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Knockmealdown Mountains Area   Cen: Central Knockmealdowns Subarea
Place count in area: 17, OSI/LPS Maps: 74, 82, EW-K 
Highest place:
Knockmealdown, 792.4m
Maximum height for area: 792.4 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 682.7 metres,

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockmealdown Mountain Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh A name in Irish (Ir. Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh [OSI], 'hill of Maoldomhnach') County Highpoint of Waterford and in Tipperary/ Waterford Counties in Munster Province, in County Highpoint, Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred Lists, Medium grained pink-purple sandstone Bedrock

Height: 792.4m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 74 Grid Reference: S05797 08410
Place visited by 849 members. Recently by: JoannaS, Aidan_Ennis, AnthonyJ, JohnHoare, Jana, RonanS, DarrenY, jeb, Zenny, Kaszmirek78, RosieMc, farmerjoe1, ccartwright, Seamy13, Boba_Barry
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -7.915891, Latitude: 52.227902 , Easting: 205798, Northing: 108411 Prominence: 682.74m,  Isolation: 0.9km,   Has trig pillar
ITM: 605745 608465,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Knckml, 10 char: Knckmldwn
Bedrock type: Medium grained pink-purple sandstone, (Knockmealdown Sandstone Formation)

Knockmealdown gives its name to the range as a whole, but the earlier name for these hills, along with the lower hill country to the east, is Sliabh gCua. There is a traditional air entitled Sliabh Geal gCua na Féile, meaning 'bright Sliabh gCua of the festival'. The name Maoldomhnach means ‘devotee of the church’. The surnames derived from this are Ó Maoldomhnaigh (anglicised Muldowney) and its variant Ó Maoldhomhnaigh (anglicised Moloney). Moloney is still a common surname in the vicinity. Some sources translate the name as Cnoc Maol Donn, 'bare round hill', but this is a poor attempt to interpret the name only on the basis of the modern anglicised form. The form Knockmealdowny, recorded in the Civil Survey in 1654, shows that was clearly an additional syllable.   Knockmealdown is the highest mountain in the Knockmealdown Mountains area and the 48th highest in Ireland. Knockmealdown is the second highest point in county Waterford.

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The summit of Knockmealdown has seen more disrupt .. by deswalk   (Show all for Knockmealdown (Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh))
After tackling Knockmoylan and returning to the c .. by Geo   (Show all for Knockmealdown (Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh))
It is an easy walk but the start (Grubb's monumen .. by pazapas   (Show all for Knockmealdown (Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh))
This was my second walk with midleton Hillwalking .. by ballchess   (Show all for Knockmealdown (Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh))
Waterford County Top in the Sunshine .. by mazamegaza   (Show all for Knockmealdown (Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh)) Picture about mountain Knockmealdown (<i>Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh</i>) in area Knockmealdown Mountains, Ireland
Picture: Lakes in Coum to the north of KMD
Deep coum
by Bunsen7  14 Sep 2018
Perhaps I just had a good day for it, but the conditions underfoot were as good if not better than those you might experience in many parts of the country, making for quick progress and allowing you to keep your head up rather than focusing on your next step.. Yes there is some erosion on the track up from the Vee over the Sugarloaf, but the dry summer appears to have helped somewhat. Ok, the excitement and interest of other areas may be lacking, but on a clear day the Knockmealdowns to my mind present a fantastic viewpoint, allowing long-distance views to the Waterford coast, the Nire Valley in the Comeraghs to the east, the Galtees to north-west and Slievenamon to the North.

Whilst care always needs to be taken, particularly around the northern rim of the Knockmealdown coum, the hazards are few and the tracks and wall offers guidance should mist or cloud gather.

The picture was taken from the "col" between Knockmoylan and Knockmealdown, looking east into the coum, trying but just about failing to capture both the lakes in the lower coum and the trig pillar on the summit of Knockmealdown.

Any hill-bagger would be foolish not to put their foot on the nearby summit of Knockmoylan when in the vicinity - it has a prominence of just 35m (from the col). Linkback:
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(End of comment section for Knockmealdown (Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh).)

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Some mapping:
Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc