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Blackstairs Mountains Area , S: Blackstairs South Subarea
Feature count in area: 13, by county: Wexford: 10, Carlow: 6, of which 3 are in both Carlow and Wexford, OSI/LPS Maps: 68, EW-B, EW-B, EW-B2
Highest Place: Mount Leinster 794.4m

Starting Places (20) in area Blackstairs Mountains:
Ballybawn Lane, Ballybeg Forest Road, Ballygibbon Lane, Ballyglisheen, Ballyvocran Cross, Bog Road L30072, Coonoge Cross Layby, Crooked Bridge, Glynn, Kilbrannish Forest Recreation CP, Mandoran Lane, R746 Half Way House, Raheenkyle, Rathanna Bridge, Sculloge Gap CP, Shannons Lane Sculloge, The Nine Stones CP, Urrin River Mid Rise, Urrin River Zig Zag, Urrin Road

Summits & other features in area Blackstairs Mountains:
N: Blackstairs North: Black Rock Mountain 599.6m, Croaghaun 455.5m, Greenoge 425m, Knockmore 228m, Knockroe 538.8m, Mount Leinster 794.4m, Mount Leinster East Top 656.5m, Slievebawn 524.8m
S: Blackstairs South: Blackstairs Mountain 732.1m, Carrigalachan 462m, Carrigroe 498m, White Mountain 510m, Slievebaun 441.8m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Carrigroe, 498m Hill An Charraig Rua A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(prob. Ir. An Charraig Rua [PDT], 'the red rock') Carrignigolume an extra name in English, Corrigruadh, Wexford County in Leinster province, in Carn Lists, Carrigroe is the 578th highest place in Ireland. Carrigroe is the second most southerly summit in the Blackstairs Mountains area.
Grid Reference S79318 41508, OS 1:50k mapsheet 68
Place visited by: 119 members, recently by: farmerjoe1, Haulie, Dee68, Nailer1967, markwallace, pinchy, Timmy.Mullen, jackos, conorjob, Liamob, childminder05, maitiuocoimin, John.geary, Jonesykid, annem
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -6.832445, Latitude: 52.519624, Easting: 279318, Northing: 141508, Prominence: 32m,  Isolation: 1.2km
ITM: 679237 641557
Bedrock type: Pale, fine to coarse-grained granite, (Blackstones Type 2 Equigranular Granite)

  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Crgr, 10 char: Carrigroe

Gallery for Carrigroe (An Charraig Rua) and surrounds
Summary for Carrigroe (An Charraig Rua): A waypoint on the way to somewhere else
Summary created by Colin Murphy, wicklore 13 Dec, 2021
   picture about Carrigroe (An Charraig Rua)
Picture: Carrigroe is the bump on the ridge on the right
Carrigroe is situated midway along the ridge that extends south from Blackstairs Mountain, between Carrigalachan and Bran Scultair. It is unlikely to be climbed on its own, and will probably merely be a waypoint for those traversing the ridge. A wide track like a white scar runs along the crest of the ridge, probably created by machinery for access to the forests on the eastern slopes.

A Coillte forest road begins at A (S758 364). The barrier is usually open leaving the option to drive further into the forest. At B (S784 393) there is a track junction, with a track heading north for 1km directly to the summit of Bran Scultair. From the curious summit of Bran Scultair (a trig pillar perched atop a rocky tor), follow the ridge crest track 1.5kms north to the unremarkable summit of Carrigroe. Any one of a number of track-side stones could mark the high point. There are good views west to Brandon Hill and the plains of Carlow/Kilkenny.
An alternative approach is via Carrigalachan, starting at B'Bawn Ln (S809 410) - see that short summary for details.
Member Comments for Carrigroe (An Charraig Rua)

   picture about Carrigroe (An Charraig Rua)
Sea of cloud
by Kennyj 26 Nov 2016
Unusual low cloud today heading towards Carrigroe Linkback:
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Interesting features on path
by Pepe 26 Jul 2018
Just north of the masts on Bran Scultair, about two hundred metres along the path to Carrigroe, what might be the remains of a cairn lurk in the undergrowth. This site is at the obvious high point about seven or eight metres off the path on your RHS as you go to Carrigroe, and lies against and almost partially beneath, the fence that separates the forestry on the eastern slopes from the path. If it is a cairn, it's in ruins now and well hidden by heather and grasses.
Another couple of hundred or so metres north, this time on the LHS of the path, is another interesting feature. A rocky outcrop (one of several but this appears to be the biggest and most impressive looking) juts out westward like the prow of a ship emerging from out of the mountain ridge. Well worth your time detouring a mere twenty steps or so out onto this outcrop. You will be rewarded with a stunning vista. It's like standing on the bow of an aircraft carrier with brilliants views N, S & W falling away beneath your feet. Linkback:
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   picture about Carrigroe (An Charraig Rua)
Picture: Carrigroe and Bran Scultair form Carrigalachan
csd on Carrigroe
by csd 7 Oct 2007
We approached Carrigroe from the north, after tackling Carrigalachan. Despite the extra 32 metres in elevation, the views over to Bran Scultair and Carrigalachan aren't quite as good as those from Carrigalachan. It's worth the modest investment required to get up, and makes a handy waypoint on a ridge walk down to Bran Scultair. Pic shows the view of Carrigroe (L) and Bran Scultair (R) taken from Carrigalachan. Linkback:
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   picture about Carrigroe (An Charraig Rua)
Picture: Summit marker
Summit high point.
by Colin Murphy 13 Dec 2021
The highpoint of this hill is marked by a pile of rocks to the right of the track when approaching from north, although I actually measured a slightly higher spot on the bank of heather opposite, although that area is probably the man-made result of the construction of the track. Linkback:
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   picture about Carrigroe (An Charraig Rua)
Picture: The view south from Carrigroe
csd on Carrigroe
by csd 7 Oct 2007
After reaching the summit, I elected to head back to the car rather than continue along the ridge to Bran Scultair. As you can see from the photo, there's some newish planting to push through, but it's less than 100 metres of shoving through the spruce so it's not so bad. Sheet 68 appears to be accurate in its depiction of the tracks in the forest. Linkback:
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