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Knockmealdown Mountains Area , Cen: Central Knockmealdowns Subarea
Feature count in area: 17, by county: Tipperary: 11, Waterford: 11, of which 5 are in both Tipperary and Waterford, OSI/LPS Maps: 74, 82, EW-K
Highest Place: Knockmealdown 792.4m

Starting Places (16) in area Knockmealdown Mountains:
Bay Lough CP, Bay Lough Hairpin, Clogheen South, Crow Hill, Kilballyboy Wood, Kingston Bridge, Knockadullaun, Knockeenanooneen, Knockmeal Mountain Road, Knocksculloge, Liam Lynch Trailhead, Mount Melleray Abbey, R669 Rough Glen River, Spital-Land, Sugar Loaf Horseshoe Viewing Point, The Vee

Summits & other features in area Knockmealdown Mountains:
Cen: Central Knockmealdowns: Crohan West 521m, Knockmeal 559.5m, Knockmealdown 792.4m, Knockmoylan 767.1m, Knocknafallia 666.5m, Knocknagnauv 655.1m, Sugarloaf Hill 662.7m
E: East Knockmealdowns: Broemountain 430.4m, Knocknanask 486m, Knocknasheega 430.4m, Knocksculloge 432.6m
S: Araglin: Knockadullaun 352.2m
W: West Knockmealdowns: Crow Hill 516.8m, Farbreaga 518m, Knocknalougha 629m, Knocknalougha South Top 518.6m, Knockshanahullion 653.3m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Crohan West, 521m Mountain Cruachán A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cruachán [OSI], 'little stack'), Crohan, Tipperary County in Munster province, in Arderin Lists, Crohan West is the 506th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference S09673 10200, OS 1:50k mapsheet 74
Place visited by: 229 members, recently by: mehiking, StJohn, Josephineobrien, RonanS, Nailer1967, patman1974, Krzysztof_K, pinchy, Marykerry, farmerjoe1, Dee68, Ansarlodge, Carolineswalsh, Tuigamala, DeirdreM
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.859186, Latitude: 52.243935, Easting: 209673, Northing: 110200, Prominence: 76m,  Isolation: 1.9km
ITM: 609616 610254
Bedrock type: Medium grained pink-purple sandstone, (Knockmealdown Sandstone Formation)
Notes on name: Crohan is also the name of a townland in the parish of Newcastle. According to Power, this place is mentioned in the life of St. Declan.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: CrhnWs, 10 char: CrhnWest

Gallery for Crohan West (Cruachán) and surrounds
Summary for Crohan West (Cruachán): My favourite vantage point of the Knockmealdowns
Summary created by jackill 29 Dec, 2011
   picture about Crohan West (Cruachán)
Picture: From Knocksculloge
Park on the roadside at A (S112 083) on the Mellary to Newcastle road just after you cross the border to Tipperary and an abandoned farmhouse. There is room here for 5-6 cars.
You will notice there are two tracks running side by side uphill , take the right hand one and follow it uphill due west.
After 0.75 kms follow this track left (at this turn note the other new wide track turning to the right)and around the side of Knockmeal for about 1km.
When the track turns left again and slightly downhill to the col with Knocknafallia you will reach a wall running up Knockmeal and to the northeast.
Follow this wall as it turns left (north ) near the summit cairn of Knockmeal, down to the col and up again to Crohan West
You can also turn right as noted above and follow a new track until it starts to descend to the east. Leave the track at this point and cross the bog directly to Crohan Wests summit.
Member Comments for Crohan West (Cruachán)

   picture about Crohan West (Cruachán)
Picture: Sunshine through the fog
Sun and fog
by peter1 12 Nov 2019
Approaching Crohan West from the North to begin a circuit of the hills, I spotted the sun just breaking through the fog that filled the valley. As I climbed higher, I could see the Galtees, Slievenamon and the Comeraghs rising above the cloud inversion. Very nice! Linkback:
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   picture about Crohan West (Cruachán)
simon3 on Crohan West
by simon3 3 Mar 2003
Crohan West (Cruachán in Irish) can be a convenient start to a circuit of the main mountains of the Knockmealdowns. It can be reached by ascending up a forest ride (narrow unplanted strip) just west of the Liam Lynch memorial.
Looked at from the summit, the two walls in the picture are like arms pointing towards two of the principal mountains. Knockmeal is to the left of the picture, Knocknafallia to the right. Knockmeal, to the south of Crohan, which would often be the next summit to visit in a circuit, can be reached along a heathery ridge nearly 2km long. Linkback:
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   picture about Crohan West (Cruachán)
jackill on Crohan West
by jackill 24 Oct 2004
Very wet day down south so I decided to get a few of the lesser summits under my belt.Started at B (S083 112) and followed the track for approx. 0.75 km. The track then swings around to the south west (not shown on map) - tI went straight ahead 0.5 kms over bog and heather to the summit cairn of Knockmeal.
From Knockmeal I followed the wall as marked on the map over to Crohan West. Its a very exposed summit over looking Tipperary and Waterford ( photo) - some shelter on the north side of the summit cairn for the soup and sandwich. I followed another wall(east of Crohan overlooking the Melleray to Newcastle road) not on the map down to some newly planted forestry and then followed the forest track(ta v. much coillte) to the main road at approx C (S087 111) Linkback:
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   picture about Crohan West (Cruachán)
Picture: Crohan West from the north east.
mneary34 on Crohan West
by mneary34 31 Aug 2005
On 10th August 2005, in what turned out to be a glorious sunny day, myself and Tom Milligan set out to traverse the Knockmealdowns in a linear trek from east to west and the route is 26 km with a total climb of 1600m. It proved to be an interesting day with great views to the Galtees, the Comeraghs and the plains to the north and south as well as the sea near Youghal. We had earlier left a car at the finish near Farbreaga at Crow Hill (R983 089) and then started the trek at a point east of Crohan West. Starting south of Newcastle at D (S115 105) the East Munster Way provides a good and interesting access to the lower slopes of Crohan West. After 0.5 km as the waymarked route turns to the north west on a contour there is a track that leads directly uphill towards the summit. Further on there is a band of forest but there is a path which leads through an opening which heads directly for the summit. From there across heather and gorse the summit awaits. See Knockmeal for a continuation of the traverse. Linkback:
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   picture about Crohan West (Cruachán)
Picture: Liam Lynch Monument
Colin Murphy on Crohan West
by Colin Murphy 18 Jul 2008
Used the Liam Lynch Monument as a starting point for a Crohan- Knockmeal- Knockfallia- Knocknagnauv circuit, which took me about 4.5 hours, and while the summits aren't exactly spectacular, it's a relatively pleasant walk and a provides a good ratio of summits-to-effort! Little to add to the information already on this page except to say that the Liam Lynch monument is worth a look - an impressive round tower (erected in 1935) about 20 metres high in the middle of the forest, and apparently marks the spot where Liam Lynch, anti-treaty republican leader in the civil war apparently met his end. Linkback:
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