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Galty Mountains Area , Cen: Central Galtys Subarea
Feature count in area: 24, by county: Tipperary: 18, Limerick: 8, of which 2 are in both Limerick and Tipperary, OSI/LPS Maps: 66, 74, EW-G
Highest Place: Galtymore 917.9m

Starting Places (19) in area Galty Mountains:
Aherlow House Hotel, Annaslinga, Attychraan Loop Trail, Cahirabbey Upper, Carrigeen, Clydagh Bridge, Combaun Woods CP, Combaun Woods Track, Galtyway Climb Black Rd, Glengarra Woods, Kilmoyler Railway Boreen, Kings Yard, Lake Muskry Trailhead, Lissantrelick Paradise Hill, Lisvernane, Pigeonrock Behanagh Rivers fork, Scaragh Reservoir, Scarragh Wood S, Scarragh Wood W

Summits & other features in area Galty Mountains:
Cen: Central Galtys: Cush 641.2m, Galtybeg 799.2m, Galtymore 917.9m, Greenane 801.3m, Greenane West 787m, Knockastakeen 581.6m, Knockeenatoung 601.3m, Lough Curra Mound 600.4m, Seefin 446.6m, Seefin North Top 444.1m
E: East Galtys: Laghtshanaquilla 629.4m, Laghtshanaquilla North-East Top 598m, Slieveanard 437.8m, Slieveanard NE Top 448.5m, Sturrakeen 541.7m
N: North Galtys: Slievenamuck 369m
W: West Galtys: Benard 479.5m, Carrignabinnia 822.9m, Knockaterriff 691.6m, Knockaterriff Beg 679.3m, Lyracappul 824.9m, Monabrack 630.1m, Slievecushnabinnia 774.8m, Temple Hill 783.1m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Knockastakeen, 581.6m Mountain Cnoc an Stáicín A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoc an Stáicín [OSI], 'hill of the little stack'), Tipperary County in Munster province, in Arderin Lists, Knockastakeen is the 334th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference R91526 25790, OS 1:50k mapsheet 74
Place visited by: 209 members, recently by: Josephineobrien, Oscar-mckinney, Kirsty, Carolyn105, bowler, patman1974, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, Timmy.Mullen, farmerjoe1, Marykerry, ToughSoles, Ansarlodge, NualaB, nupat
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -8.12519, Latitude: 52.384043, Easting: 191526, Northing: 125790, Prominence: 78m,  Isolation: 1.8km
ITM: 591477 625840
Bedrock type: Conglomerate & purple sandstone, (Slievenamuck Conglomerate Formation)
Notes on name: Ir. stáca can be a stack of hay or corn. The name appears to refer to the hill's shape.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc582, 10 char: Knckstkn

Gallery for Knockastakeen (Cnoc an Stáicín) and surrounds
Summary for Knockastakeen (Cnoc an Stáicín): A real eye-opener for appreciating the Galty Mountains.
Summary created by Harry Goodman 21 Jul, 2011
   picture about Knockastakeen (Cnoc an Stáicín)
Picture: Knockastakeen from the Lough Muskry track.
Park at A (R92000 28300) and follow the track going off to the left past a metal barrier and information panel. Continue up through all junctions to a stile. Cross over and follow the track up the now open hillside, ignoring any branches off to the left, At the crest, just as the track starts to descend, turn right (W) and go up the heather covered slope to the crest of the ridge and a small but distinct path. Turn left (SW) and follow along to the top B (C91500 25800). Drop down to the right and then around the front of the small but sheer rocky escarpment before descending SE to pick up the Lough Muskry track. Turn left and follow back to the start. On a clear day the visual rewards from the top of this hill, reached with minimal effort, are magnificent. If time allows a walk out and back to the Lough is recommended. All within a 7.5km walk.
Member Comments for Knockastakeen (Cnoc an Stáicín)

   picture about Knockastakeen (Cnoc an Stáicín)
Picture: Knockastakeen from Greenane
A great vantage point
by wicklore 29 May 2010
Using Map 78, I found my way to the entrance of the Galty Waterworks and parked at C (R91547 28065) at a line of boulders at the entrance. Going through the boulders I followed the much overgrown remains of an access road south. It became necessary to walk atop the grassy ridge next to the road/track in places, as prickly thorn bushes crowded in to block progress. Passing through the worst of this, I followed the track to a gate at D (R91483 27393). By now views had opened up of the valley and mountains ahead, with Cush to the right, and Galtybeg in the distance.

After passing through the gate onto open bog Knockastakeen looms on the left. The forestry that had been present ceased after the gate. I turned left uphill and handrailed the forest which brought me over the northern tip of the Knockastakeen ridge. After about 400 metres I turned right and followed the ridge south. About 1.5 kms brought me to the summit of Knockastakeen at E (R91517 25824). Amazing views were had of Galtymore, Galtybeg, Lough Muskry and its backdrop of cliffs leading up to Greenane ahead. Cush sits just across the narrow valley to the right and sat high and proud over the forestry on its lower slopes.

This route is straightforward and leads to the top of Knockastakeen in under 1 ½ hours. As an outlier it affords views of the Galtys not possible from anywhere else but Cush. Therefore it is well worth the visit. While I continued on to the main Galty ridge, it would be easy to drop down (steeply) to the valley floor to the west and follow the forest edge back to the gate and on to the starting point. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockastakeen (Cnoc an Stáicín)
simon3 on Knockastakeen
by simon3 22 Jun 2003
From the summit there is a clear view of Lough Muskry. This nestles under Greenane.
HC Hart [Climbing in the British Isles 1895] was much impressed by Lough Muskry, waxing lyrical and valedictory “.. Still grander, however, are the cliffs above Lough Muskry. These tower to a height of about 1,200 ft in great terraces and vegetated walls above the north and north-east ends of the lake. .. Should the climber get pounded here (as not seldom happens) let him beware of undue haste. A mouthful of food here has a wonderful effect in steadying the nerves.” Linkback:
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   picture about Knockastakeen (Cnoc an Stáicín)
simon3 on Knockastakeen
by simon3 22 Jun 2003
On the way up Knockastakeen from its SE side I got this view of the steep north facing side of the Galtees. From the left, the skyline peaks are first Galtybeg and then Galtymore. To the right is Cush. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockastakeen (Cnoc an Stáicín)
Picture: Galtybeg, Galtymore, Slievecushnabinnia and Cush from Knockastakeen
A must on any walk out to Lough Muskry
by Harry Goodman 22 Jul 2011
Climbed Knockastakeen on 11 Oct 2010 as part of a walk out to Lough Muskry on a beautiful still and sunny day. We parked at A (R92000 28300) in a cleared parking area just off the road. As this was the third day of our walking week-end we wanted a shorter walk than those on the previous two days in order to be back at the car and heading for home by early afternoon. We therefore choose the Lough Muskry waymarked walk which starts in Rossadrehid Village but opted to save 2km of road walking each way by parking at A (R92000 28300). From the car park we went left past a barrier and information panel and followed the forest track up, through all junctions, to a stile. Once over the stile the path became much more stony and uneven. We followed it up the open hillside ignoring any off shoots to the left and at its crest, just as it started to descend, we turned right up on to the heather covered moorland to gain the grassy ridge of Knockastakeen and a small but distinct path where we turned left and followed it along to the top of the hill F (R91500 25800). For relatively little effort we found ourselves being treated to one of the best panoramas seen on our week-end walking in the Galtees. Of particular interest was the very fine view we had of Cush, Galtybeg, Galtymore and Slievecushnabinnia, tops climbed two days earlier but not seen, or really enjoyed, due to very high winds and a heavy blanket of mist. The rocky top was a good vantage point for Lough Muskry and the cliff wall backdrop below Greenane. On descending from the top to go to Lough Muskry we headed down to the right and then around the face of the hill's steep, rocky, but small, escarpment, before going SE down to the track. A right turn soon brought us to Lough Muskry where we had a very pleasing break before returning by the track to the car park, a walk of some 7.5 km. Linkback:
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   picture about Knockastakeen (Cnoc an Stáicín)
mneary34 on Knockastakeen
by mneary34 26 Oct 2004
On 23/10/04 we traversed from Cush to Knockastakeen and headed for an opening in the forest where a stream flows at point G (R905 264). Instead of the small opening we expected there was a gap in the forest approx. 80 metres wide. In the valley between the two mountains we came across this stream which after previous days rain was in full flow. The climb of 240 metres height gain to Knockastakeen is stiff. Linkback:
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