Climbed from Tievnabinnia East on 30th June 2012, dodging Atlantic squalls and glimpsing delicious views of the absolutely stupendous 360 degree panorama.
A word of warning to those using the alternative Western Way (dotted red line on OS 37) from the South to access or exit this top, there has been a re-routing of the WW as follows.
We came down the WW following lovely new marker posts south as far as approx
D (L912 699). There the map (OS 37) shows the WW continuing south to meet the Glenlaur river, however we discovered the route is now way-marked as turning East South East to meet a stone wall (faintly marked on OS map), It follows thjs stone wall then at it's end, crosses a fence to bring the walker South across a little field to a gate at
TCrower (L920 697) (right on the map's edge). You are now on the the road 200m East of Sheeffry Bridge, but the marker post here for the WW confusingly points both ways along the road, this appears to be because the main WW route (dashed red line on the OS 37) follows this road.
Anyway the upshot is that is you are using the alternative route be careful not to follow the map but use the directions above. It appears that this diversion has been made to avoid a farm, and hence enclosed fields, and it also removes the need to ford the Glenlaur river at
E (L912 693). I can't imagine how this river would be easily crossed in wet weather as it is fast, and carries a lot of water after wet weather such as we've had lately.
By the way this top is worth making if you are doing the Sheefry ridge, don't leave it out!
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