back there on 1st September in the company of three women who wanted the reassurance of someone familiar with the walk.
We parked at the Kilclooney Wood car park and headed up in a clockwise direction. I've always done it clockwise - it seems more "natural" somehow.
Once you are out of the wood it is a straightforward ascent up the left spur. When you reach the prominent rocky outcrop there is a pleasant section of easy scrambling and spectacular views of the lake.
The most difficult part of this spur is the section just below the plateau.It is quite steep and I've seen many people turn back at this juncture. The thing to do is to avoid the first defined path up the cliff face; instead, go a bit further to the left where there is another easier path to the top. It requires some scrambling and is probably best avoided by those who haven't a great head for heights.
From there it is a pleasant walk along the rim of the plateau with the lake far below. Then on to the right-hand spur (assuming you are doing it clockwise of course) where you make your way to the rocky outcrop that marks the beginning of the descent proper to the corrie floor.
Avoid making your way through the outcrop as it will prove to be a physical and metaphorical pain in the posterior. Instead, skirt it well to the left until you find the well trodden path that will take you down.
From there make your way across to the beginning of the left spur that you ascended at the outset and your path to the wood and the car park will be obvious.
Peering through one of the wonderful rock formations that dot both the south and north sides of the Coumshingaun Lough circuit. Fascoum top itself was a disappointment after the spectacle of the approach, which offers views as good as any in Ireland. Linkback:
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Picture: Scouts on Coumshingaun Ridge
Some light scrambling.
by jackill
15 Feb 2023
It's been a while.
I think I was scratching with quill and ink in the dim candlelight the last time I posted a comment on MountainViews.
Time passes and the longer you are away from it the more difficult it becomes to come back.
The hillwalking never really stopped , it just got easier and less demanding by choice.
Since I joined my local Scout group in 2015 a new road to walk opened itself to me.
Orienteering, campcraft, pioneering, learning by doing became my mantra, hillwalking and summiteering, though we do some, slipped into the background a little more.
The obsession to get up at 5am on a Saturday and drive 2.5 hrs to get a new summit was dulled by the scout meeting until 10pm the Friday night before and the desire to sit down with a glass of wine, a wife and a movie on Saturday evening.
Anyway enough of that.
This year I'm encouraging a small group of scouters and scouts onto the hills every two weeks.
I'm going to bring them to some of the places in Ireland that I love, 7.00am start and we get home when we get home.
I hope to see some of you along the way. Linkback:
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Picture: Coumshingaun south face
Al on Kilclooney Mountain
by Al
25 Jul 2008
Having had a scary experience on a gully scramble in W Cork described in the book "Munster's Mountains" i was keen to find out how the coumshingaun gullies would fair as described in the same book so i headed out with the father figure saturday 19/07/08. The car was parked at a layby where the Ira river flowing down from the coum crossed the clonmel-dungarvan road, Rv Ire (S350 115). 45 minutes had us at the lakeside, a gradual track leading up. The fun then started as we skirted around the south side of the lake on a track leading up to the start of the first gully (arrows on map). Out came the rope and the slings and we negotiated the first small obstacle without much bother (although the rock was wet). Moving out of the gully to the right a little further up we traversed under the cliffs to the start of the second gully. A slightly harder move got us over the wet block at the entrance and from there it was a slog up through knee high "comeragh weed" to the top. We finished off the coumshingaun circuit from there, having the lunch and taking the picture from the north ridge before descending back along the track to the road. Route 2 i think in the book, 5 hours, description was on the money! Linkback:
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Picture: Coumshingaun lake from above
Deise splendour
by Kennyj
5 Sep 2015
Taking advantage of the good forecast I headed for the Mahon Falls this morning,parking at the upper car park and climbing to spot height 414 along the road before climbing along the fence north west up the steep slope onto Comeragh mountain.Following the track around
the top of Coummahon until I crossed the river above the falls.
The crossing was easy today but I'm told in winter this may be impossible,After crossing the river I headed northeast up onto Knockaunpeebra with its two distinctive cairns,from here down into the boggy col and up onto Fauscoum or spot height 792 as pointed out on other comments here.The summit is uninspiring but a 450m walk North East you'll see one of the finest views in any mountain range-Coumshigaun lake,after enjoying the sambos sitting above the lake I returned to Fauscoum before heading southwest crossing the river and making for the high ground back around Coummahon finishing at the three cairns on Comeragh mountain and back to the car.Time 3 hrs 35 mins,distance 11km,ascent 733 m,descent 762m. Linkback:
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