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Ballyhoura Mountains Area , S: Ballyorgan Subarea
Feature count in area: 12, by county: Limerick: 11, Cork: 1, OSI/LPS Maps: 73, EW-G
Highest Place: Seefin Mountain West Top 528m

Starting Places (16) in area Ballyhoura Mountains:
Annaslinga, Ardpatrick, Ballinlyna Bridge, Barrabunocka Bridge, Combaun Woods CP, Darby's Bed, Darragh House, Farahy River, Galbally, Glenanair Bridge, Greenwood, Kilfinane Motte, Lissantrelick Paradise Hill, Seefin Mountain Loop Car Park, Sheehan's Glen, Thomastown Wood

Summits & other features in area Ballyhoura Mountains:
Cen: Kilfinnane: Ardnageeha 361.8m, Fear Breagach 369m
E: Ballyarthur: Ballyarthur Hill 353.3m
N: Ballylanders: Slievereagh 464.5m
N: Galbally: Duntryleague Hill 278m
S: Ballyorgan: Carrigeenamronety 400.9m, Coolfree Mountain 436.8m, Seefin Mountain East Top 510m, Seefin Mountain West Top 528m, Seefin South-East Top 504m
W: Carron: Carron Mountain 446.7m, Little Carron 440.2m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Seefin Mountain West Top, 528m Mountain Suí Finn (mullach thiar) A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(prob. Ir. Suí Finn [PDT], 'Fionn's seat'), Limerick County in Munster province, in Arderin, Range Highpoint Lists, Seefin Mountain West Top is the highest mountain in the Ballyhoura Mountains area and the 481st highest in Ireland.
Grid Reference R64454 18070, OS 1:50k mapsheet 73
Place visited by: 235 members, recently by: Josephineobrien, hikingofireland, Leatra, patman1974, Barrington1978, ToughSoles, Macros42, dregish, jeb, MichaelG55, farmerjoe1, Marykerry, MeabhTiernan, Carolineswalsh, knightsonhikes
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.521942, Latitude: 52.313572, Easting: 164454, Northing: 118070, Prominence: 383m,  Isolation: 0.9km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 564411 618121
Bedrock type: Conglomerate & purple sandstone, (Slievenamuck Conglomerate Formation)
Notes on name: The association with Fionn Mac Cumhaill is reinforced by the fact that Seefin Mountain overlooks a valley named after his son: Glenosheen (Ir. Gleann Oisín, 'valley of Oisín').
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: SfnMnt, 10 char: SfnMntnWst

Gallery for Seefin Mountain West Top (Suí Finn (mullach thiar)) and surrounds
Summary for Seefin Mountain West Top (Suí Finn (mullach thiar)): Bog and rough ground.
Summary created by melohara, paddyhillsbagger, jackill 18 Jan, 2017
   picture about Seefin Mountain West Top (Suí Finn (mullach thiar))
Picture: Seen from Gooseberry Hill
Car park space at Seefin Lp (R66276 16811). Over or around the gate and head uphill on a good track that crosses the hill near the summit of Seefin Mountain East top.
Follow the track on downhill from the crest and as it flattens out look for a rough, worn track to your left to Seefins summit.
In January 2017 there was work in progress on new boardwalk crossing some of the boggy patches.
Member Comments for Seefin Mountain West Top (Suí Finn (mullach thiar))

   picture about Seefin Mountain West Top (Suí Finn (mullach thiar))
Picture: :/
Great paths, closed boardwalk
by Leatra 1 Nov 2024
The boardwalk approaching Seefin West Top from the east is closed [October '24]. If you should choose to ignore the sign saying so, you'll find that the long grass has smothered as much of the boardwalk as it can and that the mesh is missing from some planks, which are very slippery indeed when wet. As the attached picture shows, the sign is well ignored, as there is no clear means of approach to the summit from this side without wading through sodden heather. The boardwalk ends before the steepest part of the hill, a very mucky slope under the trig pillar.

I climbed the three Seefins late on an overcast and humid Hallowe'en afternoon, taking about an hour fifty at a good nip, and got back down just before dusk. Lovely views from each top. Will definitely be doing more Ballyhouras when I can. Linkback:
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   picture about Seefin Mountain West Top (Suí Finn (mullach thiar))
Picture: Seefins Trig pillar looking towards Long Mountain
jackill on Seefin Mountain West Top
by jackill 25 Apr 2005
A wet day to start (it eventually cleared up) but, having finally located a copy of Map 73 a couple of weeks ago, I struck out for the Ballyhouras. I started at the track A (R643 155) . With some amusement I noted the sign that described this track a "Scenic Mountain Drive" , on a tractor or a 4X4 maybe but certainly not in a car if you want your sump and exhaust still attached at the end of it.I followed the track all the way to the second tractor park at B (R640 183) and then across the bog on a very eroded track to Seefin. Then it was down the front of Seefin and on to Long Mountain. I made the mistake of cutting back across the bog to rejoin the track I'd walked up on - I have to agree with s mc auliffe and say its better to stick to the tracks , badly eroded though they are, if you don't enjoy falling into hidden holes all day. The photo is taken from Seefin looking at Long mountain on the right with Ballyorgan village below and Temple Hill of the Galtys in the distance nearly totally obscured by the haze. 9 kms and 2 .5 hours. Linkback:
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s mc auliffe on Seefin Mountain West Top
by s mc auliffe 23 Jun 2004
As I don't live very far away from the Ballyhoura mountains I descided that I should resist the Galtees and the lure of Kerry and go for a walk on them. The day was lovely, sunny and calm, so I set off from the car park about a mile west of Ardpatrick. I did a short horseshoe walk over Seefin and back to the car. I really didn't enjoy it a whole lot as the hills are covered in long heather which hides ruts and holes that make for nasty walking conditions. The views are pleasant but if you want to walk there I would suggest that you stick to the many forrestry paths that are to be found. Linkback:
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   picture about Seefin Mountain West Top (Suí Finn (mullach thiar))
Picture: View showing path to Seefin
beckett on Seefin Mountain West Top
by beckett 11 Jul 2006
Take the road from Ardpatrick to Glenosheen and at 3 Km take a right turn up an incline, after a further 1.5 Km you will reach a forest car park. Starting at the car park C (R657 184) follow the road east for a few kilometers until you meet you will meet the intersection of an old road on your left and on your right a track heading up to high ground D (R662 169). The way-marked track provides a steady gradual climb on to the open hillside. At some sections, the track is quite eroded and you will be made appreciate a comfortable pair of walking boots (unlike mine on the day). The track reaches a T-junction and to your right you will see a cairn E (R653 180). This is quiet a nice place for lunch on a windy day as it is built around a hollow in the ground and provides good shelter. If it is too early for lunch, follow the main track from the T-Junction in a northerly direction. Several large boulders and a trig point distinguish Seefin F (R644 181). The track forms another T-junction just below the ascent to Seefin, follow the narrow (at times indistinct) boggy track east as you climb up behind the weathered crags to the trig point. Ahead to the north and a short walk away is Long Mountain. The road is only a short walk to your east B (R640 183). Follow it north until you meet some tracks going into the woods G (R637 196). Follow the main path southeast back to the car park; it’s a pleasant 2.4 kilometer walk through the woods. The area features many tracks and paths; make good use of these as the open ground is difficult to walk on with many areas of soft bog, uneven ground and hidden holes.
A pleasant walk but pales in comparison to its illustrious neighbour the Galtees. Linkback:
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   picture about Seefin Mountain West Top (Suí Finn (mullach thiar))
Picture: No more worlds to conquer...
Spooky and mysterious
by FinbarrC 5 Feb 2019
This area is rife with folklore and strange tales... Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.