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Boggeragh Mountains Area , W: Musheramore Subarea
Feature count in area: 11, all in Cork, OSI/LPS Maps: 79, 80
Highest Place: Musheramore 642.7m

Starting Places (8) in area Boggeragh Mountains:
Butter Road, Duhallow Way, Derry Wood, Glannaharee East Woods S, Laharan Woods N, Millstreet Country Park, Mount Hillary Wood N, Mount Hillary Wood W, St John's Well

Summits & other features in area Boggeragh Mountains:
Cen: Seefin: Knockcraugh 434m, Seefin 491m, Seefin East Top 491m
N: Banteer: Mount Hillary 391m, Tooreen 322m
NE: Bweeng: Bweeng Little 414m, Bweengduff 416m
S: Macroom Hills: Burren 380m, Knockagreenan 263m
W: Musheramore: Musherabeg 498.8m, Musheramore 642.7m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Musherabeg, 498.8m Hill Muisire Beag A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Muisire Beag [OSI], 'little (mountain) of the Múscraige'), Cork County in Munster province, in Carn Lists, Musherabeg is the second highest hill in the Boggeragh Mountains area and the 575th highest in Ireland. Musherabeg is the most westerly summit in the Boggeragh Mountains area.
Grid Reference W30959 83796, OS 1:50k mapsheet 79
Place visited by: 57 members, recently by: SeanPurcell, Carolyn105, garrettd, jeb, learykid, abcd, dregish, John.geary, Pepe, Colin Murphy, madfrankie, Deise-Man, wicklore, Wildrover, Fergalh
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -9.006038, Latitude: 52.002429, Easting: 130959, Northing: 83796, Prominence: 122m,  Isolation: 2.3km
ITM: 530924 583855
Bedrock type: Green-grey sandstone & purple siltstone, (Gun Point Formation)
Notes on name: See Musheramore for more on the origin of this name. There is a remarkable concentration of megalithic monuments around Mushera. One of the best known sites is the stone circle and cairn at Knocknakilla on the slopes of Musherabeg.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Mshrbg, 10 char: Musherabeg

Gallery for Musherabeg (Muisire Beag) and surrounds
Summary for Musherabeg (Muisire Beag): I am Iron Man
Summary created by sandman, jackill 07 Sep, 2015
   picture about Musherabeg (Muisire Beag)
Picture: Summit Area.
Starting from the road at A (W31269 84532), you will just about park a car here at the roadside, walk up beside the forestry fence before hopping it at B (W31000 84000) and making a short struggle through sparse, low conifers to the summit and a fallen, rusting, iron aerial array.
Member Comments for Musherabeg (Muisire Beag)

   picture about Musherabeg (Muisire Beag)
Picture: Mushermore from Musherabeg
jackill on Musherabeg
by jackill 24 Nov 2008
Starting from the road at A (W31269 84532) walk up beside the forestry fence before hopping it at B (W31000 84000) and making a short struggle through sparse, low conifers to the summit and a fallen iron man. To the north is Knocknakilla an area noted for its large complex of megalithic monuments.There is a recumbent stone circle, a radial cairn and two portal stones (one of which has fallen), aligned NNE-SSW. The stone circle is made up of five 1.3-1.5m high stones, of which two have fallen. Only the two northern portal stones and a stone at the west stand today. The stone row, made up of two stones both over 3.5m tall, seems to have been aligned on the stone circle, although the stone nearest the circle has fallen, and the remaining stone has a pronounced lean.Three meters away is a 10 stone, 3.5m diameter, radial cairn which was first discovered by Coillte Teoranta in 1970. This is a rare cairn type and indeed one of only ten others in Ireland. Given the monuments alignment with the rising and setting sun it is speculated they may have funtioned as calenders. (thanks to Denis Power (1997). Archaeological inventory of County Cork). Quite nearby is Glantane East Wedge Tomb. Known locally as "The Flags", the wedge tomb stands 90cm in height, with a capstone 2.4m square resting on two sidestones and a backstone. Some of the double-walling is still in place and a small stone 40cm high stands between the two sidestones Linkback:
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   picture about Musherabeg (Muisire Beag)
Picture: Knocknakilla
by jlk 16 Jul 2011
Worth a visit. Linkback:
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   picture about Musherabeg (Muisire Beag)
Odd rusting yoke!
by Colin Murphy 17 Jan 2022
I can't speak to the hill's qualities as I could barely see my hand before my face in the mist, but one of the striking aspects is the presence of a huge rusting frame of some sort right at the summit. It looks like the skeleton of the roof of a factory building turned on its head, but why it's there and what exactly it is, your guess is as good as mine. Linkback:
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