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Mourne Mountains Area , N: Croob Subarea
Feature count in area: 59, all in Down, OSI/LPS Maps: 20, 29, EW-CLY
Highest Place: Slieve Donard 849m

Starting Places (33) in area Mourne Mountains:
Alex Steddom Tree, Aughrim Airstrip, Ben Crom Dam, Bloody Bridge Car Park, Carlingford Greenway, Carrick Little, Crocknafeola Wood, Crotlieve Mountain, Donard Car Park Newcastle, Drummanmore Picnic, Fofanny Reservoir, Forest Office CP, Gamekeepers Lodge CP, Happy Valley Trassey Rd, Hen Mountain CP, Leitrim Lodge CP, Mayo Road Corner, Meelmore Lodge, Newcastle Harbour, Ott CP, Red Bog Road, Rourkes Park, Sandy Brae, Silent Valley Reservoir Head Rd, Slieve Donard Trail Head, Slieve Foye Viewing Point, Slievefoy Forest CP, Spelga Dam E, Spelga Dam N, Spelga Dam S, Trassey Car Park, Two Mile River CP, Yellow Water Park

Summits & other features in area Mourne Mountains:
Cen: Loughshannagh: Ben Crom 526m, Carn Mountain 585.2m, Carn Mountain North Top 553.7m, Doan 592.6m, Ott Mountain 526.8m, Slieve Loughshannagh 617m, Slieve Muck 670.4m, Slievenaglogh 445m
E: Binnian: Slieve Binnian 745.9m, Slieve Binnian East Top 639m, Slieve Binnian North Top 678m, Slieve Binnian North Tor 682.5m, Wee Binnian 460m
E: Donard: Chimney Rock Mountain 656m, Crossone 540m, Millstone Mountain 460m, Rocky Mountain 524m, Slieve Donard 849m
E: Lamagan: Cove Mountain 654.8m, Slieve Beg 595.9m, Slievelamagan 702.2m
N: Bearnagh: Slieve Bearnagh 739m, Slieve Bearnagh North Tor 680m, Slieve Meelbeg 701.9m, Slieve Meelmore 687m
N: Castlewellan: Slievenaboley 324m, Slievenalargy 280m, Slievenaslat 272m
N: Commedagh: Slieve Commedagh 767m, Slieve Corragh 641.9m, Slievenaglogh 584.4m, Slievenaglogh East Top 571m
N: Croob: Cratlieve 429m, Slieve Croob 534m, Slievegarran 391m, Slievenisky 446m
N: Rathfriland: Knockiveagh 235m
S: Kilkeel: Knockchree 306m
S: Rostrevor: Crenville 460m, Finlieve 578m, Slievemartin 485m, Slievemeel 420m, Slievemeen 472m
W: Hilltown: Gruggandoo 382m, Slieveacarnane 296m
W: Slievemoughanmore: Crotlieve Mountain 347m, Eagle Mountain 638m, Rocky Mountain 404m, Shanlieve 626m, Slievemoughanmore 560m, Tievedockaragh 473m, Wee Slievemoughan 428m
W: Spelga: Butter Mountain 503.8m, Cock Mountain 504m, Cock Mountain South-West Top 505m, Hen Mountain 354m, Pigeon Rock Mountain 534m, Pigeon Rock Mountain South Top 530m, Slievenamiskan 444m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Slieve Croob, 534m Mountain Sliabh Crúibe A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Ir. Sliabh Crúibe [DUPN], 'lump-mountain’ [PDT], Down County in Ulster province, in Arderin Lists, Slieve Croob is the 463rd highest place in Ireland. Slieve Croob is the most northerly summit in the Mourne Mountains area.
Grid Reference J31847 45378, OS 1:50k mapsheet 20
Place visited by: 247 members, recently by: PaulC93, Sperrinwalker, SenanFoley, discovering_dann, farmerjoe1, Ansarlodge, bowler, jjbireland700s, Gavsmi33, AlanReid, Lyner, noelcurt, NualaB, Florence, childminder05
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -5.973396, Latitude: 54.340056, Easting: 331847, Northing: 345378, Prominence: 439m,  Isolation: 1.1km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 731778 845378
Bedrock type: Mudstone, greywacke & conglomerate, (Deep marine turbidite sequence)
Notes on name: The River Lagan rises on the northern slopes of Slieve Croob. The three parishes of Magherahamlet, Kilmegan and Drumgooland converge on the summit, which has excellent panoramic views, including a particularly fine view of the northern peaks in the Mourne Mountains. Until the mid-20th century, there was a tradition of climbing the mountain on Blaeberry Sunday at the end of July or beginning of August. This is clearly a survival of a Lughnasa tradition [see MacNeill, 155-56]. The summit cairn is locally known as the Twelve Cairns, but this seems to be a relatively modern name arising from damage causing the break-up of a single cairn into several smaller heaps. The name Slieve Croob has been interpreted as ‘mountain of the hoof’ from Ir. Sliabh Crúibe [DUPN]. However, there seems to be nothing in local folklore to support this, nor in the mountain’s shape. It is likely that the second element is Brittonic in origin and is related to Welsh crwb, meaning ‘lump’ or ‘hump’. This fits better with the topography and also accords with the fact that Cratlieve, a western satellite has the same meaning, containing crot, an Irish word also meaning ‘hump’. Two townlands on the northern slopes are called Drin and Dree, probably also of Brittonic origin, cf. Welsh dring ‘ascent, slope’. Dree is of the same origin as Drin, but the different form has arisen by loss of -ng- and compensatory lengthening, cf. Belcoo < Béal Cú < Béal Cúnga. It is possible that Drin and Dree were once a single unit.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: SlvCrb, 10 char: SlvCrob

Gallery for Slieve Croob (Sliabh Crúibe) and surrounds
Summary for Slieve Croob (Sliabh Crúibe): Telecoms towers and hidden wildness.
Summary created by simon3 17 Mar, 2013
   picture about Slieve Croob (Sliabh Crúibe)
Picture: Craggy SE spur under telecoms towers.
This summit is around a third of the way from the Mournes to Belfast and has major spurs SE (Slievenisky) and west (Cratlieve). There are three well known ways of reaching it. From the amenity parking area to the west at A (J30015 45240), from the north off the Drinn Road at B (J299 478) or the east at Drumkerragh Forest C (J330 460). For the first of these just follow the transmitter track, for the others it is a matter of going across wild ground and some partly abandoned farmland.
Although the summit area is cluttered with four or five telecoms installations, something fairly rare for an Arderin, the area is relatively wild. The steep drop to the col at Slievenisky to the SE is quite substantial and isolated.
Member Comments for Slieve Croob (Sliabh Crúibe)

   picture about Slieve Croob (Sliabh Crúibe)
Picture: Cloud burst heading to Croob
'A' road to a view
by chrizoneill 2 Jun 2011
Slieve Croob, what can you say really, one of the best 360 degree panoramic to be had anywhere that is sadly spoilt by the 3 or 4 huge transmitters plunked on top of it! This is an example of making a mountain top too accessible. The car park is set right at the foot of Croob and is easy to find, and leading from there to the summit is a tarmac road. It is mainly an access road for the communications equipment at the summit and so at least does not have much by the way of traffic, but none the less there is no feeling of wilderness to be had here. On the day we were there (as you can see from the pic) the weather was not great and this at least added a sense of elemental nature. The view at the top though is genuinely great in spite of the man made adornments. Even with the weather I could see the Mournes, Sperrins, most of Loch Neagh, most of Strangford and the Ards peninsula, H&W and Scrabo tower. Where else can claim such as great array of views?? Linkback:
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   picture about Slieve Croob (Sliabh Crúibe)
tsunami on Slieve Croob
by tsunami 30 Sep 2004
Definitely one of the best 360deg views anywhere in the country. The broad span of the Mournes can be clearly seen from the picture with many of the high peaks identifiable (L-R: Donard, Commedagh, Binnian, Doan, Bearnagh, Meelbeg, Meelmore, Muck. And what I assume is Eagle Mt and Shanlieve on the far right). The problem with Croobs wonderful positioning though also means it provides one of the best opportunities for telecommunications! Much like Black Mountain in the Cooley's, the effects of having a tarmac road all the way to the top are all too evident in the state of the cairn in the picture, a problem also evident with Clermont Cairn on Black Mountain. Linkback:
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   picture about Slieve Croob (Sliabh Crúibe)
Picture: Sleive Croob from Cratlieve
Viewpoint central!
by gerrym 30 Aug 2010
Started this walk at Drumkerragh Forest (D (J330 460)) which has ample parking. Walk back onto road and turn right past a white washed cottage, at the next abandoned building go through the gate , past sheep pens onto the hillside.

There was a cold north wind blowing and as height was gained the visibility was excellent to the east over the lowlands to the sea and a sharply defined Isle of Man. The ground was frozen but should be easy in any weather as is heavily grazed by the sheep. Contouring towards the north as climb a fence is picked up which leads to the summit. There is a series of short steep climbs to the summit and there was a dusting of snow on the ground out of the reach of the suns rays.The ground changes here to mature heather. The communications masts soon peak thier heads up and they are reached in a fairly easy 30 minutes.

There are impressive views to the North, as far as Agnews Hill on the Antrim plateau beyond the Belfast Hills and across Lough Neagh to the distinctive shape of Slieve Gallion and the Sperrins. Move past the masts and a short further climb brigs you to the trig point and cairn shelters.It is also where the panorama of the Mournes is fully laid out . It is no exaggeration to say that I could spend all day up here taking in this view and I could perhaps be persuaded that the view from atop the Sperrins is not he best in the north.

Follow the fence down SW through an area of rocks (great spot for lunch with that view) and to the col with Slievenisky which is pretty wet. There is a gradual climb to the top of Slievenisky (446m) with continuing views out to sea. From the top there are 2 ridges either side of a river valley, follow the longer one to the left as drops crossing an old stone wall and rises again. The ridge narrows at its end giving more fantastic views of the Mournes before dropping down, keep left and drop steeply past an abandoned cottage and through a green field to the road. Turn left along the road, turn left again and left again, past shop and red telephone box and back to the carpark at Drumkerragh Forest. A walk of under three hours in total, taking in the length of the mountain ridge and a half hour walk back along quite roads. There were a few people about the summit who seemed to be coming up the road but no one further along the ridge.

Also climbed from busy amenity area on west side initially using the access road and then the quieter fencline to summit in half an hour. Also a good starting point to climb neighbouring Cratlieve. Linkback:
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   picture about Slieve Croob (Sliabh Crúibe)
Picture: On Slieve summit, Donard and Commedagh middle right in picture.
Harry Goodman on Slieve Croob
by Harry Goodman 29 Jan 2010
Yes there is a tarmac road to the top but you can avoid it all together if you approach from the north on the Drinn Road B (J299 478). There are stiles and some direction indicators but generally you follow the lane initially SSE and then over open ground to the top. Well worth the effort for a wonderful panorama of the Mournes from Donard to the hills above Rostrevor. The top can also be approached from the east by parking in Drumkeragh Forest ME (R330 640). You can retrace you steps back to the start. However for a loop walk, involving some road walking, go down W along the fence line to the car park at F (J300 452). From there you can turn right and walk back down hill towards Finnis. At the the Drinn Road, on the right, walk back to the start point at B (J299 478) about 1km along this road. Linkback:
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   picture about Slieve Croob (Sliabh Crúibe)
Picture: View from the east.
mneary34 on Slieve Croob
by mneary34 2 Oct 2005
Climbed Slieve Croob from Drumkerragh Forest. This photo shows the eastern side of the mountain from the road at Drumkerragh Forest. The view of the Mournes is impressive from the summit. Linkback:
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EDIT Point of Interest

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