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Feature count in area: 58, by county: Cork: 32, Kerry: 37, of which 11 are in both Cork and Kerry,
OSI/LPS Maps: 83, 84, 85, 88
Highest Place: Hungry Hill 682m
Starting Places (52) in area Caha Mountains: Ardgroom, Ardgroom Stone Circle Carpark, Barley Lake North, Bere Island Pier, Caha Pass, Canshanavoe South, Carriganine, Cashelkeelty Stone Circles Carpark, Castletownbere Lifeboat Harbour, Clashduff River Farm, Coolieragh Harbour Road, Coomadayallig Lake Road N, Coomadayallig Lake Road S, Cooryeen Lane, Cummer Lough East Road, Derreenataggart Stone Circle Road, Dromoghty Lough North, Dunboy Wood, Esk Boreen, Eyeries, Fehanah Lane, Garinish Island Pier, Glantrasna Bridge, Glenbeg Lough N, Glengarriff, Glengarriff Nature Reserve CP, Gleninchaquin Waterfall, Gowlaun Lough, Healy Pass, Healy Pass Hairpin, Ilnacullin Car Park, Kenmare Bridge, Knockacullin Lane, Leahill Bog, Leitrim Beg Standing Stone, Lough Inchiquin SE, Magannagan Stream, Molly Gallivan's Visitor Centre, Nora's Cottage, Old Lansdowne School, Owgarriff River Lane, Peg's Shop, Pooleen Wood Car Park, Red Trout Lake, Reenroe Bridge, River Drimminboy Track, Rossmackowen Bridge, Rossmackowen Cemetery, Shronebirrane Farm, Shronebirrane Road, Toberbanaha, Turner's Rock Tunnel
Summits & other features in area Caha Mountains: Cen: Hungry Hill: Coombane 510m, Derryclancy 554m, Hungry Hill 682m Cen: Knockowen: Cushnaficulla 596.9m, Glenkeel Top 417m, Knockastumpa 398m, Knockeirky 579.7m, Knockeirky South Top 522.5m, Knockowen 660.3m, Stookeennalackareha 412m E: Glengarriff: Derrynafulla SW 375m, Gowlbeg Mountain 362m, Nareera 530m, Nareera North Top 503m, Nareera South-West Top 505m, Shrone Hill 283m, Sugarloaf Mountain 574m, Sugarloaf Mountain Far West Top 560m, Sugarloaf Mountain West Top 565m N: Coomnadiha: Baurearagh Mountain 489m, Caha Far SE Top 555m, Caha SE Top 585m, Coomnadiha 644m, Coomnalack Top 435m, Cummeenbaun 510m, Droppa 522m, Killane Mountain 537m, Killane Mountain South-West Top 533m, Knockagarrane 414m, Knockreagh 499.1m N: Knockeirka: Barraduff Mountain 400m, Killaha Mountain 400m, Knockeirka 426m N: Knocknagorraveela: Derrysallagh 410m, Feorus East 474m, Knocknagorraveela 507m, Knocknagorraveela NE Top 464m N: Lauragh: Knockanoughanish 386m, Knockatee 330m S: Castletownbere: Disert 205m, Knockanallig (Bear Island) 267m W: Ardgroom: Derryvour Hill 160m W: Eskatarriff: Coomacloghane 598.9m, Eskatarriff 600.5m, Eskatarriff East Top 532.7m, Keeragh Mountain 363.2m, Knocknaveacal North Top 512.7m, Knocknaveacal South Top 512.7m, Lackabane 603m, Tooreenbaha 408.7m, Tooreennamna 524m, Tooth Mountain 592m W: Knocknagree: Knocknagree 586m, Knocknagree East Top 461m, Knocknagree SE Top 442m, Lackawee 572m, Maulin 621m, Maulin North Top 579m
Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not
islands as such.
Knocknagree, 586mMountain Cnoc na Groí A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Cnoc na Groí [T6000], 'hill of the horses'), Cork County in Munster province, in Arderin, Irish Best Hundred Lists, Knocknagree is the 323rd highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference V72680 50572,
OS 1:50k mapsheet 84 Place visited by: 83members, recently by: farmerjoe1, Peter Walker, Krzysztof_K, CusackMargaret, johncusack, a3642278, John.geary, Taisce, chelman7, mountainmike, eiremountains, Superterence, jackos, annem, Ulsterpooka
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Knc586, 10 char: Knocknagre Linkback:
Gallery for Knocknagree (Cnoc na Groí) and surrounds
for Knocknagree (Cnoc na Groí):
Knobly ridge with views of wild land.
Summary created by simon3, jackill
01 Nov, 2012
Picture: Knocknagree from the West: gold, green grey and blue.
Leave the car at Rosmackowen Church Ross Cem (V74200 47209) and head up the little borheen immediately after the Church on the Castletownbere side.
Take the left hand fork after a few hundred meters and continue on through a gate following a rough track to the Glas Loughs at about 400 meters elevation.
The face of Knocknagree that looks out over Beara Island is the best approach to take with the least amount of climbing around the rocky folds typical of the area.
After beating a hasty retreat last month a good weather forecast and an early start last Sunday saw me back in Beara. I started from the same point (Rosmackowen Church) and followed the track up to the Glas Loughs.On a fine day it was easy to see that the face of Knocknagree that looks out over Beara Island was the best approach to take (last time I had struggled up the easten face).Its a steady climb up from the Loughs with amazing views out over the sea and back over towards Hungry Hill.From the summit I went down the west side to the col which links up with Maulin and Lackawee.
Even on a very dry summers day this area had quite a few places where you could sink up to the knees in bog.I rested for a while near a small lake on the col then it was on to Maulin.
The picture was taken from the summit of Maulin looking back to the tortured rock formations of Knocknagree with Hungry Hill looming behind and off to the left Derryclancy above the Healy pass.
Off in the background behind Derryclancy is the Sugarloaf over Glengarriff. Linkback:
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Picture: Bear Island from Knocknagree
jackill on Knocknagree
by jackill
2 Dec 2005
Some days you find yourself walking in fog so thick you can't see the end of your nose , in a gale, with driving rain on what the forecasters said would be the best day of the weekend - then you step into a knee deep bog hole. That was last Saturday. I started at Rosmackowen Church Ross Cem (V74200 47209) and headed up the roadway to the fork then left to find the gate where the road becomes an unpaved track. There is just about room to park one car here without being in anyones way. Then it was 2 kms along this very good track to the area around the Glas Loughs. From the Loughs I headed straight across for the summit of Knocknagree, a bare, desolate place marked with the stone ridges so typical of the area. I struck out for Maulin and Lackawee but decided to turn around after about 1 km due to the weather conditions worsening. I went back to the Glas loughs and had a quick bite of lunch (almost had to crawl under a rock for some shelter) and the back down the track to the car. I hate not finishing a route but on unfamiliar ground and walking on your own sometimes I guess it has to happen. The photo is of Bear Island taken from near the summit in a rare break in the cloud.9 kms and 2.5 hrs.(At least I bagged Cummeeshrule on the way home) Linkback:
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Picture: Heading down Knocknagree, looking over Glas Loughs to Hungry Hill
SDillmore on Knocknagree
by SDillmore
17 Jul 2005
Having received the "get in the car now and go" marching orders from Jackill, I headed for Knocknagree. The mountain did not disappoint. I headed over from Maulin, taking the col from the north of the peaks. Fantastic views down towards Eskatarriff and Knockowen, while Hungry Hill can swallow up the entire landscape if you face it. The deep blue of the Glas Loughs is not to be missed.
I parked at a junction with the Beara way at A (V720 484), where there is room for three cars. I met the landowner on the way up and he didn't mind the parking at his gate.
Next time I'd come up Knocknagree and down Maulin. There is some fun scrambling to be had up Knocknagree's west face. Linkback:
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Picture: The Glas Loughs
jackill on Knocknagree
by jackill
2 Dec 2005
From under a rock at the Glas Loughs looking across at Knockowen in the centre,Derryclancy just to the right and the rocky side of Hungry hill rising up on the extreme right.
Despite the weather and the bog if you haven't been here get in the car now and go. Linkback:
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Hills from the Beara Way 3
by three5four0
16 Aug 2010
See Lackawee for the approach route.
This is a splendid little hill, one that laughs in the face of heightists, who scorn anything below the magic 2,000 foot line. It's a sort of half way point or more aptly, a crossing point between the mainly grassy Maulin and Lackwee hills to the more rough & ready Hungry Hill. Rockier than one but not as much as the next!
We descended with care , down grassy re entrants through and round the rock outcrops. It was here our GPS started playing tricks, first telling us we where at the bottom, then out on the East face, while we hadn't moved at all. Perhaps NATO were tracking some mystery Submarine, out in Bantry Bay. And right on cue, mist came in from the West and it started to rain!
Once we reached the bottom, we continued in NE direction, along a rising ridge that culminated in the summit of Knocknagree E Top.
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