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East Clare Area , Cen: Slieve Bernagh Subarea
Feature count in area: 9, by county: Clare: 8, Galway: 1, OSI/LPS Maps: 52, 58
Highest Place: Moylussa 531.6m

Starting Places (6) in area East Clare:
Ballycuggeran Forest, Belvoir Trailhead, Clarisford Park, Glenagalliagh, Glenwanish, Two Mile Gate CP

Summits & other features in area East Clare:
Cen: Slieve Bernagh: Ballykildea Mountain 412m, Cragnamurragh 526m, Glennagalliagh Mountain 446m, Moylussa 531.6m
N: Slieve Aughty: Cappaghabaun Mountain East 378m, Cashlaundrumlahan 358m, Maghera 400m
S: 12 O'Clock Hills: Knockanuarha 309m
S: Sixmilebridge: Woodcock Hill 310m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Moylussa, 531.6m Mountain Maigh Lusa A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
County Highpoint of Clare in Munster province, in Arderin, County Highpoint, Range Highpoint Lists, Moylussa is the highest mountain in the East Clare area and the 470th highest in Ireland. Moylussa is the highest point in county Clare.
Grid Reference R64844 75928, OS 1:50k mapsheet 58
Place visited by: 442 members, recently by: hikingofireland, Helgabee, tanseyman, Kaszmirek78, Alatar78, Buckz, sineadh, patman1974, Barrington1978, Petecal423, Leatra, ccartwright, Blackstar, mehiking, DarrenY
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.522358, Latitude: 52.833506, Easting: 164845, Northing: 175928, Prominence: 501.6m,  Isolation: 2.2km
ITM: 564802 675967
Bedrock type: Fine & some coarser greywacke, (Slieve Bernagh Formation)
Notes on name: Two tops of same height, the second at R651755. This is the highest point in Co. Clare.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Myls, 10 char: Moylussa

Gallery for Moylussa (Maigh Lusa) and surrounds
Summary for Moylussa (Maigh Lusa): The county highpoint of Clare
Summary created by Peter Walker, jackill 08 Apr, 2015
   picture about Moylussa (Maigh Lusa)
Picture: Moylussa from the south west
Turn off the main road at A (R68750 76075), Ballycuggeran Woods, and follow the good forestry access road to a carpark , room for 10 cars. Make your way by various forest tracks to B (R66095 75400), follow the track leading into the forest heading roughly east here.
Exit the forest at approximately C (R65800 75500) onto rocky track. Go uphill on this track turning north at the top forest edge and steeply around to the east again before the track ends at the edge of a bog. Cross about 1km of bog to the small summit cairn.
Member Comments for Moylussa (Maigh Lusa)

   picture about Moylussa (Maigh Lusa)
Picture: Please Recycle Carefully!
murphysw on Moylussa
by murphysw 19 Dec 2005
Moylussa's summit is a dump. It’s also very soggy. It has assorted rusted ‘things’ and wooden poles strewn about. When I climbed it the mist was sitting on the summit as opposed to enveloping it which was strange. The dumpsite isn't quite the highest point. It was very hard to pick out a highest point in the gloom. One of them is about 100m east of the debris, and the other is further north on the other side of a boggy path which is nearly impassable I’d say. I didn’t bother. Linkback:
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I can see Clarely now
by hazyview 25 Aug 2013
Climbed this last weekend following the excellent directions from Jaak. Parked in the Ballycuggeran Forest amenity area. NB: Stay on the new path to the summit that Jaak describes, following it around to the right when it meets a double gate. There were some v boggy spots near the top : but boots were fine. Would need wellies after heavy rain. All the debris etc seems to have been cleared away from the top as far as I saw: well done to cgriff and all who highlighted this! Super views at summit & on way up. Nice forest too. I had no problems with landowners, tG, but then I did climb during the Clare v Limerick match and there was no-one around! Linkback:
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New summit marker
by hansumstranga 25 Nov 2013
I hadn't read the review below but was equally delighted to discover the new path made up of stone/shale. As described it takes you all the way to the summit. I had turned off a bit earlier and went to the two points as described in the brilliant 'Ireland's County High Points' by Kieron Gribbon, before checking out the new stone marker to discover a different high point marker approx 150m to the north. Fair play to Coillte who must are obviously responsible. This was my final 'county high point' so it was nice to see that Coillte had improved this route. Linkback:
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   picture about Moylussa (Maigh Lusa)
Picture: View of Lough Derg from Moylussa
by Buny Clare 28 Apr 2021
I better start earning my points (rather than just submitting photographs of the beauties I meet)

I have climbed Moylussa many times. On my own I did not experience any problems but when I climbed it with friends we experienced a few unwelcome comments from local farmers.

As one of your contributors mentioned you can climb it via Glenngalliagh Mountain. You go to Kilbane, then up the East Clare Way for a few miles which you can easily drive. Park your car at the top of this road which, incidentally, leads you to Killaloe. If, however, you decide to continue driving on this East Clare Way, after 2/3 k/m downhill you will observe two tracks to the left which are cul de sacs D (R639 732) and E (R654 730). These tracks, particularly the second one, E (R654 730), will allow you a more direct route to Moylussa but for the present I would not advise that you take either as one or two unwelcoming farmers are in the area. Anyway, after parking, at the top you will see a gate (north) leading through the forestry. Enter there and a track for 15 mins will take you to the bogland F (R636 749) and your climb ahead to Glengalliagh. You will see Moylussa over to the northeast. You should get over to Moylussa in an hour or a little more.

This route is an alternative to going up from the Killaloe side.You can return the same way or if you have organised transport you can be picked up in a vey pleasant pub called The Pipers Inn (it's a few miles from The Killaloe UL Marine Centre), as this was climbed by me in 2006. Linkback:
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   picture about Moylussa (Maigh Lusa)
Picture: The Boggy Path leading up to Moylussa
murphysw on Moylussa
by murphysw 19 Dec 2005
This is the first mountain I’ve climbed where I’ve met an unwelcoming landowner. I had decided to attempt to climb the mountain from near G (R652 737) around the area on sheet 58 called Aillemore. The road was really bad with nowhere to park so I was driving away from the mountain when I came upon a tractor traveling towards me. I hailed the driver and asked him could he suggest anywhere to park around the area and if he knew was it ok to climb the mountain. I was promptly told that ‘no one was climbing that mountain today’, before going on to say he was sick of scramblers driving through his fences, and that he and two other farmers had decided to call a halt to walkers on their land. He said he owned all this side of Moylussa and he was glad that he had met me at the bottom as he recently had chased 8 walkers up ‘his’ mountain and told them to leave. He wasn’t in the least aggressive but he did seem at the end of his tether so I decided not to push the matter. I asked him if he owned the summit area too and was there any way up the mountain. He had lightened up considerably by now and said there was a way up by Glenvagalliagh mountain or I could park at the marina just north of Killaloe and go up by the forest path, and then he went off again talking about his grievances and saying that only a fool would climb a mountain on a day like this (it was a bit cloudy). To be fair he gave me directions on how to get to Killaloe. Anyway I did the mountain the next day and thanks to walter hollicks for his directions which I found a useful in getting up this rather unpleasant mountain. I have a couple of additions to his directions which may be of use. Just before the marina at H (R688 760) you will see the entrance to Ballycuggaran forest park. You can actually drive up this a short distance where you will find an ample car park, nicely away from the main road and prying eyes! You follow the East Clare Way from here. Walter Hollick also mentions the path to the summit after the firebreak. It is important to emphasise the true awfulness of this though. It literally is knee deep in mud in places and it would be a good idea to bring a pair of wellies with you. Other than that take it very slowly and bring a stick with you to catch your inevitable slip-ups! I thought you actually have to take this path as the mature forest on your right is impassable and the new plantation on your left is barb wired off. However on the way down I went through the plantation as the barb wire is only intermittent. After you pass through the double gates you will have to cross the barb wire fence to get to the summit. Watch out for the small boulder set in the ground under the fence near the summit which you can use as a stile. Overall, I enjoyed the first part of the walk which goes through a forest park, which is so typical of south east Clare. The second part of the walk was terrible, what with the boggy path and the dump of a summit. Linkback:
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