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Ox Mountains Area , N: Knockalongy Subarea
Feature count in area: 19, by county: Sligo: 18, Mayo: 1, OSI/LPS Maps: 16, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33
Highest Place: Knockalongy 544m

Starting Places (14) in area Ox Mountains:
Belra, Glen Wood, Glenwood CP, Kingsmountain Wind Farm, Knockalongy, Largan Hill, Lough Achree, Lough Easkey, Masshill School, Queen Maeve's Grave, Rathcarrick Wood, Slishwood CP, Union Woods CP, Water Tower

Summits & other features in area Ox Mountains:
Ballygawley Mountains: Slieve Daeane 273.1m
Cen: Annatoran: Annatoran 512m, Cloonacool 440m, Meenamaddo 330m, Sruffaungarve Top 400m
Cen: Talt: Knocknasliggaun 417m, Largan Hill 413m, Larganmore 276m
Cen: Tobercurry: Knocknashee 276m, Mucklety Hill 217m
N: Knockalongy: Cloonagh 349m, Knockalongy 544m, Knockalongy North-East Top 541m, Knockalongy South-West Top 521m
N: Sligo Hills: Doomore 272m, Killerry Mountain 292.9m, Knocknarea 327m, Slieve Dargan 263m, Slieveward 199m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockalongy, 544m Mountain Cnoc na Loinge A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoc na Loinge [], 'hill of the encampment'), Sligo County in Connacht province, in Arderin, Range Highpoint Lists, Knockalongy is the highest mountain in the Ox Mountains area and the 436th highest in Ireland.
Grid Reference G50428 27513, OS 1:50k mapsheet 25
Place visited by: 80 members, recently by: markwallace, Carolineswalsh, paulbrown, srr45, AlanReid, Grumbler, andalucia, annem, oreills8, Geo, Ulsterpooka, Wilderness, ilenia, FrankMc1964, arderincorbett
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.760235, Latitude: 54.194193, Easting: 150428, Northing: 327513, Prominence: 490m,  Isolation: 0.9km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 550388 827518
Bedrock type: Schist, aluminous schist, pebble beds, (Meelick Member)
Notes on name: Ir. long usually means a boat, but in the absence of any story to explain this, the sense 'encampment' seems more plausible.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knckln, 10 char: Kncklngy

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Member Comments for Knockalongy (Cnoc na Loinge)

   picture about Knockalongy (Cnoc na Loinge)
Picture: Knockalongy summit Trig
eflanaga on Knockalongy
by eflanaga 5 Jun 2006
My route from Annatoran summit IA (G47497 24486) (513m) brought me across flat plateau of light trussock grass and the odd peat hag towards obvious spot height to the northeast. Eventually drop down to cross below ridge overlooking Owenduff valley. As you climb to spot height the Wind Farm in Owenduff valley is visible to left. It was obvious before reaching spot height that OS map contained major error. I was expecting to meet up with fence at Knockacappul going north then northeast towards summit of Knocknalongy. However, there was neither fence nor forestry to be seen save for that much lower down the hill to the east and on opposite hills. Not only was there no forestry but no evidence that the area south or west of Knocknalongy having ever been planted. After reaching Spot Ht 521m IB (G49557 26925) the summit of Knocknalongy can be seen to the northeast. There follows a short drop crossing a wide track with numerous ‘danger signs’ along its length warning of buried 20000 volt cables beneath, presumably connected with the Wind Farm a short distance to the west. Then a short climb crossing stream, peat hags and another large peat covered eroded area before reaching Trig point on summit IC (G50428 27513). From the summit Knockachree is a short distance north with Benbulbin & Truskmore tops visible behind. Slieve League enveloped in an ‘inversion’ could be seen across Sligo Bay, while to the west lie the North Mayo range and Killalla Bay. Not wanting to retrace my steps I took a bearing which took me across the Owenduff valley above the Wind Farm, dropping down to the marshy valley floor then crossing Owenduff stream before short climb to ridge just west of Spot Height 490. After attaining ridge I maintained a height of about 350m following the contour of the hill passing below area named White Rock on OS map, then and around to Farbreagamore which is marked by three sets of impressive large boulders. Nice views from here over the nature reserve area, Wind Farm and beyond Sligo Bay & Slieve League. Finally, the circuit ended with a steady drop southwest over the usual terrain ending with a relatively steep descent over rockier ground back to the car park at Easky Lough. Given the heat of the day I took the opportunity to indulge in a refreshing feet soak in the lough which lay resplendent in the early afternoon sunshine. Knockalongy like its near neighbour Annatoran does not have a lot going for it aesthetically, but nevertheless does provide an opportunity for a pleasant, not too strenuous walk, and one which I may do again sometime in the future. Linkback:
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davema on Knockalongy
by davema 3 Nov 2006
Climbed this from the north-east side last Monday - having parked at a forest entrance along "Ladies Brae" ( K'Longy (G532 289)). The vis at the bottom was ok when we started the ascent up the steep side, but once we reached 500m (around D (G520 284)), we were in thick cloud and driving wind and mist. On came the waterproofs, and we continued south-west along a very boggy plateau until we reached the trig point at E (G504 275) (at this point, we had also resorted to GPS to make sure we didn't miss it in the hargs/rain/fog) . After a shot of food in the shelter of a turf bank, we retreated due north and followed a stream down the mountain. Once out of the fog (F (G504 290)), we turned north-eastwards towards the north edge of Lough Aghree, under the imposing rocky crags that cover the north of the Ox Mountains, and eventually back to the road leading to our car. A good walk, taking about 4 hours. I'd say the views are impressive on a clear day - hopefully, I'll be back to see them sometime soon. Linkback:
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Dan on Knockalongy
by Dan 13 Aug 2004
Climbed this from the north side above Lough Aghree. This is the steepest and most rocky part of the mountain, so it would be the most interesting route to ascend. From the south shore of the lake I headed up this face in a south east direction. Watch out for peregrine falcons on the way up, I've heard that they live in some of the cliffs and i'm pretty sure I spotted one or two. When you get to the top of this steep section its about a 2km walk in a south west direction to the trig pillar on top of Knockalongy. A pair of gaiters is definitely worth having as the plateau is very wet and I sank up to my knee in muck on more than one occasion.Theres a nice view out over Mayo from here and also an alternative and lesser seen view of Sligo and Donegal Bay to that from Benbulben Linkback:
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Dan on Knockalongy
by Dan 13 Mar 2005
At G (G518 287) there is a very steep gully which makes for a very strenuous scramble. When you arrive at the corrie at H (G519 287) there will be a few gullys, but this one is the one dead south of you. It wouldn't be advisable for those afraid of heights and also I would think it is only possible to do after there has been a dry period, otherwise it will be full of water. Its now been christened "O'Briens Gully" after myself and one of my mates. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockalongy (Cnoc na Loinge)
Picture: Ox windfarm.
simon3 on Knockalongy
by simon3 21 May 2007
Praeger [The Way that I Went] said "The Ox Mountains do not offer much to the visitor - broad, wet heathery slopes and a broad flat boggy top are the leading features, and only about some of the little lakes is the range attractive."

How do you like your mountain experience? Ascetic? Energy sapping? No people?

Ah yes you would like this ridge from Annatoran to Knockalongy. eflanaga says "light tussock grass and the odd peat hag" .. ha, more like soggy ground in between eroded channels and big stretches of sucking bog.

For further penitence bag both of the summits without a car split so you go forth and then back. Feel free to chant - no-one to notice. In my case I started from the Lough Easky ( which is pretty) and the Annatoran, western end. I can promise you few distractions, truly.

Oh ok, there was this 25MW wind farm in the Owenduff valley to the west of Knockalongy. Light relief from the ascetic experience. Linkback:
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