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Breifne Area , SW: Iron Mountains Subarea
Feature count in area: 14, by county: Fermanagh: 4, Cavan: 8, Leitrim: 3, of which 1 is in both Cavan and Fermanagh, OSI/LPS Maps: 26, 27, 27A
Highest Place: Cuilcagh 666m

Starting Places (15) in area Breifne:
Aghnacollia Lane, Bellavally Gap, Bencroy, Corneen Wind Farm, Corrawully Lane, Cuilcagh Boardwalk Trail, Dowra, Dowra Sweat House Lane, Glangevlin Cross, Gortalughany Viewpoint, Mullaghgarve Waterfall, Rock Road, Spa Well, Tulliniska Transmitters, Tully Lough

Summits & other features in area Breifne:
N: Cuilcagh Mountains: Benaughlin 370m, Benbeg 539m, Cuilcagh 666m, Mullaleam 424m
NE: Derrylin: Knockninny Hill 191m, Slieve Rushen 404m
SW: Iron Mountains: Bencroy 518m, Knockacullion 562m, Slieve Anierin 585m
W: Benbrack: Bartonny Top 411m, Benbrack 502m, Benbrack NE Top 496m, Benbrack West Top 463m, The Playbank 542m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockacullion, 562m Mountain Cnoc an Chuilinn A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
Hill of the Holly Knockabell an extra name in English, Leitrim County in Connacht province, in Arderin Lists, Knockacullion is the third highest mountain in the Breifne area and the 388th highest in Ireland. Knockacullion is the second most southerly summit and also the second most westerly in the Breifne area.
Grid Reference H03059 17791, OS 1:50k mapsheet 26
Place visited by: 78 members, recently by: markwallace, abeach, ToughSoles, andalucia, Carolyn105, TipsyDempy, MickM45, conormcbandon, abcd, Grumbler, Hyperstorm, Hillwalker65, srr45, AlanReid, annem
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.953986, Latitude: 54.109333, Easting: 203059, Northing: 317791, Prominence: 57m,  Isolation: 2km
ITM: 603008 817808
Bedrock type: Black shale, silty shale, ironstone beds, (Bencroy Shale Formation)
Notes on name: Previously Knockabell in MV.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knckcl, 10 char: Knckcln

Gallery for Knockacullion (Cnoc an Chuilinn) and surrounds
Summary for Knockacullion (Cnoc an Chuilinn): Flattish scarp with cliffs to east and fatiguing terrain.
Summary created by simon3 23 Aug, 2020
   picture about Knockacullion (Cnoc an Chuilinn)
Picture: From the NE, showing untracked and wearying bog.
The most likely access to Knockacullion is from Bencroy or Slieve Anierin. We don't have information on reaching it from the west, Lough Allen side or the East side where there is a substantial cliff.
The summit is fairly flat on all sides except to the east and is covered in more or less unbroken blanket bog. The top has a distinct well established pond.
Please note that approaching from north or south you are walking on trackless moorland which many commentators have noted as sapping energy and taking an unexpected amount of energy.
Member Comments for Knockacullion (Cnoc an Chuilinn)

   picture about Knockacullion (Cnoc an Chuilinn)
Picture: Knockacullion seen from Slieve Anierin
gerrym on Knockacullion
by gerrym 10 Jun 2006
Knockacullion, in keeping with most of the hills in the area, has a dull summit area but more than makes up for this with the impressive cliffs stretching along the SE of the hill. Walking along the tops of the cliffs and those of Slieve Anierin is a fantastic experience for over 3 km. I approached the hill from Bencroy (a natural route which shows three hills in thier best light), descending to the col over quite a wet area, past a pool of water and making for a long low ridge with a rocky side lifting it above the ground below. This ridge can be followed to the summit area and then the line of cliffs can be followed towards Slieve Anierin, as contour around the hill Lough Nabellbeg comes into view, nestled perfectly below the start of the cliffs to Slieve Anierin and glistening in the sunlight very invitingly. There are cracking views S & E over the lowlands with numerous loughs. There is a slight drop down to the col before the ascent of Slieve Anierin. On the return from S Anierin I dropped down steeply at this col to the base of the cliffs and walked along the bottom back towards Bencroy. There has been a very substancial landslide in the not too distant past - can be clearly seen in the photo and has swept all before it for a considerable distance - are some more minor slides further along. A really nice hill which plays it part perfectly in the round of this walk. No one else up top on this trip. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockacullion (Cnoc an Chuilinn)
Picture: Loch Nabellbeg nestling snugly beneath Knockacullion
eflanaga on Knockacullion
by eflanaga 5 Jun 2006
Climbed February 20th 06. Accessed from Slieve Aneirin (first part of walk). From summit of Slieve Aneirin I took a bearing of 48 degrees NE to take me safely onto the col (A (H028 169)) south of Knockacullion. Thankfully, the mist cleared as I approached the col, providing me with a clear view of my target. The col between Aneirin is, once again, quite marshy with fairly long trussock grass and gorse to negotiate making the going tougher than it might first appear (or maybe my early morning start was catching up with me). In any event I reached the relatively flat and featureless summit, (that is featureless apart from it’s locheen), in brilliant sunshine. The early morning mist had all but burned away, lingering only (as it did all day on Cuilcagh to the north-east) but haze hindering long distance views/photography. Nevertheless there are lovely views north over a fertile valley to Slievenakilla and west towards Lough Allen. I was intending to take a break on the summit but due to the lack of suitable ‘dry’ seating and the nearness of Bencroy I decided to postpone the break making do with a Mars bar 'on the hoof' as I descended the northern slope of Knockacullion. (See Bencroy for final part of walk). Linkback:
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walker_hollick on Knockacullion
by walker_hollick 30 Jan 2005
See comment on Bencroy on how to get to start. From Bencroy Knockabell is in a roughly
southeasterly direction. Its main distinguishing feature is a small lake at the summit.

The area of moorland from here north to the Bellavally Gap has a wonderfully bleak and remote
feel, even though the terrain can be wet and arduous. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockacullion (Cnoc an Chuilinn)
Description of the top.
by Jaak 23 Aug 2020
Climbed from Bencroy. Best route is to get onto the higher edge of Bencroy, via the path that leads to the old quarry (right fork off the main path) and head for the obvious ridge that leads to Knockacullion. By coincidence I followed the same whitish, rushy "path" mentioned by eflanaga, even though I had not read his comments before I climbed. While this is a bit wet and soft in places, it is a much better alternative to the high heather and wet bog that lie in the more direct route, which should be avoided except you are in the mood for hardship. The top is featureless except for a small lake - see photo, with Slieve Anierin in the background. There are great views of all the surrounding hills and you can clearly see well into Sligo on a good day - Knocknarea was visible when I was on top. The highest point is about 30 metres West of the lake. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockacullion (Cnoc an Chuilinn)
Picture: Knocknarea viewed from the top.
Views towards west and north-west
by simon3 23 Aug 2020
The day we were there it happened that rain was receding north and there were views to the west. The picture shows Knocknarea and Queen Maeve's Tomb at around 290 degrees bearing on the skyline and 47.2km distant. To the left and on the skyline is Slieve Daeane and the rising ground to the right is Killerry Mtn. Also partially visible was Nephin Linkback:
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