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Galty Mountains Area , E: East Galtys Subarea
Feature count in area: 24, by county: Tipperary: 18, Limerick: 8, of which 2 are in both Limerick and Tipperary, OSI/LPS Maps: 66, 74, EW-G
Highest Place: Galtymore 917.9m

Starting Places (19) in area Galty Mountains:
Aherlow House Hotel, Annaslinga, Attychraan Loop Trail, Cahirabbey Upper, Carrigeen, Clydagh Bridge, Combaun Woods CP, Combaun Woods Track, Galtyway Climb Black Rd, Glengarra Woods, Kilmoyler Railway Boreen, Kings Yard, Lake Muskry Trailhead, Lissantrelick Paradise Hill, Lisvernane, Pigeonrock Behanagh Rivers fork, Scaragh Reservoir, Scarragh Wood S, Scarragh Wood W

Summits & other features in area Galty Mountains:
Cen: Central Galtys: Cush 641.2m, Galtybeg 799.2m, Galtymore 917.9m, Greenane 801.3m, Greenane West 787m, Knockastakeen 581.6m, Knockeenatoung 601.3m, Lough Curra Mound 600.4m, Seefin 446.6m, Seefin North Top 444.1m
E: East Galtys: Laghtshanaquilla 629.4m, Laghtshanaquilla North-East Top 598m, Slieveanard 437.8m, Slieveanard NE Top 448.5m, Sturrakeen 541.7m
N: North Galtys: Slievenamuck 369m
W: West Galtys: Benard 479.5m, Carrignabinnia 822.9m, Knockaterriff 691.6m, Knockaterriff Beg 679.3m, Lyracappul 824.9m, Monabrack 630.1m, Slievecushnabinnia 774.8m, Temple Hill 783.1m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Sturrakeen, 541.7m Mountain An Starraicín A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Starraicín [OSI], 'the pointed peak' or 'the steeple') Carrigphierish an extra name in English, Corrig, Vane Rock, Tipperary County in Munster province, in Arderin Lists, Sturrakeen is the 443rd highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference R97275 25331, OS 1:50k mapsheet 74
Place visited by: 183 members, recently by: Josephineobrien, blessobilly, patman1974, Mark1, MichaelG55, farmerjoe1, Marykerry, ToughSoles, Ansarlodge, jackos, MartMc, davidrenshaw, Carolineswalsh, markwallace, Tuigamala
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.040751, Latitude: 52.379985, Easting: 197275, Northing: 125332, Prominence: 46m,  Isolation: 1.6km
ITM: 597225 625382
Bedrock type: Conglomerate & purple sandstone, (Slievenamuck Conglomerate Formation)
Notes on name: Also known as Carrigphierish, Ir. Carraig Phiarais, 'Pierce's rock'. Note that this peak is actually unnamed on the Discovery map, while both Carrigphierish and Sturrakeen are marked a little to the NW of this peak.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Strkn, 10 char: Sturrakeen

Gallery for Sturrakeen (An Starraicín) and surrounds
Summary for Sturrakeen (An Starraicín): A sandstone summit
Summary created by jackill 29 Aug, 2014
Park near the old hostel site at Ballydavid room for 2-3 cars,at the forestry entrance KilMoy Brn (S01816 27948) and walk uphill on a good forest track to to A (S02055 26681) turn right and on to B (S01141 26901), cross up through the wire to the topmost track and follow that to C (S00790 26330) and from there turn uphill to the summit of Slieveanard NE.
As you ascend look back down to the curious field of small rocks below you.
The summit is marked by a cairn, trig pillar and a shelter from the wind. On a clear day you have tremendous views of the Knockmealdowns, the Comeraghs, Slievenamon, the ridge of Slievenamuck and the Slieve Felims away across the plains of South Tipperary.
Carry on over rough ground to find the track at the forest edge at D (R99948 26236),this track will take you past the trackside summit of Slievanard all the way to E (R97954 25451), branch right on a smaller track towards the Sturrakeen. You will need to leave this track heading left at about F (R97333 25450) to get to the summit of Sturrakeen.
Member Comments for Sturrakeen (An Starraicín)

   picture about Sturrakeen (An Starraicín)
Picture: Misty view of the Knockmealdowns
simon3 on Sturrakeen
by simon3 2 Aug 2005
There's many a way up this mountain. One you can try is to leave the Caher to Mitchelstown at G (R994 221) just west of the firing range. Leaving the tarmac road take a track marked on the OS 1:50k (1995) going NW and leading eventually to near the cairn at 597m.

At H (R97014 23859) this track becomes unusable except to the foolish. (I know this firsthand). There are other tracks, not all marked accurately on the map, which will take you to the summit. There's a ploughed firebreak at the edge of much of the forest also..

When you summit, there are views of the Knockmealdowns to the south, somewhat misty on the picture. The prominent gap in the range, right of centre, is the Vee. Also visible in the picture are some of the sandstone blocks on the summit, which has a sort of flagpole. Linkback:
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   picture about Sturrakeen (An Starraicín)
sinbadw on Sturrakeen
by sinbadw 5 Aug 2004
This was a regular day trip when I was a kid. I have approached this hill from a number of angles, all starting in Scarrough woods about a mile outside Cahir on the Michelstown road. If coming from the main road, turn right at the cross-roads about a mile from Cahir, drive up the road (narrow & twisty) until you come to a T with a house on the right. Turn left and follow the road round to the right, ignore a left turn and you can park at a barrier near a turn to the right. Walk straight up the gravel road, it goes up a good distance, then decends slightly and bends to the left. Just after the bend is a track off to the right following the tree line on the mountain. Follow this track up and over a small hill. Once you have come down the far side of the hill you are about to start climbing sturrakeen. From here you can go straight up (challenging) or continue to follow the tree-line which goes quite close to the summit. The highest point is a rock-formation with an old rusty poll attached to it. This was where some enterprising individual was attempting to retransmit BBC channels down into our deprived 2 channel valley. Between Sturrakeen and the next hill (towards Greenane) you can find some carniverous plants in the boggy saddle. These are called Sundews and a picture is attached. Linkback:
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   picture about Sturrakeen (An Starraicín)
Picture: Fort Sturrakeen
A Lonely Outpost
by CaptainVertigo 22 Dec 2014
Sturrakeen's summit looks and feels a bit like an abandoned French Foreign Legion outpost. The desert surrounding it is more brown than white but there's a quirky sense that you've reached a defensive oasis, and that you could hole up and survive for a few days if you had to. I was there in December sunshine but the wind was howling and raging and after a near five mile trek from the Waterworks above Rossadrehid, I needed a respite. It was good to get into the lee of one of the layered conglomerates, looking for all the world like an old concrete shed, when suddenly there was silence and a brief moment of peace.
To the best of my knowledge, there is no short run up to humble Sturrakeen.
From the south you might consider Wicklore's route up from Cloheenafishoge, forest park entrance at Scara S (R97390 20926), via Laghtshanaquilla, or perhaps a variation along the edge of the forest leading directly to your destination.
From the east you start at I (S03827 26079) which is the Mountain Road just west of Cahir. That's a popular start for the mighty Galty Traverse, and it will involve traversing the Slieveards.
From the West you'll be coming from Galtymore and the Greenanes so you'll need to figure out how to get up to them first and then cross along the ridge.
The shortest route from the north has to be from Clohernagh: there's a track the whole way to the Sturrakeen but I cannot say if there's parking at the start.
Lastly, should you wish to inflict torture on yourself, you may wish to do as I did. Park at the Waterworks near Rossadrehid and walk the five miles to Sturrakeen.
This humble peak gets about a tenth of the traffic of the ridge giants. It's off the beaten track but well worth a visit. Linkback:
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   picture about Sturrakeen (An Starraicín)
Picture: access point to mountain from forest
Military mission
by muddyboots 27 Sep 2017
As CaptainVertigo has commented, Sturrakeen is very much like an abandoned fort. Having bypassed it on a previous Galtees challenge, I finally attempted my assault on it from the South. Sturrakeen is well guarded: first by threatening "Beware of being shot" signs, then a 2km slog uphill (or use your jeep like I did) to Scara W (R97109 23734), as well as thick forest near the summit. The track heading north is completely impassable at J (R97019 23855) as previously mentioned but the best access in the end is probably from K (R97261 24305), where you leave the forest and follow a trail up towards the summit. The forest roads are excellent and could be driven to nearly the top - but where is the fun in this. The real problem is that all the firebreaks marked running north to south are now no longer visible or usable. I did foolishly try to follow the east -west one at L (R98302 25472) and had to fight for 45 mins through knee deep heather and storm damaged pine trees before exiting onto a trail that follows the edge of the forestry area. Of note the OS map position is not the highest point but the rocky outcrop is . All in all, great views of the Knockmealdowns and mostly can be done on forest roads or trails avoiding the heather, bog holes and limestone "landmines" scattered on the final approach! Linkback:
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