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Comeragh Mountains Area , N: Laghtnafrankee Subarea
Feature count in area: 24, all in Waterford, OSI/LPS Maps: 74, 75, 81, 82, EW-C, EW-K
Highest Place: Kilclooney Mountain 792m

Starting Places (25) in area Comeragh Mountains:
Aughatriscar Bridge, Carey's Castle, Carrickaruppora S, Carronadavderg Wood, Colligan Bridge, Colligan Source, Coumduala Lough Path, Croghaun Hill CP, Douglas River Wood, Dromona Wood, Guilcagh Wood, Kilclooney Wood CP, Laghtnafrankee Road, Lough Mohra Rath Beag Loop Walk, Mahon Falls CP, Maum Road, Moanyarha, Moanyarha Bog, Monarud, Mountain View, New Quay CP, Nire Valley CP, Old Bridge Clonmel, Old Slate Mine CP, River Ire R676 L96761

Summits & other features in area Comeragh Mountains:
Cen: Comeragh Central: Carrignagower 767m, Coumfea 741.9m, Coumfea North Top 728.3m, Coumfea West Top 711m, Croughaun Hill 391m, Curraghduff 750.1m, Kilclooney Mountain 792m, Knockaunapeebra 724.4m
Cen: Knockanaffrin: Knockanaffrin 755m, Knockanaffrin South Top 628m, Knocksheegowna 675.7m
E: Portlaw Hills: Donnell's Hill 242.8m, Tower Hill 238m
N: Laghtnafrankee: Kilmacomma Hill 211m, Laghtnafrankee 520m, Laghtnafrankee SW Top 425m, Long Hill 404m
S: Monavullagh Mountains: Bleantasour Mountain 402m, Coumaraglin Mountain 614.6m, Crohaun 484m, Milk Hill 451m, Seefin 725.6m
SW: Drum Hills: Carronadavderg 301m, Dromona Hill 156m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Laghtnafrankee, 520m Mountain Leacht na Francaí A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Leacht na bhFrancach [PND], 'burial monument of the Frenchmen or
of the rats')
, Lacknafrankee, Waterford County in Munster province, in Arderin Lists, Laghtnafrankee is the 509th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference S23519 18151, OS 1:50k mapsheet 75
Place visited by: 199 members, recently by: StJohn, Josephineobrien, Ansarlodge, MartMc, Oscar-mckinney, bowler, Carolyn105, patman1974, Krzysztof_K, Marykerry, Cunn2000, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, Deise-Man, PrzemekPanczyk
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.655845, Latitude: 52.314988, Easting: 223519, Northing: 118151, Prominence: 126m,  Isolation: 1.8km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 623465 618205
Bedrock type: Medium grained pink-purple sandstone, (Knockmealdown Sandstone Formation)
Notes on name: Canon Power gave the two alternative translations, so he was clearly unaware of any story which would resolve the mystery. There is a small cairn at the summit, which could be the remains of the monument in question.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Lghtnf, 10 char: Lghtnfrnk

Gallery for Laghtnafrankee (Leacht na Francaí) and surrounds
Summary for Laghtnafrankee (Leacht na Francaí): Fancy a quick one?
Summary created by jackill 21 Jan, 2013
   picture about Laghtnafrankee (Leacht na Francaí)
Picture: From the south
Park on the the roadside around LaghtFrank (S251 187), just before a cattle grid.There is lots of room to do so.
Head west towards the mountain first on a muddy farm track and then up a small rise and across gently sloped, heather-covered, featureless ground to the summit.
Grand views of Slievenamon and the stretch of the Comeragh Plateau on a good day, a test of navigation on a bad one.
Member Comments for Laghtnafrankee (Leacht na Francaí)

   picture about Laghtnafrankee (Leacht na Francaí)
Picture: Slievenamon from the summit of Lachtnafrankee
jackill on Laghtnafrankee
by jackill 26 Sep 2005
I set out for the Comeraghs yesterday with the intention of starting my walk at the Gap carpark outside Bally macarbry. Unfortunately for the first time ever I encountered an access problem.
At Hanoras cottage the road was blocked by cars that had been abandoned in the mad rush not to miss Mass. I didn't think the priest would announce from the alter "would the owner of car....." so i decided to take a short detour and climb (or walk across the bog really) Lachtnafrankee as the only time I had been there before I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me. I parked the car on the roadside at LaghtFrank (S251 187) and crossed the tarred road and followed the track on the map to its end.From there its an easy walk across the bog to the summit. What Lachtnafrankee lacks in stature it makes up for in views.The Knockanaffrin Ridge , the Comeragh Plateau, the Knockmealdowns , The Galtys ,The Ballyhouras , Slievenamon and ,away in the distance, the Blackstairs are all visible from its summit. 50 mins and 3.5 kms Linkback:
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   picture about Laghtnafrankee (Leacht na Francaí)
Picture: Looking SE to the Knockanaffrin Ridge from Laghtnafrankee.
A Comeragh Overview
by Harry Goodman 27 Jul 2011
Having arrived down for a week-end walking in the Comeraghs we decided, on the evening of 27 May 2011 to have a short walk up Laghtnafrankee following jackill's route as posted in the short summary parking at LaghtFrank (S25032 18643). This was a first visit to these mountains and the main advantage of the walk, in addition to stretching our legs after the drive down from Belfast, was to have an invaluable overview of much of the area we expected to cover over the next three days. From the top A (R23519 18151) we had a fine perspective of the Knockanaffrin Ridge, part of the Coumfea plateau and Seefin. Our short ramble was 3.6km and we were up and down in forty five minutes. Clearly for anyone with more time to spare the relatively nearby tops of Laghtnafrankee SW Top and Long Hill could be included in a longer walk. Linkback:
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   picture about Laghtnafrankee (Leacht na Francaí)
Simon3 on this hill
by simon3 20 Sep 2022
This view from the summit looking SE shows from the left and on the skyline, the Knockanaffrin ridge, in front of the bulk of the Comeragh plateau, which continues on the skyline to the right.

Much of the surface of the mountain was (as of 2004) covered in fairly low heather. The summit is easily reached from the East and probably many other directions.. Linkback:
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   picture about Laghtnafrankee (Leacht na Francaí)
Picture: The view SE from the summit, towards Knockanaffrin
csd on Laghtnafrankee
by csd 22 Jun 2008
I parked close by the spot suggested by jackill and marched up to the summit. The views are as excellent as promised, as evidenced by my picure showing the view over to the Knocksheegowna - Knockanaffrin ridge. Linkback:
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   picture about Laghtnafrankee (Leacht na Francaí)
Picture: View across to Knockanaffrin Ridge
Laghtnafrankee 2024
by MartMc 29 Oct 2024
First actively gained summit since considering possibly, maybe actively working through the Arderins six months ago. So progress has been slow!

Parked at Point A. Met a local who had parked further east at a large hard stand (B (S25411 18871)) at the T-junction, so I would infer that is the locally recommended location for parking for trails in the area, at the weekend at least. 40 minute up and down, impressive views with considerable sense of remoteness even though it is just 10 minutes from Clonmel. Unique nav point: rusty boiler. Linkback:
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