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Derryveagh Mountains Area , N: Aghla Subarea
Feature count in area: 38, all in Donegal, OSI/LPS Maps: 1, 11, 2, 6
Highest Place: Errigal 751m

Starting Places (29) in area Derryveagh Mountains:
Aleahan Lough, Altderry Bridge, An Chúirt Hotel, Astelleen Burn Waterfall, Derryreel Lough, Dunlewy Lough E, Dunlewy Lough Viewing Point, Errigal Hostel, Errigal Parking, Glenveagh Bridge, Glenveagh National Park SW, Glenveigh Castle, Keel Lough N, Losset North, Lough Acrobane Farmhouse, Lough Ascardan, Lough Barra Slipway CP, Lough Barra W, Meenagoppoge Burn Bridge, Mín Uí Bhaoil, Muckish Gap Shrine, Muckish North Access Road, Nabrackbaddy Lough, Procklis Lough, River Barra Bridge NE, River Barra Bridge SW, Sand Lough NE, Sruhancrolee Bridge, Stranamarragh Bridge

Summits & other features in area Derryveagh Mountains:
Cen: Dooish: Dooish 651.5m, Dooish SW Top 528m, Dooish SE Top 553.9m, Saggartnadooish 506.4m, Saggartnadooish East Top 478.9m
Cen: Errigal: Errigal 751m, Mackoght 555m
Cen: Glenveagh Upper: Crockfadda 485m, Crockfadda East Top 454m, Crockballaghgeeha 480m, Crockmulroney 430m, Staghall Mountain 486m, Croaghnasaggart 480m, Maumlack 480m
Cen: Lough Keel (Meencorwick): Crockglass 489m, Addernymore 416m, Grogan More 457m, Crocknafarragh 517m, Crocknafarragh SE Top 470m
Cen: Slieve Snaght: Crockfadda 529m, Crockfadda NE Top 502m, Crocknasharragh 495m, Drumnalifferny Far NE Top 535m, Bingorms 578m, Drumnalifferny Mountain 596m, Drumnalifferny Mountain NE Top 585m, Slieve Snaght 678m
N: Aghla: Aghla Beg 563.9m, Aghla Beg South Top 602.3m, Aghla More 581.2m, Ardloughnabrackbaddy 472.5m, Crocknalaragagh 470.6m
N: Muckish: Muckish 667.1m, Croaghaderry 222m, Crockawama 238m, Derryreel 232m
S: Doochary: Croaghleconnell 266m
S: Dungloe: Crovehy 315m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Aghla Beg, 563.9m Mountain An Eachla Bheag A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. An Eachla Bheag [OSI], poss. 'little look-out point/prospect'), Donegal County in Ulster province, in Arderin Lists, An Eachla Bheag is the 384th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference B96152 25292, OS 1:50k mapsheet 2
Place visited by: 200 members, recently by: Seamy13, bowler, farmerjoe1, Oscar-mckinney, jellybean, Nomad691, Carolyn105, Sweeney, Carolineswalsh, ronanmckee, FoxyxxxLoxy, JohnHoare, Krzysztof_K, miriam, farmerjoe
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.061018, Latitude: 55.074925, Easting: 196153, Northing: 425292, Prominence: 42.6m,  Isolation: 0.7km
ITM: 596103 925275
Bedrock type: Whitish quarztite with pebble beds, (Ards Quartzite Formation)
Notes on name: P.W. Joyce, interprets this name as Ir. eachla or eachlann, 'stable', suggesting it is an example of a mountain named after a feature situated at its foot [INP]. However, Patrick McKay prefers to see the modern form as a re-interpretation of the original name Achla, a form of Aichill, meaning 'a look-out point or prospect' (Dictionary of Ulster Place-Names). Achill Island in Mayo (Ir. Acaill) may well be derived from the same root.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Agh564, 10 char: Aghla Beg

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Member Comments for Aghla Beg (An Eachla Bheag)

   picture about Aghla Beg (An Eachla Bheag)
by CaptainVertigo 15 Nov 2014
The closest I have gotten to the Aghlas to date is to observe them from Mackoght and Errigal. When I do get to walk that way I will be having another good look at Patrick Zerkowski's YouTube film "Aghla Mor and Aghla Beag" which is a very nicely put together piece. I think that serious walkers will much appreciate the fact that Patrick constantly identifies the mountains and lakes by naming them onscreen. This means that you get a really good look at what you will encounter on your route. Yes work on your maps, and read the wise words of those who have gone before. But don't forget that a picture paints a thousand words.
Patrick manages to show Errigal as a looming giant as he leaves Mackoght for the Aghlas. He comments:
"The biggest problem in this walk was for me crossing boggy wetland between Lough Altan and Mount Errigal. On my way back I had a plan to climb Errigal at the end of that walk but I lost too much power and a lot of time too crossing that boggy wet land and was too late. "
Now Patrick is a top class walker so believe what he says about those bogs! Linkback:
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   picture about Aghla Beg (An Eachla Bheag)
Picture: The Aghlas on the walk from Muckish to Errigal. The small lake in the foreground is not named. Agh
This is the view of the Aghlas on the walk from Muckish to Errigal. The small l
by johnpollock 12 Mar 2013
This view of the Aghlas is on the walk from Muckish to Errigal. After passing Crocnalaragagh, this daunting climb will come into view. The twin peaks of Aghla Beg (on the right) and Aghla Beg south. Linkback:
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   picture about Aghla Beg (An Eachla Bheag)
Picture: Aghla More, with Errigal beyond, seen from Aghla Beg
The Aghlas Circuit
by ochils_trekker 30 Sep 2019
I walked these twin tops, along with Aghla More as a circular route, in early September 2019, parking across the road from the fish farm near Procklis Lough( A (B9360 2580) ).Walking N on the road to the top of the rise I saw a route across open land, but with a farm fence on the right. I started here, keeping close to the fence, which starts to rise.Shortly a gate is reached and crossed. Carry on broadly south across the field, and you will see another gate off to the left. Climb this one and then you can see a broad line of approach from a ridge running left to right (north-south).
There are a couple more low fences and ditches before you have left the fences behind for open hillside.
The best approach is to bear right as you approach the first ridge, to avoid a gulley and stream which is hidden at this point.
As you move up this first rise, Errigal and Lough Altan appear on your right.
The approach to the first top is fairly straightforward, even offering ways to avoid most of the scree and make it easier underfoot on the way to the first top.
There is a large cairn at the summit (564m)from which to enjoy splendid views back over to Muckish and the coastline beyond.The approach to the second top (603m) is simple and clear as Lough Feeane becomes more visible on your right.
From here, the approach to Aghla More is over a mix of bog and peat hags initially as you draw level with the lough. Again there is an old fence which can be crossed to find the best approach to the start of the climb to Aghla More.
As you reach the summit (584m) the views of Errigal's NW face are worth spending a few minutes taking in on a good day.
I descended in a NNW direction as described in the excellent "Walk Guide-West of Ireland". This follows the course of the stream draining Lough Feane . The advice is to then follow the shore of Lough Altan and use the stepping stone crossing at the river outlet at the N end of the lough. However, the crossing on my visit was not possible as the water levels were so high.The only thing for it if you find this situation-as far as I could see- is to follow the fence line north , beside the river and then Procklis Lough. After the lough there is a wall and fence in front of you, but follow the fenceline E and up the rise and it again turns N. After a short walk you will see the stone buildings of the farm you passed on the way to the start point. I managed to cross the wall and fence at this place and walk straight across the field NW to the gate and road with the bridge on your left, leading you back to the parking place.
All in all, a few challenges with fences at the start and finish, but an excellent circuit and a satisfying day in the Donegal mountains, in complete solitude and not even a footprint to be seen. Linkback:
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   picture about Aghla Beg (An Eachla Bheag)
Picture: Aghla Beg taken from east of Lough Moilt
eflanaga on Aghla Beg
by eflanaga 11 Jun 2006
Climbed June 11th – A Mid Ulster Walking Club walk starting at Altderry Bridge I Altderry (B96335 28155) (122m) –Entering Falcaragh from Dunfanaghy take a left turn at crossroads in centre of village. Follow narrow country road for about 4K. Room for one or two cars at side of road without blocking entrance to tracks either side of road. Muckish lies to the left of the road, Aghla Beg’s twin peaks to the right with Crocknalaragagh straight ahead. Probably possible to take track on right just past bridge but we walked back up the road (towards Falcarragh) for about 50m and took track to left, which on the day was dry and firm but with evidence that it could be quite muddy in parts in more inclement conditions. Follow track until its natural end at makeshift bridge over stream IB (B96618 26480) (204m). Cross fence and follow next fence up hill towards Aghla Beg’s north-eastern spur. Cross to right side of fence at your convenience. We waited until we had passed the stretch of heather on the right before doing so. Climb to height passing Loch Moilt which lies a little further to right under Aghla Beg’s extremely steep shale covered northern summit. Upon reaching height Lough Alurig comes into view immediately below. Turn right and ascend steeply up spine emerging on broad flat col. Strong but fairly warm south-westerly winds buffeted us as we dropped our packs at fence posts and took short climb to smaller northern summit. GPS reading here was IC (B96154 25300) (565m). Among the many great views Muckish dominates to east, Aghla Beg’s higher southern summit naturally limits views to south, Drumnaliffernan, Slieve Snaght etc are to SW, while to the west Errigal can be seen rising above and behind Aghla More, finally Tory Island is clearly visible to the north. Linkback:
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   picture about Aghla Beg (An Eachla Bheag)
zeaphod on Aghla Beg
by zeaphod 7 Oct 2003
Easy walk up along the forest tracks, then up through a firebreak onto the side of the east summit. Park at the forest entrance (1k east of Muckish gap, lots of forestry working signs) and then take the second right off the main track. About 1k later cut up through the firebreak. This is a commercial plantation, so this route has to be avoided when felling is in operation. A map would obviously be a great help, as the trees make navigation difficult and the forest tracks are marked on it! If this route is not possible, you can park at the Muckish gap and head straight for the target over Crocknalaragagh. Great views to Tory island. Nothing much for the sheep up here, but they're still about! Linkback:
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